The following messages are stored in message class DDIC_ADT_DDLS: ADT DDL Source Editor.
It is part of development package SDDIC_ADT_DDLS_CORE in software component BC-DWB-AIE-DIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DDLS: core objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001DDL Source &1 does not exist
002DDL Source &1 of version &2 does not exist
003Description of DDL source &1 is too long; only &2 characters allowed
004Description of DDL source &1 is empty
005Data Definitions can only be edited using ADT in Eclipse
006Changing of description of DDL Source &1 only in original language &2
008Syntax Check of DDL Source &1 failed
009Activation of DDL Source &1 failed
010ABAP DDL Source &1 already exists
011Description is too long. Only 60 characters are allowed
012The short text describing the ABAP DDL Source is empty
013The name of the ABAP DDL source must not be empty
014The name of the ABAP DDL source must not be longer than 40 characters
015The name of the ABAP DDL source must not contain invalid characters
016Language &1 for creation of description is not equal to original &2
017An object with the name &1 already exists in the namespace for entities
020Version &1 of DDL Source &2 can not be read
030Object reference type &1 is unknown
031Please use the ADT Tools in Eclipse to display Structured Objects
035DDL &1 generated by DCL activ.; can only be changed by corresponding DCL
036This package &1 is reserved for generated DDL
038Editing is only possible within the Fiori App '&1'
039Editing is only possible within the application '&1'
050----------- Messages for DDLS Element Info -----------------------
051Field &1 of data base table/view &2 not found
052Internal error while retrieving data for field &1
053Internal error while retrieving data of data base table &1
054Internal error while retrieving data of view &1
055Element Info Provider for unknown table type &1 requested
056Element Info Provider for unknown entry type &1 requested
061Unknown DDIC Type &1
062Can not determine underlying object type: exception &1
063Can not find field &1 in view &2
064Type of object &1 could not be determined
065No view for view entity &1 found
090-----Messages for Formatting------------------------
091No AST could be generated
100----------- Messages for DDLS Where-Used -----------------------
101Indexing RIS usage entries for DDL source &1
102Deleting RIS usage entries for DDL source &1
103Error during indexing RIS usage entries for DDL source &1
104Cleaning entries of RIS index table
105Tried to delete entries for &1 in RIS index table. No entries found.
140------------------ Messages for Secondary Objects Handling---------------
141Package Change of DDLS with Secondary Objects is not supported yet
150Filter for pretty print configuration name only supports comparator '='
151Filter for pretty print configuration name does not support wildcards
152Name &1 is reserved for standard configuration
153No pretty printer configuration found named &1
200DDL Statement could not be created. Check DDL Source for syntax errors
201DDL Source &1 does not exist for Base View
202DDL Source &1 could not be parsed. Check DDL Source for syntax errors
203Annotation &1 not supported in extend views
204Activation of Secondary Objects (&1 / &2 / &3)
205Activation of secondary objects for DDL Source &1
206No secondary object handlers were called for DDL Source &1
207 Calling handler for &1:
208 Implementation...............: &1
209 Application Component........: &1
210End of activation of secondary objects
211Deletion of Secondary Objects (&1 / &2 / &3)
212Deletion of secondary objects for DDL Source &1
213End of deletion of secondary objects
214Abstract entities don't have an SQL create statement
215Uncaught exception from handler "&1" (&2)
216Custom entities don't have an SQL create statement
217Transient projection views don't have an SQL create statement
300---------- Messages for ATO ----------
301Query &1 is inactive and cannot be exported. Activate the query first
302&1 has no active version
400---------- Messages for Dependency Analyzer ----------
401Dependencies cannot be calculated. Errors while parsing DDL source
402Dependencies cannot be calculated. No active version exists
403Dependencies can only be calculated for CDS views
404Dependencies cannot be calculated. Error while reading DDL metadata
500------- Messages for GET/POST Request Handling ------
501More than one path provided
502Path does not start with $$node
503Request body not filled
600DDIC reference found
601DDLS Dependency found
602Deletion failed
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