CUSDIR - Originalit�tseigenschaften f�r Customizing Tabellen
The following messages are stored in message class CUSDIR: Originalit�tseigenschaften f�r Customizing Tabellen.
It is part of development package SCTS_CUS in software component BC-CTS-ORG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CTS: Originality Attributes for Customizing Settings".
It is part of development package SCTS_CUS in software component BC-CTS-ORG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CTS: Originality Attributes for Customizing Settings".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Function module called incorrectly |
010 | Object does not contain any texts that can be translated |
050 | Originality attribute is assigned incorrectly |
053 | Table &1 has no language flag |
100 | You can assign the original language only once for each table |
110 | Customizing object has components with different original languages |
111 | Customizing object has components in different packages |
200 | Invalid access to text table using view |
300 | Customizing object has original language &4 |
400 | Object contains more than an original language |
410 | Table &1: Cannot use a generic transport |
420 | Release not possible |
501 | This logon language is not transported |
502 | Only language &1 is transported |
503 | Original language is not transported |
504 | Only the original language is transported |
505 | Saved language is not intended to be transported |
506 | Text is only transported in the original language |
507 | Text is not transported in the original language |
508 | You can only change the text in the original language |
509 | Object not configured correctly: Original language is not correct |
510 | Language key and logon language do not match |
520 | Objects cannot be saved |
600 | Specified granularity is not the same as the configured granularity |
601 | Incorrect call |
602 | No package assignment defined for the field values "&2" and "&3" |
800 | Table &1 does not exist |
801 | View &1 does not exist |
802 | View &1 does not contain fields from table &2 |
804 | Also enter the first key field |
805 | Field &1 is not a key field in view &2 |
806 | Field &1 is not a key field in table &2 |
807 | Table &1 is not a text table |
808 | Views are not used to access table &1 |
809 | Correct the errors in the data before saving |
810 | Select a view |
811 | Views cannot be used to access text tables |
812 | No granularity entry for table &1 if it is accessed directly |
813 | No granularity entry for table &1 if it is accessed using view &2 |
814 | No changes have been made. You do not need to save. |
815 | Changes lost |
816 | Granularity changed |
817 | A maximum of 2 granularity fields can be assigned |
818 | Enter the granularity first |
819 | An entry with this key already exists |
820 | No packages selected in advance |
821 | Exit editing of originality |
822 | Specify a value |
823 | Table does not contain a known HR modifier |
824 | Template table &1 is not configured for modifier &2 |
825 | Table already has configured data; function not possible |
826 | Original language &2 is already assigned to package &1 |
827 | You can select up to two keys. Maximum length 1) <= 40 2) <= 20. |
828 | Maximum key length 1) <=40, 2) <=20 exceeded |
835 | Could not write language assignment to request |