DDUT1 - DD: Verschiedene Dictionary Hilfsprogramme

The following messages are stored in message class DDUT1: DD: Verschiedene Dictionary Hilfsprogramme.
It is part of development package SDUT in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP/4 Dictionary: Analysis Repair Utilities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Start of program: & Time stamp & &
003End of program & & &
004Program ended with return code &
100================= Handling of Transports and Temporary Objects ==========
101Analyze transport requests and adapt temporary objects
102No objects to be processed found for the specified requests
103Object & & could not be reset to status 'new'
104Object type & ( & &) cannot be handled
105Handling several transport requests cannot be supported at this time
106Transport requests are not valid
107No local objects found
108No entries for processing in DDXTT
109Analyze objects from inactive nametab and adapt local objects
110& &: Entry deleted from put control tables
120================= Handle DDL and DCL Dependencies ======================
121No relevant objects (DDLS or DCL) found
122The following DCL/DDL combinations were found:
123Transport request &: (Dcl/Ddl): &/&
124The following DDL sources were deleted:
125DDL Source: &
130========================= RUTADAPTANNO ==================================
131DDL source & could not be read in the active version
132DDL source &: metadata for field annotations could not be generated
133Processing DDL source &
134DDL source & was processed successfully
135DDL source & processing finished with warning messages
136DDL source & could not be processed
137DDL source &: annotations could not be written
138Translatable field annotations: quotation marks removed
139Translatable parameter associations: quotation marks removed
140>>> Start Processing Alias Names Annotations for Associations
141>>> Start of removal of quotation marks in translatable annotations
142>>> End of editing alias name annotations for associations
143>>> End of removal of quotation marks in translatable annotations
144Translatable & annotations: no quotation marks or already removed
145No relevant entities in customer system
146DDL source &, entity &: lang. missing in TADIR for lang.-dep. annotations
147>>> Start of resetting number of base objects
148>>> End of resetting number of base objects
149Resetting number of base objects was already performed
150Editing of alias names of annotations for associations already performed
151DDL source &: type could not be determined
152>>> Start of editing source type in DDL source metadata
153>>> End of editing source type in DDL source metadata
154Source type already defined for all DDL sources -> no action required
155DDL source &: view information could not be generated
160========================= RUTCRESTMTVIEW ================================
161Valid DB systems could not be found
162DDL source & could not be read
163Create Statement View & for DB & could not be generated
164Ddl source & is neither available as an active nor as an inactive version
165Formatted output of Create Statement View & for DB system &:
166Create Statement View & for DB & could not be formatted
167View &: Cannot compare Create Stmt <-> DB text for DB &
168View &: Statements DD <-> DB do not match
169View &: Statements DD <-> DB do not match
170View &: Comparison Statements DD <-> DB
171Statement for &; database & was not formatted
172& is not a CDS view
173DDL source name will be copied
174Please specify the DDL source name or view name
175DB statement view & for DB & cannot be output as formatted
176Formatted output DB statement:
177Formatted Output DD Create Statement:
178DD Create Stmt. View & for DB & cannot be output in formatted version
190========================= RUTASSOCSOURCE ================================
191>>> Start processing; setting of association source
192>>> End of processing; setting of association source
193Source is already set for all associations -> no action
194Ddl source &: Metadata for association cannot be created
200========================= RUTSETDCLFLAGS ================================
201>>> Start processing; setting of DCL nametab flags
202>>> End processing; setting of DCL nametab flags
203Structured object & could not be read in active version
204Structured object & could not be written in active version
205Structured object & was processed successfully
206Structured object & was processed with warnings
207Structured object & could not be processed.
210========================= RUT_TFUNC_REACTIVATE ==========================
211>>> Start processing; activation of all table functions
212>>> End processing; activation of all table functions
213Table functions were processed successfully
214Table functions were processed with warnings
215Not all table functions could be processed successfully.
216No table function for processing could be found
217Error & when activating
219========================= ==========================
220>>> Start editing field reference updates
221>>> End of editing field reference updates
222Number of entities with missing references: &
223Editing of entity & not ended
224Entity & edited
300====================== 300-400 Different Tools/Programs =================
301No DDL sources found for selection
302DDL source & was reset to new
303DDL source & is new; no reset necessary
304DDL source &: error during write, reset not possible
305Table maximum width (DB &): &
306Table maximum key width (DB &): &
307Table maximum index width (DB &): &
308View maximum width (DB &): &
309Table maximum number of columns (DB &): &
310Table maximum number of key columns (DB &): &
311Table with maximum number of index columns (DB &): &
312View maximum number of columns (DB &): &
313DBs without features:
314DBs with features:
315Row/Column Store &:
316Session variables and Intstring changes already executed.
317New DDL source code &1 created in the software component SAP_BASIS
318SQL error &1 when accessing table DDNTT
319ABAP Dictionary mass check: Nametab buffer reset
330========================= RUTDDLSSETROOTANDPARAMETER ====================
331No active nametab (&) found for source & (no update)
333Source & has syntax errors (isroot updated automatically when activated)
334Setting the parameter type
335Number of modified entries: &
336Activating the entities that use ENVIRONMENT.SYSTEMFIELD without #
337Activating entity & with parameter &
338No entities found to be activated
339Error code & in activation
341Entities were processed with warnings
342Not all entities were processed without errors
343Invalidating annotation cache with time stamp &
344No entries found to be processed
345Setting the isroot flag in the DDIC metadata and the nametab
346Processing DDL source &
347isroot flag for DDL source & was set in the metadata
348Starting individual processing of the DDL sources
349isroot flag for DDL source & was not set in the metadata
350isroot flag for DDL source & was set for & entries
351isroot flag removed for entity &
360=======================QUICKFIX ACTION_HANDLER===========================
361Domain &1: Length cannot be changed from &2 to &3
362Domain &1: Extension only allowed for type CHAR and NUMC
363Domain &1: The change was already made
380=======================Index Cleanup=====================================
381Primary key 0 for table &1 does not exist on the database
382Primary key for table &1 index name &2 was renamed
383Secondary index &1 for table &2 does not exist on the database
384Secondary index &1 for table &2 was renamed
385No suitable index exists on the database
386CREATE INDEX failed for table &1, index &2
387DROP INDEX failed for table &1, index &2
388Error in &1
389Error when creating &1 statement (table &2, index &3)
390BlueGreen system not supported
391Error in input: &1 is not a database table
392FULLTEXT INDEX attributes are inconsistent between DD and HDB
393Full text index &1 for table &2 was renamed
394SIMULATION: Index &1 for table &2 would be renamed
395SIMULATION: Full text index &1 for table &2 would be renamed
396Error when reading &1: &2
397Error when changing HDB configuration &1: &2
398Error when reading index metadata for &1 &2
400No objects to repair found
401Objects to repair &1: &2 repaired, &3 not repaired
402Nametab buffer and type load buffer reset
403&1 repaired by forced activation
404&1 repaired by deleting DDNTT-FILEDS_DATA
405&1: Inactive RTOBJ exists (no automatic repair possible)
406&1: Inactive DD source exists; no automatic repairs possible
407&1: Forced activation failed
408&1: Could not delete DDNTT-FIELDS_DATA
409&1: TABTYPE &2 TABFORM &3 unexpected, automatic repair not possible
410&1: Repaired by generating RTOBJ from active source
411FIELDS_DATA of &1 objects set to NULL
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