CRM_WFD_UI - WFD: UI Messages

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_WFD_UI: WFD: UI Messages.
It is part of development package CRM_WFD_UI in software component CRM-RPL-SRV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "UI for Resource Planning".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a date first
001Select exactly one entry
002One or more assignments could not be locked
003Enter a valid date format
004Enter a valid time format
005User settings could not be saved
006Settings saved
007&1 &2 deleted
008&1 &2 created
009Message sent
010Define a schedule strategy in your user settings first
011System failure while calling RFC to extract staffing levels
012Communication failure while calling RFC to extract staffing levels
013Resource failure while calling RFC to extract staffing levels
014Unspecified error while calling RFC to extract staffing levels
015Apply or cancel your modifications first
016Leave edit mode first
017Time zone &1 does not exist or is not active
018Enter a time zone
019Enter a positive number as the time horizon in the Gantt settings
020&1 &2 changed
021Appointments could not be deleted
022You are not a staffing manager for the specified or initial organization
023You are not a candidate manager for the specified or initial organization
024Enter a number as the duration
025Limit search criteria or change settings
026User &1 is not a valid staffing manager
027User &1 is not a valid candidate manager
028Select at least one entry
029There are no locations available for display on the map
030No key or URL found for given web service; check web service customizing
031No route directions found; route cannot be sent
032At least one assignment already exists for this service order item
033Select only one resource to find route
034Address not found for resource &1
035Incomplete address of resource &1 will not be displayed on map
036No assignments found for resource &1 for the current day
037Incomplete address of assignment &1 will not be displayed on map
038Incomplete address of demand &1 will not be displayed on map
039Navigation to resource could not be completed; resource does not exist
040Appointment start date or end date is not customized
041Correct erroneous data first
042No address within date range of &1
043Assignment "&1" is erroneous
044Select one demand only
045Search the resource first
046No assignments found
047Select a demand
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