CRM_SVY_DB - CRM Surveys: Survey Engine
The following messages are stored in message class CRM_SVY_DB: CRM Surveys: Survey Engine.
It is part of development package CRM_SVY_DB in software component CRM-BF-SVY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Database Interface for CRM Surveys".
It is part of development package CRM_SVY_DB in software component CRM-BF-SVY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Database Interface for CRM Surveys".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Unhandled exception &2 in &1 |
001 | &1 |
002 | &1&2 |
003 | &1&2&3 |
004 | &1&2&3&4 |
005 | Parameter &2 in &1 contains errors |
006 | Data record could not be changed (key &1&2&3&4) |
007 | Data record could not be deleted (key &1&2&3&4) |
008 | Data record could not be created (key &1&2&3&4) |
009 | Data record already exists (key &1&2&3&4) |
010 | No data record found (key &1&2&3&4) |
011 | No schema defined |
012 | Schema does not exist (type &1, version &2) |
013 | Language &1 not defined |
014 | Name may only contain characters from &1 |
015 | File type &1 unknown |
016 | File type &1 expected |
017 | Schema type &1 unknown |
018 | File &1 is empty |
019 | URL &1 is empty |
020 | Value &1 is not in domain &2 |
021 | Maximum value &1 for number of parameters reached |
022 | Transformations ID &1 does not exist |
023 | The data imported is not compatible with the survey assigned |
024 | You do not have authorization to display surveys |
100 | Survey &1 does not exist |
101 | Version &2 of survey &1 does not exist |
102 | Survey &1 (version &2) is not publicly available |
200 | Answers to survey &1, version &2 must not be deleted |
201 | Answer &3, version &4 to survey &1, version &2 cannot be read |
300 | No default values could be found for survey &1 version &2 |
301 | No values for key & could be found |
302 | Survey values for &1, version &2 contain more than 999 options for &3 |
303 | The survey is not within the validity period |
340 | The name of the function module should be of type 'CRM_SVY_..._PBO' |
341 | The name of the function module should be of type 'CRM_CVY_..._PAI' |
342 | Choose a function module that already exists |
343 | Interface is incompatible. Read the long text |
350 | Set the end of the validity period after the beginning |
351 | The start of the validity period must be in the future |
360 | Indicator reset. It is not possible to make a version without saving |
361 | Indicator reset. It is not possible to make changes without saving |
400 | Survey settings prevent saving of survey values |
401 | Evaluation without BW not specified in survey settings |
402 | &1 survey values prepared for evaluation without BW |
403 | Enter a valid 8-digit date with separators |
899 | Not yet supported/implemented |