CRM_PS_DM - Debt Management Messages
The following messages are stored in message class CRM_PS_DM: Debt Management Messages.
It is part of development package CRM_PS_DM_GENERAL in software component CRM-S4-DM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Debt Management : Package for General Objects".
It is part of development package CRM_PS_DM_GENERAL in software component CRM-S4-DM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Debt Management : Package for General Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | *** Enforcement Action messages 001-100 *** |
002 | Enter a value with no special characters. |
003 | Enter an enforcement action type. |
004 | Enter a start date that's before the end date. |
005 | Enter an external status. |
006 | Triggering status &1 is already used. Select another value. |
007 | Only one initial status is allowed at a time. |
008 | Record &1 in extension &2 doesn't exist. Try saving again. |
009 | Enter an enforcement action type. |
010 | Entry with identical key already exists. |
011 | General error for segment PS_DM_EA_H. |
012 | SAP ERP couldn't be reached. Please check the connection and try again. |
013 | Your changes to debt set selection weren't completed. Please try again. |
014 | Enter an end date that's after the start date. |
015 | Date &1 isn't within the configured validity range. |
016 | Value &1 for field &2 is incorrect. |
017 | Enter debtor information. |
018 | Debt set couldn't be linked to the enforcement action. |
019 | Debt sets couldn't be locked. Another user may be using them. |
020 | Asset Income Register &1 isn't allowed. |
021 | Select a debt set to remove. |
022 | Record &1/&2/&3/&4 could not be saved due to errors. See messages above. |
023 | Debtor doesn't have any accounts. |
024 | You don't have authorization for object &1 activity &2. |
025 | You don't have authorization in the backend system for &1. |
026 | Enforcement action &1 isn't allowed. |
027 | Maintaining references to target transaction types isn't supported. |
028 | Enforcement Action & can't be locked, Debt set changes not possible |
029 | Cannot determine currency for totals. |
030 | Debt set &1 not found. |
031 | Debt set &1 can't be locked. |
032 | Cannot determine currency for debt set totals (BAdI CRM_PS_DM_EA_CURR). |
033 | Debt set &1 successfully saved. |
034 | No debt sets found for debtor &1. |
035 | Enforcement Action couldn't be saved due to missing Part. Func. "Debtor". |
036 | Partner doesn't exist. |
037 | Debtor in the debt set is different from the debtor in enforcement action |
038 | Partner Function "Debtor" isn't configured correctly. |
039 | Business transaction &1 can't be carried out. |
040 | Due to the protection status, items can't be unassigned from debt set &1. |
041 | Due to the protection status, items can't be added to debt set &1. |
042 | Due to the protection status, items can't be moved from debt set &1 to &2 |
043 | Items can't be moved from debt set &1 to &2. |
044 | Items can't be unassigned from debt set &1. |
045 | Enforcement action type not valid. |
046 | System failure. |
047 | Enforcement action not valid. |
048 | Enforcement action not found. |
050 | No authorization for processing enforcement action. |
051 | Change of circumstances type &1 occurred for enforcement action &2. |
052 | Change of circumstances type &1 occurred for debtor &2. |
053 | Enforcement action couldn't be saved. |
054 | Enforcement action already locked. |
055 | Changes to enforcement action are not allowed. |
056 | Unknown error. |
057 | Debt set &1 sucessfully added to enforcement action. |
058 | Enforcement action &1 saved successfully. |
059 | Debt set &1 not inserted. |
060 | Not allowed to change already assigned enforcement action debtor. |
061 | More than 1 debtor assigned for the enforcement action. |
062 | No authorization to change debt set assignment for transaction type &1. |
063 | Items can't be moved from Debt Set &1 to &2, authorizations missing. |
064 | Enforcement action & can't be locked. |
065 | Enforcement action is canceled and can no longer be changed. |
066 | No authorization to to assign items to debt set &1. |
067 | Item &1 is already asigned to debt set &2. |
100 | Messages related to RFC change of status ******************************* |
101 | Object is not possible to change to status ID &1. |
102 | Process &1 doesnt exist or isn't possible to be performed for the object. |
103 | Target status &1 is illegal for current enforcement action status. |
104 | Enforcement action was already cancelled. Status change isn't allowed. |
105 | Start date of enforcement action is missing. |
106 | End date of enforcement action is missing. |
107 | No debtor assigned to the enforcement action. |
108 | No employee responsible assigned to the enforcement action. |
109 | Enforcement action is completed/cancelled. Changes aren't allowed. |
110 | Start date of released enforcement action is not changeable. |
200 | *** Enforcement Action Replication messages 201-220 *** |
201 | Communication failure or system failure during synchronous call. |
202 | Middleware RFC dest. &1 and synchronous RFC dest. &2 not equal. |
250 | *** Messages related to debt set and open item changes*** |
251 | Please select a debt set to merge. |
252 | This debt set is protected. You can't remove open items. |
253 | Please select an open item to move. |
254 | Please select an open item to unassign. |
255 | Debt set is empty. |
256 | Debt sets couldn't be locked in the backend system. |
257 | Debt set not found. |
258 | Debt set status doesn't allow set to be added to an enforcement action. |
259 | No authorization to change debt sets of type &1 |
260 | Debt set(s) couldn't be read due to missing authorizations. |
300 | *** BP Overview(360) messages 301-350 *** |
301 | Define selection parameters. |
302 | Sequence number &1 is used for type &2. |
303 | No predictive score read, please look into your configuration. |
304 | Predictive analysis calculation configuration is missing. |
305 | Please enter a function module. Data can't be saved. |
306 | The function module you entered doesn't exist. Please check your entry. |
307 | Enter a value for prediction type. |
308 | The Pay-off date you selected is in the past, Please enter a valid date. |
350 | *** Collection History messages 350 - 399 *** |
351 | &1 isn't a valid entry. |
352 | Debt set & doesn't have any open items in this simulation run. |
353 | Collection history records has been saved successfully. |
354 | Data hasn't changed or contain errors. Your data wasn't saved. |
355 | No simulation data for debt set &1. |
356 | The dates from &1 to &2 aren't valid for &3. |
357 | Error when executing &1. |
358 | Error retrieving the dunning status for &1. |
359 | External program executed successfully. |
360 | You're entering a duplicated key for excluded steps. Check your entries. |
361 | &1 generic dates defined. You can't duplicate it without dates. |
362 | Dates for &1 aren't defined. Please check your entry. |
363 | The item has a key inconsistency. |
364 | Open the debt set list and select a valid item. |
365 | &1 isn't valid because it's defined as the next step for debt set &2. |
366 | Correct your entries before you can save. |
367 | You need to enter a value for &1 field or leave both dates blank. |
368 | &1 is during an exclusion period. |
400 | Business partner &1 successfully confirmed. |
401 | Business partner &1 successfully reset. |
402 | Can't process debt set data. Debtor is blocked. |
403 | Can't assign item(s). Clearing for items of the debtor are ongoing. |
404 | Can't assign item(s). Item not found. |