DFS_DISCONNECTED - Message Class Defense Disconnected Applications
The following messages are stored in message class DFS_DISCONNECTED: Message Class Defense Disconnected Applications.
It is part of development package IS_S4DFS_MDO_COMMON_FDN in software component IS-DFS-BIT-DIS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common Foundation Objects for Disconnected Strategic Server".
It is part of development package IS_S4DFS_MDO_COMMON_FDN in software component IS-DFS-BIT-DIS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common Foundation Objects for Disconnected Strategic Server".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Target system &1 is not available for mobile application &2. |
001 | Issue with system &1 or mobile application &2. |
002 | Sync RFC destination not found. |
003 | Sync service user not found. |
004 | User GUID not found for service user &1. |
005 | Superordinate equipment &1 does not exist to create a hierarchy. |
006 | Failed to update the object link. |
007 | Functional location synchronization failed. |
008 | Failed to update the transaction status to 'COMPLETED'. |
009 | Target system &1 is not available. |
010 | Failed to determine an active RFC destination. |
011 | Synchronization failed for notification &1. |
012 | Dependent object data is not available. |
013 | Object data for &1 from system &2 is not available. |
014 | Reference to dependent object &1 not found in &2. |
015 | Work order synchronization failed. |
016 | Assignment synchronization failed. |
017 | Force element synchronization failed. |
018 | Assignment source not found for &1. |
019 | Assignment target not found for &1. |
020 | Measuring point synchronization failed. |
021 | Object &1 : &2 from system &3 not available. |
022 | Material synchronization failed. |
023 | Failed to create notification &1. |
024 | You cannot change stock transfer order & in this logical SAP system. |
025 | BOM synchronization failed. |
026 | Outbound delivery synchronization failed. |
027 | You cannot change stock transfer request & in this logical SAP system. |
028 | You cannot change material & in this logical SAP system. |
029 | Measurement document synchronization failed. |
030 | Application log sub object &1 not found for log object &1. |
031 | No target RFC destinations found. |
032 | Failed to reset synchronization flag in object link table. |
033 | Object not eligible for synchronization. |
034 | Failed to update object link info for &1 &2 for &3. |
035 | Synchronization object key : &1. |
036 | No dependent information found. |
037 | Notification &1 created successfully. |
038 | Failed to create outbound queue. |
039 | Failed to create work order &1. |
040 | Please execute trx 'DFS_STAGE_DATA' to upload data for subscription &1. |
041 | Invalid subscription ID. Please create an entry in DFS_SUBS_HEADER. |
042 | Classification assignment to & failed. |
043 | Functional location &1 created successfully. |
044 | Functional location &1 synchronization failed. |
045 | Material &1 created successfully. |
046 | Material &1 synchronization failed. |
047 | Material BOM &1 created successfully. |
048 | Equipment BOM &1 created successfully. |
049 | Functional location BOM &1 created successfully. |
050 | BOM &1 synchronization failed. |
051 | &1 : &2 not yet synchronized to system &3. |
052 | Subscription ID does not exist in DFS_SUBS_HEADER. |
053 | Enter a logical system for subscription. |
054 | Enter a subscription status. |
055 | Inbound delivery &1 synchronization failed. |
056 | Outbound delivery &1 created successfully. |
057 | Outbound delivery &1 synchronization failed. |
058 | Failed to create outbound delivery &1. |
059 | Failed to create MRP area &1. |
060 | MRP area synchronization failed. |
061 | Failed to create stock transport request &1. |
062 | Stock transport request &1 created successfully. |
063 | Stock transport request &1 synchronization failed. |
064 | Synchronization failed for stock transport order &1. |
065 | Stock transport order &1 created successfully. |
066 | Characteristics synchronization failed. |
067 | Class header synchronization failed. |
068 | Class characteristics synchronization failed. |
069 | You cannot change outbound delivery & in this logical SAP system. |
070 | You cannot change inbound delivery & in this logical SAP system. |
071 | Classification does not exist for & object. |
072 | Inbound delivery &1 created successfully. |
073 | Document synchronization failed. |
074 | Revision &1 for plant &2 created successfully. |
075 | Revision &1 for plant &2 synchronization failed. |
076 | Notification &1 not found, assignment not possible with revision &2. |
077 | Work order &1 not found, assignment not possible with revision &2. |
078 | Class type for BO & not found. |
079 | Classification number update for & failed. |
080 | Classification update for & failed. |
081 | Material &1 has been created or extended for plant &2. |
082 | Material &1 has been created or extended for plant and StLoc &2/&3. |
083 | Creation or extension of material &1 failed for plant &2. |
084 | Creation or extension of material &1 failed for plant and StLoc &2/&3. |
085 | Accounting data maintained for material &1 in plant &2. |
086 | Accounting data not maintained for material &1 in plant &2. |
087 | MRP area &1 maintained for material &2 in plant &3. |
088 | MRP area &1 not maintained for material &2 in plant &3. |
089 | Inbound delivery &3 has been derived from STO &2 for subscription &1. |
090 | Subscribed FE &2 has been derived for subscription &1. |
091 | FE &3 is subscribed to FE &2 for subscription &1 (wartime relationship). |
092 | FE &3 is subscribed to FE &2 for subscription &1 (admin chain of command) |
093 | FE &3 is subscribed to FE &2 for subscription &1 (org. structure). |
094 | FE &3 is the supplier of FE &2 for subscription &1. |
095 | FE &3 is supplied by FE &2 for subscription &1. |
096 | FE &3 is maintained by FE &2 for subscription &1. |
