DD_MT_SHARING - DDIC Multi Tenancy Sharing: Messages

The following messages are stored in message class DD_MT_SHARING: DDIC Multi Tenancy Sharing: Messages.
It is part of development package SDICTIONARY_MT_SHARING in software component BC-DWB-DIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Dictionary Multi Tenancy".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Invalid Sharing Type in Nametab: Bit2 = &1 Bit1 = &2 Bit0 = &3
002Sharing allowed for transparent tables only
004Using this functionality is possible in shared systems only!!!
005Error calling function module &1 (sy-subrc = &2)
006Error calling function module &1 (subrc = &2)
007SQL Exception: error code &1, error text &2
008Action cancelled
009Conversion step failed (&1, &2, &3, &4)
010Excpetion was raised when calling method &1->&2 (&3: &4)
011A where condition cannot be specified for the given sharing type
012Syntax error in where condition: &1
013Unknown format &1 of normalized where condition
014Unknown category &1 of where condition
015Where condition not found for table &1
016A content separation condition must be specified for the sharing type
017Field &1 is not a key field of table &2
018Operator &1 is not allowed
019Activation failed. Details see "Data Base Utility" => "Object Log"
020All lines of a normalized where condition must use the same key fields.
021Each line of a normalized where condition must use a key field only once.
022Sharing information saved
023Sharing information successfully activated
024Sharing information has no syntax errors
025A line of a normalized where condition must use at least one key field
026A normalized where condition must contain at least one line
027Old an new nametab are initial
028Shared tables are only supported on HANA
029Shared table conversion called but no sharing involved
030Mixed sharing not possible for DB tables with unique secondary indexes
031Changing the settings for table sharing is only allowed in SAP systems
032Please activate the changes for &1 first
033Table &1: invalid AS4LOCAL &2 in table DDTENANTKEYS
034Table &1: unexpected DDTENANTKEYS-AS4LOCAL, found "&2", expected "&3"
035No entry found for table &1 in MTSHTABS in shared container
036No entry found in table MTSHCONTAINER for SHARED_CONTAINER_NAME
037Table &1: invalid activation mode &2
038Table &1 is shared rw but has no WHERE condition (table DDTENANTKEYS)
039Table &1 is shared rw but has no active WHERE condition (DDTENANTKEYS)
040Table &1 is shared read only but active WHERE condition exists
041Line &1 of the where condition is longer than the allowed &2 characters
042Line &1, Field &2: LIKE Operator requires % or _
043For table &1 writable database views exist
044Sharing type "S" can ONLY be used for Table REPOSRC
045Table &1 does not exist
046View &1 does not exist
047Please specify a database table
048Please specify a database view
049Sharing is only supported for database tables and database views
050View must be a writable database view
051Underlying database table &1 must have TADIR based sharing (Type T or S)
052View &1 does not exist
053For writable database views currently only sharing type T is allowed
054Activation failed. Details see SE13, "Goto"=>"Active/Check Log"
055Where condition cannot be checked as database system is not HANA!
056Sharing information saved with warnings. Details see "Check"
057For writable view &1 sharing information must be maintained
058For sharing type T/S unit tests are mandatory (see �Unit Test: HowTo�)
059A test is mandatory but yet missing (details see �Unit Test: HowTo�)
060A test is optional and not yet defined (details see �Unit Test: HowTo�)
061Internal error &1.
062Table &1: Index &2 isn't active in the data dictionary
063Error inserting &1 DDTENANTKEYS lines (table=&2, subrc=&3, dbcnt=&4)
064Error dropping index with id &1 on shared table &2 (sy-subrc=&3)
065Error creating index with id &1 on shared table &2 (sy-subrc=&3)
066You do not have authorization for running this transport step
067Inconsistent derivation of SQL statements
068Unknown transition &1 during conversion of &2
069Internal Error (SQL statements missing in APPEND_SQL_STEP)
070At least one line of the SQL statement is too long
071Shared container name: &1
072Shared container schema: &1
073Number of shared tables with a new version: &1
074.. switch view &1
075.. to shared container table &1
076Invalid SQL parameter: &1
077Handling table &1 of sharing type &2
078Buffer synchronization failed for table &1
079Line &1, Field &2: LIKE condition is used with non character-like field
080Character-like property for key field &1 changed
081You have no change authorization for MT sharing settings
082Table or view sharing changes are forbidden in this system
083Structure changes of shared tables are forbidden in this system
084You have no change authorization for MT shared tables
085DIST_INTERNAL_ERROR: Found unallowed action for real shared table
086Database name could not be determined for index &1 of table &2
087Sharing information has errors and cannot be saved. Details see "Check"
088Technical settings for table &1 not found
089Undefined ABAP conversion step &1
090Start of ABAP step &1 &2 &3 (&4)
091Start of SQL step &1 &2 &3 (&4)
092Step &1 successfully executed (&2)
093Step &1 failed (&2)
094Starting MTSH conversion for table &1 (activiation mode &2)
095Table sharing type: &1 -> &2
096Table &1: Sharing change requires a table conversion
097Table &1: Verify that the where condition is aligned with the namespace
098Table &1: Sharing type W not allowed (non-key fields in namespace def.)
099Shared version: &1
100Table &1: Repairing missing MTSHTABS_VERS entry
101Technical settings active, but request to delete WHERE clause found.
102WHERE clause category &1 is not valid for table sharing type &2
103WHERE clause is not complete
104Error splitting DBAL statement into TATAF format
105Table &1, Field &2: Type change &3 -> &4 not supported
106Conversion of shared table &1 not allowed
107Empty statement table, switch view not possible
108Error deleting entries in MTSHTABS and/or MTSHTABS_VERS
109Table buffer invalidation deferred to Step 8 due to container switch
110All shared buffered tables: Buffer invalidation due to container switch
111Invalidating table buffer for table &1
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