D9 - Environment Management System
The following messages are stored in message class D9: Environment Management System.
It is part of development package CBUI in software component EHS-SAF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Company Environment Information System".
It is part of development package CBUI in software component EHS-SAF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Company Environment Information System".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
002 | The following areas are defined in this message class: |
003 | Message no. Usage |
005 | Report import messages |
006 | 200-249 Phrase management |
007 | 300-349 Secondary Data |
008 | 350-399 Messages for BAPIs |
009 | 400-449 ALE |
010 | 450-499 DMS API |
011 | 500-549 Default Parameter Value Determination |
100 | ----------------------------- Report Import ----------------------------- |
101 | No authorization to read files in directory & |
102 | No operating system call for reading directories |
103 | No variant found for country/region &1 and report category &2 in file &3. |
104 | No product name in the key file &1 |
105 | No specification found using the data from the key file &1 |
106 | ----------------------- Identifiers : &1 &2 &3 -------------------------- |
107 | Several specifications found using data from the key file &1 |
108 | ------------------------- Specification Key : &1 ------------------------ |
109 | No report language in the key file &1 |
110 | The language & from the key file & is not a valid report language |
111 | Execute the function 'check directory' first |
112 | No document name in the key file &1 |
113 | Specification &1 from file &2 does not exist |
114 | No file format in the key file &1 |
115 | File format &1 from key file &2 is not defined |
116 | Assigning values to characteristics from class &1 failed |
117 | Writing additional data from key file &1 failed |
118 | Key file &1 assigned to specification &2, variant &3, language &4 |
119 | Document category in key file &1 is not &2 |
120 | &1 directory not found |
121 | No key file found in the directory |
153 | Internal system error (&1 &2 &3 &4) |
200 | -------------------------- Phrase Management ---------------------------- |
201 | Some phrases in the active library are being processed |
202 | Search via complete phrase text could not be carried out |
300 | Error when determining parameters for notification status |
301 | No determination due to missing data |
302 | Specify a usage |
303 | Secondary data has been determined for &1 of &2 specifications |
304 | Error occurred determining the secondary data |
305 | No value assignments with invalid values found |
349 | --------------------------- Messages for BAPIs -------------------------- |
350 | No authorization |
351 | No authorization for value assignment |
352 | The data record is locked and cannot be changed |
353 | Delete failed |
354 | Incorrectly changed |
355 | Insert failed |
356 | No values are available for the key specified |
357 | You have not specified a key |
358 | A collision has occurred when changing the record with the change number |
359 | No authorization for value assignments to reference specifications |
360 | You do not have authorization for reference specifications |
361 | At least one lock error occurred during processing |
362 | At least one error occurred during processing |
363 | Data record active in another process |
364 | You have not specified an object key |
365 | Parameters entered incorrectly |
366 | Error occurred during processing |
367 | You have not specified a key date |
368 | Error while saving data |
369 | No specification was found with the specified selection criteria |
370 | The required entry field '&1' is not filled |
371 | Fixed domain value for field &1 invalid |
372 | Invalid reference value in field &1 |
373 | Cyclic composition not allowed |
374 | Invalid value or no value in field &1 for table parameter &2 |
375 | Table parameter & not filled or filled incorrectly |
376 | Table parameter &1 is expected |
377 | Value &1 invalid for parameter &2 |
378 | No phrase exists for the selection criteria specified |
379 | No phrase set exists for the selection criteria specified |
380 | Valid value assignment type |
381 | Inserted with warning |
382 | No report matches the selection criteria |
383 | Report could not be read |
384 | Parent object does not exist |
385 | Parent object contains error |
386 | Lock on parent object not adequate |
387 | Assign a class to value assignment type &1 in Customizing |
388 | Specification type &1 does not exist |
389 | User-defined text with long text can only be changed via long text |
390 | No data found for value assignment type &1 in object &2 |
399 | --------------------------------- ALE ----------------------------------- |
400 | Processing specification with key &1 |
401 | Own logical system is not defined in Customizing |
402 | Error in ALE Customizing (&1) |
403 | An error has occurred during IDoc generation |
404 | Specification &3 does not exist in the target system; create it |
405 | All specifications have been sent successfully |
406 | & specification(s) have been distributed successfully |
407 | Processing the phrase with the key &1 |
408 | & phrase(s) have been distributed successfully |
409 | &3 does not exist in the target system; create it in the target system |
410 | Error reading the phrase header |
