CRM_ORDER_CUST - Customizing Order (General)

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_ORDER_CUST: Customizing Order (General).
It is part of development package CRM_ORDER in software component CRM-BTX-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Order: General Order Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter a valid organizational data profile identifier
002Transaction &2 is not defined in Customizing
003System error; read error in Customizing table &1, &2 = '&3'
004System error; incorrect call of read module for table &1
005Transaction &3 is missing in language &2
006Business transaction category &3 is missing in language &2
007Business transaction category &2 is not defined
008No application area assignments maintained for trans. &1 in Customizing
009No application areas have been maintained for business object &2
010The business transaction category cannot be assigned
011System error; a dynamic assignment was incorrect
012Enter a business transaction type
013Enter a business transaction category
014System error; read error in Customizing table &1
015Maintenance of Customizing for application area &1 is not necessary
016First delete the assignments for the application area
017Item category &2 is not defined in Customizing
018Item category &3 is missing in language &2
019Enter an item category
020Enter a product category
021A valid item category could not be determined
022Item category &1 does not match the transaction context
023Choose a business transaction category
024Item category &1 cannot be assigned to transaction type &2
025No appl. area assignments maintained in Customizing for item category &2
026Item category group &3 is missing in language &2
027Item category group &2 is not defined in Customizing
028No sales-specific Customizing entries maintained for item category &2
029Enter a business transaction category
030Item usage &3 is missing in language &2
031Item usage &2 is not defined in Customizing
032Enter a number range object
033Enter an item category group
034Enter an item usage
035No subobjects have been assigned to the application areas of trans. &1
036No subobjects have been assigned to application area &1
037Enter an object
038An object of this type (table CRMC_OBJECTS) may not be assigned
039No subobjects have been assigned to the appl. areas of item category &1
040No subobjects have been assigned to application area &1
041No assignments have been maintained in table &1 for application area &2
042Enter a valid partner determination procedure
043An error code could not be determined
044Enter a valid text determination procedure
045Enter a valid status profile
046Enter a valid Available-To-Promise (ATP) profile
047Enter a valid number range interval
048Transaction type & is still being used in item category determination
049Item category & still being used in item category determination
050Partner det. proc. does not match business object type of trans. type
051Partner det. proc. does not match business object type of item category
052Item category group & still being used in item category determination
053Item category usage & still being used in item category determination
054Transaction type & locked for processing
055Item category & locked for processing
056Organizational profile: A unique text could not be determined
057Assign application area & in addition
058Enter a number range interval for internal number assignment
059Enter a partner determination procedure
060Activity-specific Customizing missing for transaction &2
061Opportunity-specific Customizing missing for transaction &2
062Sales-specific Customizing missing for transaction &2
063Service-specific Customizing missing for transaction &2
064Transaction type already being used; object type can no longer be changed
065Item category already being used; object type can no longer be changed
066Application V Client &1
067Problems while updating table &1
068Org. data profile is missing and is proposed by the system with &
069The org. data profile & entered is not allowed
070Action for variant matching can only be chosen w/ autom. variant matching
071No data available
072The partner determ. procedure used does not allow the transaction categ.
