CRM_LINK - Nachrichten des Link-Handlers

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_LINK: Nachrichten des Link-Handlers.
It is part of development package CRM_LINK in software component CRM-BTX-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Order: Link Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Link handler parameterization is incorrect
002Unidentifiable error after calling an external program
003The links to be created already exist
004The link to be deleted does not exist or has already been deleted
005No links corresponding to the specified data could be determined
006Initialization unnecessary, as buffer empty
007No links to be transferred in the object buffer exist
008Function will not be executed, as required data has not been loaded
009Save function not executed, as no modified data could be determined
010No usage could be determined for the object
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