DDU - Dictionary-Tools 5.0

The following messages are stored in message class DDU: Dictionary-Tools 5.0.
It is part of development package SDDU in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DD: Package for Dictionary Tools".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Apply include information to runtime objects:
001Runtime object table & could not be generated
002Inactive nametab table & with includes written
003Active nametab table & with includes written
004& nametab (s) for & ABAP Dictionary object(s) generated
005Handled ABAP Dictionary Objects:
006Inactive nametab ABAP Dictionary object &: DBLENGTH2 filled
007Active nametab ABAP Dictionary object &: DBLENGTH2 filled
008Active nametab ABAP Dictionary object &: Changes not necessary
009Inactive nametab ABAP Dictionary object &: Changes not necessary
010Cannot read sources of ABAP Dictionary object &
011Active nametab for ABAP Dictionary object &: Unexpected object type
012Inactive nametab for ABAP Dictionary object &: Unexpected object type
013Table &: Header could not be written
014Table &: Nametab header (&) could not be read
015Table &: Nametab header (&) could not be written
016Table &: Flag set and nametab written
017View &: DD sources could not be read
018View &: DD header could not be written
019View & was activated
020View & could not be activated
021View &: Logging flag set and nametab written
022Start of program: & Time stamp & &
023End of program & & &
024Program ended with return code &
025Table &: No field of type LANG found
026Set text language information and apply in nametab
027Sources of DDIC object & could not be written
028Table & exists in version & and cannot be expanded
029Inactive activation not possible since old entries still in DDXTT
030Distribution of inactive activation ends with return code &
031Mode...: Inactive activation
032& objects to be analyzed found
033& of & analyzed objects were deleted
034& & could not be deleted
035Clean up & & in editing transaction
036Table & is converted
037Conversion of table & still running
038& was deleted
039Nametab of & deleted
040Nametab of & & could not be deleted
041& of & & marked for deletion
042Object & type & form & cannot be assigned. Check
100*---------------------DDXTT/DDXTF Updates-------------------------------*
101Index for table & already exists on database
102Structure error for table &
103Table & already exists in the database
104Table & could not be created
105No table name specified
106Cannot get information table &
107Error creating table & on the database
108DD sources table & could not be read
109ABAP Dictionary sources table & read
110ABAP Dictionary sources table & written in A version
111ABAP Dictionary sources table & could not be written in A version
112Table & has ABAP Dictionary sources in N version with old structure
113Only A version of table & exists in old version
114Only A version of table & exists in new version
115Cannot expand table &
116Table & expanded
117Could not generate nametab table &
118Nametab table & was generated
119Could not write active nametab table &
120Active nametab table & was written
121>>>Check and write active table sources
122>>>Generate and write active nametab from active sources
123Error handling sources for table & -> Nametab not generated
124Force nametab generation for table & from active source
125Force creation of database version of table & from active source
126>>>Create table on the database
127Error during previous action -> No database create table &
128Could not create table & on the database
129Table & was created on the database
130Could not delete table & on the database
131Table & deleted from database
132>>>Output of table contents before DROP/CREATE
133Contents of table &
135ABAP Dictionary sources table & read
300*------------------------ RADCUCNT -------------------------------------*
301Table & could not be copied to &
302Table & copied to &
303Table &: Sources could not be written
304Table & sources written
305Inactive Unicode nametab & already contains entries
306Inactive Unicode nametab entry for & & could not be written
307Start of program RADTBUCACT: & &
308End of program RADTBUCACT: & &
309Activation ends with return code: &
310Inactive Unicode nametab entry for & & has been written
400*------------------------ RADNTLANG ------------------------------------*
401Table &: Text language indicator was set and activated
402Table &: Text language indicator was set in new/revised version
403Table &: Exactly one field & of type LANG, marking of text lang. possible
500*-------------------For table pool conversion--------------------------*
501ABAP Dictionary sources table pool & read
502Nametab table pool & copied to &
503Could not copy nametab table pool & to &
504& saved as transparent table
505Could not save & as transparent table
506Nametab transparent table & was generated
507Could not generate nametab transparent table &
508Length of VARDATA field increased from RAW(&) to RAW(&)
509Could not increase length of VARDATA field from RAW(&) to RAW(&)
511Active nametab table & (transp. version) was read
512Could not write active nametab table & (as table pool)
513Active nametab table & (as table pool) was written
514Could not delete DD sources of backup copy of table pool &
515DD sources of backup copy of table pool & deleted
516Could not delete active nametab of backup copy of table pool &
517Active nametab of backup copy of table pool & deleted
518Post-activation of table pool & for correction of nametab
519Table pool & activated
520Table pool & activated with warnings
521Could not activate table pool &
522Active nametab table & written as transparent
523Could not delete ABAP Dictionary sources or nametab of table pool &
524ABAP Dictionary or nametab of table pool & was deleted
525Resuming update for table pool &
526<<<Conversion of table &
527>>>End of conversion of table &
528Table pool & already updated
529Sources and nametab write table pool &
530End of handling table &
531Field VARDATA not found in table pool &
532Multiplicator not maintained correctly (see Table DDTPOOLCNV)
533Table with lengthened VARDATA field has been written
550================= Modifying clusters to transparent =====================
551Logical cluster tables do not exist. No action necessary.
552Table & is not transparent on DB; source/nametab not modified
553Table & was read
554& changed as transparent table in dictionary
555&: Runtime object has been adapted
556Table & exists as transparent table in the database
557Table & is of type & (not Cluster): No action necessary
558& is of type CLUSTER; starting transfer to transparent
559Table & is already transparent: No action necessary
560& is transparent with inconsistencies: check in SE11/SE14
561&: Always Transparent flag could not be set in sources
562&: Always Transparent flag could not be set in runtime object
600================== REDIRECT (Package SDBT) ==========================
601& is neither an active transparent table nor an active SQL view
602Replacement object & must be an active CDS view
603& must not be new or revised if it is to be redirected
604Replacement object & must not be new or revised
605No SQL view exists for &
606& &: metadata could not be read
607& &: metadata could not be written
608>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mass Activation: START
609No tables/views to be activated exist
610& & Redirect has errors; object reset to active version
611<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Mass Activation: ENDE
612& & Redirect to view & successful
613& & Redirect to view & not successful
614& &: Redirect info deletion could not be executed
615& &: Redirect info deletion executed
616>>> Switch On Redirect
617>>> Switch Off Redirect
700*-------------------Various Messages------------------------------------*
701Program can be executed in SAP sytem only by user DDIC
702Check for Inconsistencies in Text Language Indicators
703Table &: Text language indicators set incorrectly
704No inconsistencies in text language indicators found
705& & could not be activated&
706& & activated with warnings&
850==================== RSGENVIEWSTRUC =====================================
851Could not read basis information for view &.
852View &: Table structure could not be generated
853View &: Could not write table source.
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