CRM_PS_4S_BRFP - Message Class for Social Services BRF+ integration

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_PS_4S_BRFP: Message Class for Social Services BRF+ integration.
It is part of development package CRM_PS_BRFPLUS in software component CRM-S4-IPS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM / Social Services BRFPlus functionalties".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** 000-099 Reserved for common messages
001&1 &2 &3 &4
100*** 100-198 Messages for Expression Type "Search"
101BAdI CRM_BRFP_SEARCH: multiple impl. exist for filters &1 and &2
102The result object is not of type table
103The result object does not represent a table of CRM object GUIDs
104No predecessor search allowed for case search expression
105Predecessor search has to be of expression type CRM search
106Predecessor search has to be of search object &1
107No predecessor search expression set
108Search parameter &1 not compatible to search value expression &2
109Missing mandatory search parameter(s): &1
110Missing search value(s) for the parameter &1
111No multivalue allowed for parameter &1
112Predecessor data object does not represent a table of CRM object GUIDs
113BAdI CRM_BRFP_SEARCH: Data element &1 does not exist
114BAdI CRM_BRFP_SEARCH: One or more field(s) are defined several times
115No search object set
116Select search parameters &1 and &2 together
117Usage of search parameter &1 requires parameter &2
118Usage of parameter &1 disables the multivalue function of parameter &2.
119Search value of parameter &2 is incomplete at position &1.
120Search object changed from &1 to &2
121Search object set to &1
122Search object &1 removed
123Predecessor search object changed from &1 to &2
124Predecessor search object set to &1
125Predecessor search object &1 removed
126Search parameter &1 was added with &2 line(s) in the range table
127Search parameter &1 was removed
128Search parameter &1 changed:
129New &1 search with &2 search parameter(s) created
130Case type &1 has been determined
131Search object: &1
132Evaluating search values of search parameter &1
133Evaluating search value at position &1
134Sign = &1, Option = &2
135Low expression:
136Low simple value = &1
137High expression:
138High simple value = &1
139Search is based upon:
141Search failed due to parameter errors
142End date must be later than start date
160Parameter &1 could not be mapped to the result object
161Only one attribute can be selected since result object is of type element
162Result object was successfully updated
163Save in order to make the changes to result object effective
164You must specify a result object before it can be bound
165Assign a context parameter or expression to the order GUID
166The expression or data object is not compatible with the order GUID
167The expression or data object is not compatible with business partner ID
168Assign context parameter or expression to business partner ID
169Mapping to non-applicable data object for parameter &1
199*** 199-299: Messages for Calling BRF+
200Error during BRFplus trace processing
201Error during case type determination using BRFplus
202Error during BRFplus; process type not found
203Error during case determination using BRFplus
204Error during item proposal using BRFplus
205Error during SSP assignment using BRFplus
206Error during BRFplus; main business partner not found
207Error during web request form data validation using BRFplus
208Error during saving of BRFplus trace
209Error during BRFplus; Web request category not found
210&1 is not a valid BRFplus application
211&1 is not a valid BRFplus function within &2
212No BRFplus application/function customized for process step &1
213BRFplus application instantiation failed; check &1 Customizing
214BRFplus function instantiation failed; check &1 Customizing
215BRFplus application &1 instantiation failed; check &2 Customizing
216BRFplus function &1 instantiation failed; check &2 Customizing
217BRFplus function &1 improper for &2 (requiring context &3)
218BRFplus application &1 contains no function &2
219Error during Decision Basis determination using BRFplus
221Error during Scope Determination using BRFplus
222BRFplus trace not supported for Scope Check
223Error during Scope Check using BRFplus
225Error during reduction determination using BRFplus
227For BRF+ Function &1, versioning is turned off
228The function &1 does not have the right context for this process step
300*** 300-399 Messages for Action Type "Activity"
301Enter a business transaction type
302Enter an reason for CRM activity
303Activity reason is incorrect
304User status of activity is incorrect
305Priority of activity is incorrect
306Category of activity is incorrect
