CRM_ICM_UI_OBJ - UI messages for Investigative Case management Objects

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_ICM_UI_OBJ: UI messages for Investigative Case management Objects.
It is part of development package CRMS4_ICM_OBJ in software component CRM-S4-IPS-ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S4CRM: Investigative Case Management Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Relationship to ICM object could not be created
001Navigation decriptor not provided; navigation canceled
002Dynamic navigation customizing not defined for this user profile
003Related object not found
004Object &1 is archived
005Location &1 is archived
006Enter persons responsible who are allowed to access the object
050Synchronization between "Description" and "Other Names" set type failed
051Enter persons responsible who are allowed to access the location
052You are not authorized to change the "Hidden" checkbox
053You have been set up as a person responsible
054You are not authorized to change the "Security Level"
100Relationship to location could not be created
103Related location was not found
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