CRM_SVY_API - Schnittstellenkommunikation R/3 <-> Survey Engine

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_SVY_API: Schnittstellenkommunikation R/3 <-> Survey Engine.
It is part of development package CRM_SVY_API in software component CRM-BF-SVY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM_SVY_API".
Message Nr
Message Text
097Survey &1 could not be loaded
098The conversion was terminated.
099No survey matches the selection conditions
100The survey could not be found
101Survey &1, version &2 has not been translated into language &3
102Attribute &1 unknown
103Texts for BW (survey &1, version &2, language &3) contain errors
120The values could not be analyzed
150Survey &1 cannot be transported
197Survey &1 already exists
198Survey &1 does not yet exist
199Survey &1 already exists in version &2 and language &3
200Survey &1 does not exist in language &2
201No transformation found for schema version &1 and media type &2
202Survey &1 not yet loaded or created
203Original language &1 lacking or language is invalid
204Survey &1 is already activated in language &2
205Version &2 of survey &1 could not be locked
206Attempted modification of survey &1 version &2 without lock
207Survey &1 version &2 has already been locked
208Survey &1, version &2, language &3 has not yet been saved
209Survey &1 already loaded or created
210Survey &1, version &2, language &3 is not active
211Language &1 is not valid
213Translates survey &1, version &2 from &3 to &4
214Survey &1, problem occurred while copying survey data
215Survey &1 has no valid survey XML
216Only version &3 of survey &1 can be deleted, not version &2
217Survey &1 version &2 must not be deleted
230Survey is currently being edited and can only be displayed
240Survey not yet translated and will be displayed in master language
300Survey &1, version &2 has already been answered (GUID = &3)
301Values XML from line &1, column &2 (&3) contain errors
400&1="&2" expected
401Unknown type of parameter XML (&1)
402&1 cannot be entered
403&1="&2" or &3="&4" expected
404Connector ID (&1) is missing
405Connector &1 not (yet) defined
406&1="&2" Server: incorrect port/path
407Log missing in &1
408Log "&2" expected in &1
409"&2" expected in &1
410Mail address in &1 contains errors
411Application &1 is not defined
412No CAT server available. Install the CAT server
500Errors occurred while calculating the rating XML
501An error occurred while parsing the rating XML
600Survey &1 - &2
601Survey Migration of Application &1
602Survey migration for application &1 ended - runtime &2
603Variants of report &1 were regenerated
604Variant &1 created
605Translation of survey &1/&2/&3 not migrated to language &4
606No questionnaires found for application &1
607Survey &1 was created with version number &2
608No transport version of survey &1 exists
610Survey Migration completed - runtime &1
700&1/&2/&3: Survey values could not be read
701&1/&2/&3: Application &4 does not match
702&1/&2/&3: Service &4 does not match
703&1/&2/&3: Values GUID &4 does not match
704&1/&2/&3: Values version &4 (1 expected)
705&1/&2/&3: Survey version &4 is inconsistent
706&1/&2/&3: Version default values = &4
707&1/&2/&3: Version TemplateXSLT = &4
708&1/&2/&3: Survey Values have already been Converted
710Survey value migration finished - runtime &1
711Migration completed on &1 with &2
715Reference in One Order for &1/&2 not found
719&1/&2/&3: *** Summary ***
720&1/&2/&3: &4 values correctly converted
721&1/&2/&3: &4 Error
722&1/&2/&3: &4 Warnings
723&1/&2/&3: &4 values not converted
730Survey value migration: In total, &1 values to be converted in system
899Not yet supported/implemented
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