411 | Error reading the specification with the key &1 |
412 | Processing the phrase set with the key &1 |
413 | Error reading the phrase set |
414 | Active phrase library is not maintained properly |
415 | &2 reference phrase(s) could not be created |
416 | Phrase set details were not updated to passive phrases |
417 | Error reading phrase with record number &1 |
418 | Error reading the phrase set with record number &1 |
419 | Data provider does not exist |
420 | Data provider is present more than once in sending system |
421 | Data provider &1 is missing in receiving system |
422 | Address was not transferred |
423 | Data provider '&1' is incomplete |
424 | Data provider is present more than once in receiving system |
425 | No data providers exist in the sending system |
426 | Error reading the report header |
427 | Report with key &1 is being processed |
428 | Reference specification &2 does not exist in the target system |
429 | Some of the selected reports cannot be distributed using ALE |
430 | & report(s) were distributed successfully |
431 | Error in ALE document distribution |
432 | Error reading the phrase with the key &1 |
433 | Error reading the report with the key &1 |
434 | DMS document does not exist; it cannot be posted |
435 | ALE pointer for data record is missing and thus cannot be deleted |
436 | ALE pointer for table &1 with RECN_LOC/ACTN_LOC &2 exists already |
437 | ALE pointer for table &1 with RECN &2 and ACTN &3 is missing |
438 | Data record for ALE pointer is missing and thus cannot be deleted |
439 | New ALE pointer cannot be created |
440 | Error while calling function &1 (exception &2) |
441 | Error during processing of the IDoc |
442 | IDoc processed |
443 | Inheritance relationships were not yet deleted; see long text |
444 | Value assignment instance in control structure was not converted |
445 | Warning messages appeared during processing of IDoc |
446 | DMS dokument &1 was not distributed |
449 | At least one report is not distributed because it is blocked. |
450 | ------------------------------ DMS API ---------------------------------- |
451 | No assignments to DMS document types available in Customizing |
452 | No DMS document type is maintained for document type &1 |
453 | No document type is maintained for DMS document type &1 |
454 | No document type specified for determining the DMS document type |
455 | No DMS document type specified for determining the document type |
456 | Document key is incomplete |
457 | Data carrier &1 unknown; maintain in DMS Customizing |
458 | Document does not exist |
459 | Document file &1 does not exist |
460 | Data carrier not determined as DMS document type &1 not maintained |
461 | Data carrier for DMS doc. type &1 is not defined in Customizing |
462 | A document file &1 already exists |
463 | The online indicator is not set for data carrier &1 |
464 | Data carrier type &1 is not supported |
465 | The document file &1 could not be checked into the SAP database |
466 | No archive authorization for document type &1 |
467 | Error writing the temporary archive file &1 |
468 | Error writing the link entry to the Archive Link tab |
469 | Error reading the object links to archive object &1 |
470 | Link to SAP object &1 - Archive &2 not maintained in AL Customizing |
471 | No archive information could be determined for the archive &1 |
472 | Error reading the link between the DMS document and the archive document |
473 | Error deleting the document file &1 from the SAP database |
474 | Error deleting the document file &1 from the archive &2 |
475 | The document file &1 does not exist in the SAP database |
476 | The document file &1 does not exist in the archive &2 |
477 | Error reading the temporary archive file &1 for the document file &2 |
478 | The temporary archive file &1 could not be deleted |
479 | Error updating document &1; the document was not found in the DRAW table |
480 | Document type &1, status &2: Error in status network &3 |
500 | ----------------- Default Parameter Value Determination ----------------- |
501 | Text object &1 is not allowed |
502 | Text ID &1 is not allowed for text object &2 |
503 | Language &1 is not permitted |
504 | No text exists for key &1 &2 &3 &4 |
505 | Error occurred during selection of the text name |
506 | Error while calling the input help for the SAPscript key data |
507 | Cannot select text name |
508 | The text language is different from the language of the value |
509 | No document exists for key &1 &2 &3 &4 |
510 | Error calling the input help for the DMS document key data |
511 | Work Area not supported |
600 | ---------------------Creation of reports--------------------------------- |
601 | Validity date &1 is different from generation date &2 |
701 | You must maintain the dangerous goods regulation |
702 | You must maintain the dangerous goods class |
703 | Danger label number &2 not defined for dangerous goods regulation &1 |
704 | You must maintain the packaging code |
705 | Risk potential &2 valid only when linked to specification key |
706 | Dangerous goods regulation &1 may not be changed |
707 | No dangerous goods class was found for specification &2 |
708 | Dangerous goods class &1 may not be changed |
709 | Packaging code &2 not defined for dangerous goods regulation &1 |
710 | Risk potential &1 not found in '&2' |
711 | A value assignment already exists for dangerous goods regulation &1 |
