CRM_IC_SERVICE - IC Web Client - Service Related Messages

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_IC_SERVICE: IC Web Client - Service Related Messages.
It is part of development package CRM_IC_APPL_UI_SERVICE in software component CRM-IC-SVO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service UI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000First identify an account
001The business transaction does not support sales
002Create service product &1 in master data
003Customizing missing: no code for category &1
004Customizing missing: no category for code &1
005Automatic routing found no responsible Organizational Unit
006No rule found for automatic routing
007Navigation failed
008Customizing for categorization missing
009Routing to employee without responsible org. unit not supported
010Rule found &1 responsible organizational units. Check routing result
011Rule found &1 responsible employees. Check routing result
012No service order template found for category &1
013Refine search parameter for product id
014No appointment scheduling possible!
015More than &1 results found
016Registered Product &1 has been exchanged with &2
017Already several Registered Products in Order, no selection possible
018Registered Product has been set to &1
019Registered product &1 has been removed
020Only numeric value allowed for &1
021Registered product &1 could not be removed
022Registered product &1 could not be set
023No Results found
024No service order template found for the selected category
025Routing to responsible group &1 without partner assigned is not supported
026Routing to responsible group &1 without partner function is not supported
027Knowledge base ID must contain numbers only
028Knowledge base ID &1 does not exist; select an ID from the input help
029Customizing is incorrect for equipment category or partner function
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