CRM_SUITE - Nachrichten f�r die CRM_SURVEY_SUITE

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_SUITE: Nachrichten f�r die CRM_SURVEY_SUITE.
It is part of development package CRM_APPLICATION_TOOL_SUITE in software component CRM-BF-SVY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Tools Suite".
Message Nr
Message Text
000There are no Translations of the Selected Survey
001File Name must include Character String 'SURVEY'
002Enter File Name with the Ending (*.css or *.xml)
003File &1 has been created
004File &1 cannot be written
005You have used the incorrect front end for export
006You need authorization to transport selected survey
007Access to File is not possible
008Memory space is full
009The application you have entered does not exist. Correct your entry.
010This Survey already exists. Enter a new name
011Select the application to which the survey is to be assigned
012Select a survey
013Select a File
014Open the appropriate node
016Select a translation
017Select the folder to which the file is to be assigned
018Static parameter XSLTs cannot be edited
019Invalid editor mode
020The survey you wish to maintain already exists
021The survey you have selected is locked
022Survey could not be found
024Generation error
025Data save failed
026Switch to Change Mode
027Style Sheet &1 was saved successfully
028Style sheet &1 was successfully imported
029File &1 was successfully replaced
030Survey &1 adopted by sales order &2
031Survey &1 of Application &2 Deleted
032Survey &1 successfully imported
033Survey &1 sucessfully replaced
034Survey &1 could not be deleted
035Node could not be deleted
036Survey &1 was successfully copied to &2 of application &3
037Survey &1 was successfully activated
038Survey &1 was successfully deleted
039Survey &1 is already active
040Survey &1 cannot be deleted from the Survey Suite
041No surveys exist for this application
042No survey name was entered
043Survey &1 was successfully generated
044Please select the BP type for the marketing attribute set
050Invalid file type &1
051Parameter file &1 was successfully imported
052Parameter file &1 was successfully replaced
053Parameter file &1 is invalid
054Parameter file &1 is not valid
060File &1 included in transport &2
061File &1 saved.
064Survey &1 not active in source language &2
065Survey &1 not active in target language &2
066Translation template cannot be tested
067Translation template cannot be replaced
068Double-click on the translation template &1 &2
069Survey &1, language &2 differs from system language &3
070Survey cannot be translated into &1. Log on in the target language
071Survey &1 not active in source language &2
072Switch to translation mode
073Translation mode active
074Translation saved
075Translation will be shown in display mode
076Target language differs from system logon language
077Translation was not saved. Log on in target language.
078Translation into language &2 already active for survey &1
079New version of survey &1 cannot be created
080Settings for survey &1 saved
081Language &1 not defined
082Language &1 is not installed in the system
083Target language and master language are identical
084Translation in &1 already exists
085This translation is active: change is not permitted
086Translation cannot be modified by this function. Use double-click.
088Action canceled by user
100No errors have been found in schema validation
101XML Survey contains errors
102No errors found during verification
103No errors were found during check
110The survey was successfully adapted to current schema
120The logon language does not match the original language &
130Enter a column number larger than 0 for the text area
131Enter a line number larger than 0 for the text area
132Enter a length larger than 0 for the input field
133Enter a maximum length larger than the input length
150Translation template cannot be copied
151Translation not yet active, or still in process
152Translation template could not be generated
200The survey does not yet exist. A template will be generated
201An error occured during parsing
202Note category '&' is not supported
203Only one answer option is allowed for each answer in input fields
204A title already exists. Only one title is allowed for each survey
205You cannot double-click on this node category
206Subsections are not possible for table format sections
207In tables, answers are only permissible for the first question
208The node 'reusable elements' already exists.
209Only one question is allowed for each reusable question
210Pushbuttons are part of sections. Select a section!
211Select a question or answer!
212Select an answer or an answer option!
213Select an application toolbar!
214Select the root node!
215Select the node for reusable elements!
216'Dynamic list boxes' cannot contain statistical answer options
217Only one answer is permitted in the checkbox (-> checkbox group)
218You must select an answer option for radio groups and list boxes
220Node does not exist
221The 'pushbutton' element already exists
222Only one question is allowed in tables for each section
223The 'reusable elements' node already exists
230Survey is currently being processed by '&1'. Only display possible.
231Error in lock management. Only possible to display.
240The survey ID copied does not match the ID specified in the survey
241Maintain at least one reply option as a reply
242Maintain at least one question or subsection for section
243Maintain at least one "send" pushbutton
250Error during generation of XML Public Service Values
270Survey does not exist in language &1 and will be displayed in language &2
300The survey was successfully saved
301Maintain a description text for the survey (see attributes)
302The first character of ID '&' must be a letter
303The indicator '&' is not permitted in the ID.
304Save your changes before testing.
305The ID must not have the prefix '&1'
306Only lower case letters are allowed in ID '&1' in the HTML GUI
310You cannot delete. Survey must contain at least one section
311You cannot delete. Survey must contain at least one question
312You cannot delete. Survey must contain at least one answer
313You cannot delete. Survey must contain at least one answer option
314You cannot delete. Survey must contain at least one root node
315The reusable question is still being referred to and cannot be deleted.
316The reusable answer is still being referred to and cannot be deleted.
320Select a node
330The ID '&' already exists. Choose another ID
331The command ID '&' already exists. Choose another command ID
332The Id '&' already exists. Change the Id before moving it.
335Insertion not possible. The section already contains pushbuttons.
350Intervals in marketing characteristics are not taken into account ('&1')
351Attribute '&1' for business partner category '&2' already exists
352Select a section or a question
353Marketing attribute questions are not permitted in tables
400Marketing attribute '&1' does not exist
500Error Message
501Survey &1 could not be activated
502Survey &1 created successfully
600A generation error occurred on the printing interface
610Translation template for survey &1 cannot be printed
620Media type (printer) not maintained for survey &1
700All data was imported
701No data is available for evaluation
702Select the corresponding answer node for text fields
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