097 | FE &3 maintains FE &2 for subscription &1. |
098 | Classification successfully assigned to BO &. |
099 | STO &3 has been derived from STR &2 for subscription &1. |
100 | STR &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
101 | STR &4 has been derived from plant &2 and SLOC &3 for subscription &1. |
102 | Subscription ID: &1 supply plant(&2), supply SLOC(&3) -> STR: &4 |
103 | Position &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
104 | Qualification &3 has been derived from person &2 for subscription &1. |
105 | Qualification &3 has been derived from position &2 for subscription &1. |
106 | Assignment &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
107 | MRP area &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
108 | MAT &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
109 | MAT &3 has been derived from FMPO &2 for subscription &1. |
110 | MAT &4 has been derived from plant &2 and SLOC &3 for subscription &1. |
111 | MAT &3 has been derived from EQBOM &2 for subscription &1. |
112 | MAT &3 is derived from EQ &2 (construction type) for subscription &1. |
113 | MAT &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
114 | MAT &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
115 | EQBOM &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
116 | MAT &3 has been derived from MATBOM &2 for subscription &1. |
117 | STO &4 has been derived from plant &2 and SLOC &3 for subscription &1. |
118 | Subscription ID: &1 supply plant(&2), supply SLOC(&3) -> STO: &4 |
119 | WO &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
120 | WO &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
121 | WO &3 has been derived from NOTIF &2 for subscription &1. |
122 | FLOC &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
123 | MPOINT &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
124 | MPOINT &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
125 | MDOC &3 has been derived from MPOINT &2 for subscription &1. |
126 | NOTIF &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
127 | EQ &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
128 | EQ &3 has been derived from MAT &2 for subscription &1. |
129 | EQ &3 has been derived from super EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
130 | Sub EQ &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
131 | EQ &3 has been derived from tasklist &2 for subscription &1. |
132 | EQ &4 has been derived from plant &2 and SLOC &3 for subscription &1. |
133 | BOM &3 has been derived from MAT &2 for subscription &1. |
134 | EQ &3 is derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1 (hierarchical EQ). |
135 | WC &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
136 | WC &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
137 | WC &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
138 | WC &3 has been derived from WO &2 for subscription &1. |
139 | SLOC plant &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
140 | FLOC &3 is derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1 (FLOC hierarchy). |
141 | WC &3 has been derived from NOTIF &2 for subscription &1. |
142 | FLOCBOM &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
143 | Subscription ID: &1 MAT: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
144 | CHAR &3 has been derived from class no. &2 for subscription &1. |
145 | Class type &3 has been derived from class no. &2 for subscription &1. |
146 | DIR &3 has been derived from NOTIF &2 for subscription &1. |
147 | MATBOM &3 has been derived from MAT &2 for subscription &1. |
148 | NSN &3 has been derived from MAT &2 for subscription &1. |
149 | Revision &3 has been derived from NOTIF &2 for subscription &1. |
150 | Revision &3 has been derived from WO &2 for subscription &1. |
151 | Revision &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
152 | CHAR &3 has been derived from MPOINT &2 for subscription &1. |
153 | CHAR &3 has been derived from class no. &2 for subscription &1. |
154 | Subscription ID: &1 EQ: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
155 | Subscription ID: &1 FLOC: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
156 | Subscription ID: &1 WC: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
157 | Subscription ID: &1 MPOINT: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
158 | Subscription ID: &1 NOTIF: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
159 | Subscription ID: &1 FE: &2 -> class no: &3, class type: &4 |
160 | Revision &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
161 | Assignment &3 (&4) has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
162 | DIR &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1. |
163 | DIR &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
164 | DIR &3 has been derived from MAT &2 for subscription &1. |
165 | DIR &3 has been derived from FE &2 for subscription &1. |
166 | Subscription &1 successfully created in the DFS_SUBS_HEADER table. |
167 | Subscription &1 created in DFS_SUBS_HEADER and DFS_SUBS_OBJLIST tables. |
168 | NOTIF &3 has been derived from FLOC &2 for subscription &1. |
169 | Material &1 does not exist in the target system. |
170 | BOM &1 transfer cancelled since &2 does not exist in the target system. |
171 | EQ &3 has been derived from EQ &2 for subscription &1 (EQ hierarchy). |
172 | EQ &3 has been derived from WO &2 for subscription &1. |
173 | FLOC &3 has been derived from WO &2 for subscription &1. |
174 | MAT &3 has been derived from WO &2 for subscription &1. |
175 | NOTIF &3 has been derived from WO &2 for subscription &1. |
176 | Creation failed as stock transport request &1 and item &2 already exist. |
178 | You can only subscribe to active force elements. |
179 | Enter the force element to which you want to subscribe. |
180 | No assignment found between material &1 and force element. |
181 | The plant and SLOC�for material &1 were not found in any force element. |
182 | Material &1 is derived from functional location &2 (construction type). |