CX_MSR_TRC - Message texts in mult-step returns controller

The following messages are stored in message class CX_MSR_TRC: Message texts in mult-step returns controller.
It is part of development package MSR_TRACKING in software component LO-ARM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Errors occurred while checking returns data
001Plant &1 cannot be entered more than once
002Plant &1 does not exist
003Info record for plant &1 and supplier &2 not found
004Enter a plant in the Next Plant field
005Enter a follow-up activity
006Follow-up activity "&1" is not valid for returns purchase orders
007Follow-up activity "&1" is not valid for returns stock transport orders
008Item &1: Follow-up activity "&2" is not valid for returns orders
009Follow-up activity "&1" is not allowed for logistical follow-up
010Follow-up activity "&1" is not allowed
011Follow-up activity "&1" is not allowed
012Enter a supplier with activity &1
013Enter a supplier RMA number
014You cannot enter a supplier for follow-up activity "&1"
015Follow-up supplier &1 must be the same as returns PO supplier &2
016Item &1: You cannot enter a next plant for follow-up activity "&2"
017Item &1: Enter inspection data
018Item &1: Refund control "&2" is not allowed
019Item &1: You cannot enter an inspection code
020Error from database access &1 on table &2
021Item &1: Immediate refund allowed only if Material Received is selected
022Item &1: Activity "&2" is only allowed if Material Received is selected
023Item &1: Activity "&2" is not allowed if Material Received is selected
024Item &1: Inspection data is obligatory if Material Received is selected
025Item &1: You cannot enter a supplier for follow-up activity "&2"
026Item &1: Plant &2 does not exist
027No application log data found for returns process
028Refund "&1" is not allowed with activity "&2"
029Immediate refund is only allowed if Material Received is selected
030No entries found
031Enter at least one selection criterion
032You cannot enter transshipment plants before current plant
033Only transshipment plants are allowed between issuing and receiving plant
034You can enter only transshipment plants for "Ship to Supplier"
035A transshipment plant cannot be the last plant
036Item &1: Immediate refund is not allowed for activity "&2"
037&1 documents found
038Follow-up plant must be empty for follow-up activity "&1"
039Enter inspection data
040Refund control "&1" is not allowed for intracompany transfers
041Item &1: Only text items are allowed for activity "&2"
042No master record exists for supplier &1
043Follow-up activity "&1": Only plant &2 allowed as next plant
044Specify a value for refund control
045Item &1: Only follow-up activity "&2" allowed for text items
046Follow-up plant must be empty for follow-up activity "&1"
047Item &1: Only transshipment plants are allowed for activity "&2"
048Item &1: Current plant &2 cannot be entered as next plant &3
049Item &1: Last plant &2 cannot be a transshipment plant
050Quantity of a follow-up document cannot be changed
051Quantity &1 cannot be changed to &2 due to follow-up documents
052Item &1: Follow-up act. "&2" not allowed for whse managed stor. loc. &3
053Only transshipment plants are allowed for activity "&1"
054Not all values are copied to item &1
055Supplier could not be copied to item &1
056Supplier address could not be copied to item &1
057Supplier RMA number could not be copied to item &1
058Supplier must be maintained if a supplier RMA is specified
059Refunding "&1" is not allowed for intracompany transfers
060Invalid document number &1
061Item &1: Material received not allowed for cross-company returns order
062Reason for ordering is not allowed for activity "&1"
063Item &1: Follow-up activity "&2" is not allowed for cross-company rO
064Enter a storage location with activity "&1"
065Storage location and stock type must not be maintained for activity "&1"
066Item &1: Invalid movement type &2
067Item &1: Invalid movement type &2
068Invalid movement type &1
069Invalid movement type &1
070Item &1 can not be created
071Item &1: Specify a value for refund control for follow-up activity "&2"
072No values are copied to item &1
073Item &1: Refund Control "&2" is not allowed
074Refund Control "&1" is not allowed for follow-up activity "&2"
075Item &1: Delete refund code for refund control "&2"
076Follow-up activity "&1" is not valid for returns orders