073Setting Switch to IPC only possible with new structure explosion
074This business transaction category must be maintained using another view
075The action profile is only allowed for object type '&2'
076The action profile is only allowed with date profile '&2'
077Revise short description for transaction type
078Revise long text description of transaction type
079Product master data should be re-determined
080The action profile does not exist, or is not assigned to an object type
081No service-specific Customizing maintained for item category &2
082No confirmation-specific Customizing maintained for item category &2
083Specification not for assignment is not allowed for object type sales
084Stauts object type '&1' is not allowed at header level
085Status object type '&1' is not allowed at item level
086Status profile '&1' does not exist at item level
087Status profile '&1' does not exist at header level
088Status profile '&1' does not exist for object type '&2'
089Item category &1 is not allowed according to table CRMC_BT_BTI_ASSI
090Object reference procedure &1 is not defined in Customizing
091Milestone billing does not permit pricing
092Type of ATP check overlaps with the global setting
093GTS-relevant items have to be relevant for billing or delivery
094Enter a valid additional external reference profile
095No rebate-specific Customizing is maintained for item category &2
096Function only available when System Config. for Service Parts Mgmt active
097No item usages defined in Customizing
098No texts for item usages defined in Customizing
099Only item categories with order-related billing are possible
100Transaction type &1 is not sales area-dependent
101System error: Invalid parameters when calling function module: &1
102External billing is not possible in the Service Parts Management scenario
103In Service Parts Management, intercompany billing is only possible in CRM
104Item category &1 cannot be assigned due to billing relevance &2
105Dependent Item indicator must be selected for item category &1
106Dependent Item indicator must be selected for item category &1
107No service contract-specific Customizing maintained for item category &2
108Milestone billing does not permit value-based billing relevance
109Object type &1 is not allowed with value-based billing relevance
110Claim chargeback-specific Customizing missing for transaction &2
111Explosion ind. cannot be removed; srv. contract item categories assigned
112Explosion ind. can only be set if only quot. item categories are assigned
113Item category &1 can only be assigned to a package transaction type
114Only quotation items can be assigned to package transaction types
115Product substitution can only be used in sales transactions
116Object type &1 is not allowed for one-off charges
117Storage location &1 isn't assigned to plant &2.
118You can't enter '*' in field 'Plant'. Enter an existing plant.
119You can't enter '*' in field 'Employee'. Enter an employee ID.
120First entry for channel &1; all other process types will be deactivated
121Transaction type &1 does not have leading business transac. category &2
122Source table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV empty. Nothing to migrate.
123Start of migration of table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV.
124Entry to be saved: Client= &4 Ctry/Reg= &1 Plant= &2 Storage Location= &3
125Entries saved successfully in table CRMS4C_PLNT_SRV.
126Error when saving entries in table CRMS4C_PLNT_SRV.
127Source table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV updated successfully.
128Error when updating table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV. Deletion failed.
129End of migration of table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV.
130No open transports with table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV found. No action required.
131Open transports found with table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV.
132Cannot read object keys of transport &1 in order to replace object keys.
133New transport object key: Table &1, view &2, activity &3 object key &4.
134New transport object key(s) cannot be inserted in transport &1.
135Transport object key in transport &1 inserted in view CRMS4V_PLNT_SRV.
136Object key to be deleted: Table &1, view &2, activity &3 object key &4.
137Object key with 'Employee' <> '*' in transport &1 could not be deleted.
138Working on transport &1.
139Working on object key: Table &1, view &2, activity &3 object key &4.
140Records from non-SAP Systems cannot be deleted
141XPRA parameters: Simulate (no change) = '&1', Display Log = '&2'.
142You can't enter '*' in field 'Storage Location'.
143You can't enter '*' in field 'Employee Storage Location'.
144Table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV does not contain entries with 'Plant' = '*'.
145Entry to be deleted: Client= &1 Ctry/Reg.= &2 Plant= &3 Storage Loc= &4.
146Entries deleted successfully
147Error when updating table CRMS4C_PLANT_SRV. Deletion failed.
148Value & is not a partner.
149Value & is not an employee.
400* * * * Customizing * * *
401There is no record with the values &1 &2 &3 in the table status reason
402No record &1 &2 available in mapping table
403No record &1 &2 available in mapping table transaction type/category
404Maintenance of two dimensional scales not permitted
405Maintain this attribute under the service process assignment
406Define target value or quantity for service based rev. recogn.
408Autosuggest indicator set multiple times for the same item category
409Autocomplete indicator set multiple times for the same item category
410Autosuggest indicator set multiple times for transaction type &1
411Autocomplete indicator set multiple times for transaction type &1
412Item Determination indicator set multiple times for transaction type &1
413Only use transaction types that have been defined for In-House Repair.
600* * * * Initial download * * *
601Error while entering data in the table & during the initial download
602Error while deleting data in the table & during the initial download
603Table TCC1 in field CRULE does not contain only numerical values
604Error while copying data from &1 to &2 during the initial download
700 * * * Product proposal * * *
701Method schema does not exist for sales org &1 and transaction type &2
702Sales organization must be maintained
703Sales organization & is not available
704Implicit contract account creation is not supported
705BUS2000256 has already been assigned to a transaction type.
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