307Goal of activity is incorrect
308Initial free text for message &1 is not allowed
309Enter a message type for message &1
310Duplicate message types are not allowed
311Activity &1 has been created
312No multiple field names allowed
313Message class &1, number &2 does not have a longtext in language &3
314Expression &1 could not be read
315Enter an expression for partner function &1
316Primary person can be used only once for each partner function &1
317Partner function &1 with same expression already existing
318Partner function &1 inconsistent; &2 partners expected
319Return type for case GUID must be of type text with length 32
320Elements of table for case GUID must be of type text with length 32
321Return type for activity template must be of type text with length 32
322Return type for language must be of type text with length 2
323Return type for transaction history must be of type text with length 32
324Invalid return value for date
325Return type for business partner ID must be of type text with length 10
326Return type for enhanced fields must be of type text
327BP with function &1 and expression &2 added
328BP with function &1 and expression &2 deleted
329Unknown exception calling function module &1
330New BRFplus action type for CRM activity created with transaction type &1
331Field &1 changed from &2 to &3
332Field &1 set to &2
333Field &1 removed
334Text with text type &1 added
335Text with text type &1 deleted
336Field &1 and expression &2 added
337Field &1 and expression &2 deleted
338Deactivation of BP determination and call in EC are not allowed
339Enter an expression for field &1 (Enhancements)
340Use only one message as activity description
341Unknown exception calling method &1 of class &2
342Transaction type is incorrect
343Return type f. leading bus.trans obj. must be of type text with length 32
344Enter an expression for the leading business transaction object
345Activity with ID &1 created successfully
346Function module CRM_PS_ACTIVITY_CREATE ended with error
347&1 case GUID found; for each case GUID one activity will be created
348Activity will be created in language &1
349Field &1 changed from &2 to &3 in partner function &4
350Partner function &1 inconsistent; one partner expected
351No empty entry in tab enhancements allowed
352No multiple fields with name &1 in tab enhancements allowed
353No multiple empty field names in tab enhancements allowed
354No empty entry in tab business partner allowed
400*** 400-449 Messages for Expression Type "Web Request"
401Select Web request field from tree
402Envelope field must be selected
403Select a Web request category
404The result object does not fit to the selected field
405The Web request order GUID is not a CRM object GUID
406Select a source type
407A new Web request field expression with source type &1 was created
408Web request expression error: Missing order
409Select a valid Web request field
410Web request order GUID needs to be of type text with length 32
411Request type &1 does not exist
412Web request expression &1: Order ID cannot be assigned
500*** 500-549 Message for Action Type "Case Note"
501Enter a value for the number of cases
502Expression &1 could not be read
503Return type for case search object is not correct
504Enter an expression for the case search
505Number of cases found > 1; input of allowed cases = 1
506Number of cases found = 0; input of allowed cases = 1
507Number of cases found > 1; input of allowed cases max. 1
508Number of cases found = 0; input of allowed cases at least 1
509New BRFplus action of type CRM case note created
510Type conversion error during evaluation of expression &1
511Action &1 contains no messages
512Timestamp type &1 is not supported; expression &2 of function &3
513Type conversion error
514No multiple empty field names allowed in note attributes
515No multiple fields with name &1 allowed in note attributes
516No empty entry allowed in note attributes
517Enter an expression for field &1 in note attributes
518&1 case GUID(s) found; one note will be created for each case
519Note will be created in language &1
520Note has been created for case &1
521Language &1 from expression &2 is unknown.System language is used instead
522Error occurred during eligibility period determination
600*** 600-619 Messages for Action Type "Web Request Message"
601Assigned expression &1 is not of type CRM Web Request Read
602The source type of expression &1 has to be Web Request Field
603Action failed; invalid field reference assigned
604There was a change in message for field reference at position &1
605No field xpath found in web request &1
701Class &1 does not implement method &1
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