077Follow-up activity "&1" is only allowed if Material Received is selected
078Follow-up activity "&1" is not allowed if Material Received is selected
079Services are not allowed in Advanced Returns processes
080Item &1: Inspection is mandatory when follow-up activity is "&2"
081Item &1: Next plant must be empty for text item
082Item &1: Transshipment plant only possible if material is not received
083Plants not allowed before current plant
084Item &1: Plants not allowed before current plant
085Transshipment plants are not allowed after current plant
086Int. error: returns order item could not be found -> no returns overview
087Internal error has occurred when master data was accessed for material &1
088Item &1: Refund Control "&2" is not allowed for credit memo
089Target material is not allowed to be maintained for activity "&1"
090Enter target storage location and plant with activity "&1"
091Item &1 with HU managed storage location &2 is not allowed
092Item &1: whse managed stor. loc. &2 requires a transfer order before GR
093Refund not possible due to Refund Control "&1" in &2 &3
094Supplier &1 is blocked
095Adding items manually is not allowed in SDF
096Value-only materials are not allowed in Advanced Returns processes
097Replaced quantity must be equal to inspected quantity
098CMR quantity must be equal to inspected quantity
099Replaced quantity and CMR quantity must be equal to inspected quantity
100Class &1 must be instantiated using factory class &2
101Replaced quantity cannot be greater than inspected quantity
102CMR quantity cannot be greater than inspected quantity
103Replaced quantity and CMR qty cannot be greater than inspected quantity
104Unit &1 cannot be converted to/is not compatible with inspection unit &2
105No data found for material &1 in plant &2
106Enter a supplying plant
107Replacement material, quantity, and supplying plant have been defaulted
108BOM determination failed
109Replacement material cannot be a BOM
110Enter a replacement material
111Enter a quantity for replacement material
112Enter a unit of measure for replacement material
113Replacement material &1 does not exist
114Enter a quantity for credit memo request
115Enter a unit of measure for credit memo request
116Item &1: Activity "&2" not allowed due to deviating quantity
117Enter a replaced quantity
118Enter a unit of measure for replaced quantity
119Supplying plant &1 does not exist
120Plant &1 is not in the list of next plants
121Plant with counter &1 is not in the list of next plants
122Order type for creation of subsequent delivery free of charge not defined
123Order type for creation of credit memo request not defined
124Enter a supplying plant for replacement material
125Material &1 does not exist in plant &2
126Unit of measure &1 is not allowed for material &2
127WM-managed storage location cannot be used for this follow-up activity
128Materials &1 and &2 must have same base unit of measure
129Item &1: Follow-up activity "&2" is not allowed for Full Products
130Follow-up activity "&1" is only valid for non-valuated stock
131No compensation (replacement/refund) allowed for follow-up activity "&1"
132Follow-up activity "&1" is only valid for valuated stock
133Sales from sales organization &1, distr. channel &2, plant &3 not defined
134Item &1: Sales from sales org. &2, &3, plant &4 not defined
135Item &1: Plant &2 not allowed; intercompany billing settings incomplete
136CMR/SDF with ARM active must be part of a returns process
137Item &1: SDF cannot be created for non billing relevant rO item
138Error in the number range: process ID &1 is already in use.
139Dependent document in returns process hasn't been fully completed
140BOM explosion not supported for SDF
150Order type &1 not allowed for creating credit memo requests
151Order type &1 not allowed for creating SDFs
152Purchasing doc. type &1 not allowed for creating returns purchase order
153Purch.doc.type &1 not allowed for creating returns stock transport order
155Item &1: BOM not allowed for WM storage locations
160Sales Order &1 - &2: Billing documents already exist for supplier &3
161Sales Order &1 - &2 is not an Advanced Returns document
162Receiving plant &1 already used in returns Stock Transport Order &2
163Special stock 'E' not supported in a cross-company returns process
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