712 | Operation not possible on value assignment type '&1' |
713 | Dangerous goods regulation &1 found in several value assignments for &2 |
714 | The UN number &1 is not available |
715 | The UN number &1 is not available for all mode of transport categories |
716 | UN number(&3) &1 has more than 4 characters |
717 | You must maintain the "Transport Permitted" field |
718 | You must make an entry in the "Collective Number" field |
719 | The identification number &1 is not numerical |
720 | Select at least one data record |
721 | Characteristics for dangerous goods data (regulation, class) unavailable |
722 | Enter char. values for the dangerous goods data (regulation, class) |
723 | Dangerous goods regulations &1 not defined |
724 | Dangerous goods class &2 is not defined for regulation &1 |
725 | Data inserted must still be tested for consistency |
726 | Identification number is not known |
727 | The identification number &1 is to be changed to &2 |
728 | The object is currently being processed by &1 |
729 | Enter a risk potential for the regulation &1 |
730 | The DG regulation &1 was not found in any &2 value assignment |
731 | Maintain the unit for value &1 |
732 | Value for unit &1 interpreted as 0 |
733 | Maintain the value for unit &1 |
734 | Unit &1 is not a unit of measure |
735 | Negative values are not allowed |
736 | Enter a specification key and a risk potential |
737 | Characteristic value &1 is already available |
738 | Value assgnmnt for dangerous goods reg. &1 and profile &2 already exists |
740 | Descriptions for the hazard inducer &1 are not available in all languages |
741 | Descriptions for hazard inducers &1 are not unique in all languages |
743 | Hazard inducer &1 is already assigned in the regulation &2 |
744 | No value assignment available |
746 | Key &1 already exists |
747 | Data record &1 is valid until &2 |
748 | The logical key &1 cannot be changed subsequently |
749 | Validity period limited to &1 |
750 | --------------------- Messages for SD Interface ------------------------- |
751 | SD document & not found |
752 | Item &1 for SD document &2 not found |
753 | Communication or system error between SD and Prod. Safety and Stewardship |
754 | MSDS recipient for customer &1 not entered for &2 &3 &4 |
755 | No address available on SD document &1 for recipient |
756 | Error filtering the SD document type (&) |
757 | Error filtering the SD document number (&) |
758 | Error filtering the SD item number (&) |
759 | Activity check for customer exit &1 in program &2 failed |
760 | The customer exit &1 could not be executed successfully |
761 | No business process could be read for report category & |
762 | Error reading raw material number for material number & |
763 | Shipping reason & could not be identified |
764 | Table created with all specifications for MSDS shipping |
765 | No corresponding specification ID exists for data record number & |
766 | Error filtering the material number (&) |
767 | Error filtering the material name (&) |
768 | Error filtering the sales organization (&) |
769 | Customer exit &1 is not active; report category is therefore &2 |
770 | Program & does not run as update task |
771 | Document and item number were taken from the output table |
772 | SD document & has been processed successfully |
773 | Document data was written to the interface table |
774 | Additional information was written to the interface table |
775 | SD interface call |
776 | Filtering the SD document type (&1 = &2) |
777 | Filtering the SD delivery document number (&1 = &2) |
778 | Filtering the item number (&1 = &2) |
779 | Filtering the material number (&1 = &2) |
780 | Filtering the material name (&1 = &2) |
781 | Filtering the sales organization (&1 = &2) |
782 | Reading the function number for MSDS contact persons (env. par. &1 = &2) |
783 | The contact person &2 was determined for customer &1 |
784 | The customer exit & was executed successfully |
785 | The business process &2 was determined for the report category &1 |
786 | The raw material number &2 was determined for material number &1 |
787 | The specification data record no. &2 was determined for material no. &1 |
788 | The specification ID &2 was determined for the spec. data record no. &1 |
789 | The language &2 was determined for shipping reason &1 for the MSDS |
790 | The generation variant & was determined |
791 | Report/report request selected for spec. &1, SRGV &2, and language &3 |
792 | Report shipping was triggered |
793 | Error reading the contact person for customer & |
794 | Error reading the environment parameter & |
795 | &1&2&3 |
796 | Read error in material long text for SD document &1 in language &2 |
797 | Reading the enhancement field & |
798 | Problems calling the system to read the application log using RFC |
799 | Error writing the messages to the application log |
800 | Error writing the log for the SD document item |
801 | Error occurred when displaying the F4 help |
803 | Material long text does not exist in language &2 (SD document &1) |
804 | Environment parameter &1 does not exist; material name was not determined |
805 | No report shipping order is created for shipping reason &1 |
806 | Cannot find language. Report shipping was not generated. |
807 | &1; material &3 is assigned to specification &4 |
808 | Division (&1) not passed or not unique |
809 | Division (&1 = &2) is considered for receivers |