CRM_ORDPRP_I - Messages for PRP

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_ORDPRP_I: Messages for PRP.
It is part of development package CRM_ORDPRP in software component CRM-BTX-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Connection: PPR to One-Order".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Product/object list data for GUID &1 could not be created.
001Not all items could be copied.
002Number assigned too large for handle in subprogram '&1'.
003Product list is not supported for service contract.
004Product/object list cannot be maintained for item.
005Error when adding input data to product/object list &1.
006Error during PUT for GUID &1.
007Entries for GUID &1 could not be copied (Fill).
008Error in Publish for GUID &1.
009Error when merging in product/object list &1.
010Only enter one product reference category per line.
011Only enter one entry per line in the object list.
012Only a numerical entry is allowed for field &1.
013No PPR category could be determined.
014There are no product proposals for this product.
015Select one line only.
016PPR '&1' is not active.
018&1 service plan item(s) generated
020No price agreements can be created.
021Enter either one product ID or one hierarchy per line in product list.
022Enter only one type of objects per line in the object list.
023Product &1 does not exist.
024Product hierarchy &1 does not exist.
025Equipment ID &1 does not exist.
026Enter at least one of the values, either product ID or hierarchy.
027Enter least one type of objects per line in the object list.
030Enter product information (product, product category or partner product).
031Product &1 does not have a description in logon language &2
032Equipment &1 does not have a description in logon language &2
033Functional location ID &1 does not exist.
034No description in logon language &2 for functional location &1.
035You can't delete the object in object list because item is completed.
036You can't add an object in object list because item is completed.
037Change to object list was discarded as you entered a duplicate object.
038Object list contains duplicate objects.
800*** BAdI call error messages 800 - 899 ***
801Error is BADI method CRM_ORDPRP_I_CHECK
802No data transfer from BADI method CRM_ORDPRP_I_MERGE
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