DG - DG: Messages for Dangerous Goods Management
The following messages are stored in message class DG: DG: Messages for Dangerous Goods Management.
It is part of development package CBDG in software component EHS-DGP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "EH&S: Dangerous Goods Management".
It is part of development package CBDG in software component EHS-DGP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "EH&S: Dangerous Goods Management".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ----------------------- Empty General Messages -------------------------- |
001 | *&1&2&3&4 |
002 | * Function is not yet supported (in processing) |
003 | * |
004 | ---------------------- General Software Errors -------------------------- |
005 | Unknown OK code '&1' |
007 | Exception &1 &2 |
008 | Choose a validity start or validity range |
009 | A check method with sequence &1 is already defined in the check schema |
100 | ------------------------ Buffer (to no. 160) --------------------------- |
105 | Buffer for &1 was not initialized |
106 | Buffer for &1 could not be initialized |
110 | Incorrect initialization of validity period |
111 | Incorrect LINEMODE during update: &1 |
112 | Change number collision following update |
122 | Incorrect mode &1 in the interface table |
128 | Update on non-existant data record R:&1 M:&2 M:&3 V:&4 |
129 | Update of existing data records: &1 data records from material &2 to &3 |
130 | Updating non-existing data records: &1 data records from matl &2 to &3 |
142 | Error in buffer: update failed: &1 |
150 | Error in buffer: data record exists already RECN: &1, ACTN: &2 |
151 | You cannot delete locked data records |
152 | You cannot change locked data records |
160 | ------------------- Creation of Change Documents ------------------------ |
161 | Exception when creating change documents: &1 &2 |
165 | Error when calling creation of change documents |
184 | ----------------- Messages for Tests Only (185 - 193) ------------------- |
185 | All change documents in client &1 were deleted |
186 | No change documents were found for deletion in client &1 |
187 | No data records changed in table &1, no valid key found |
188 | &1 data records changed in table &2 |
189 | &1 data records added to table &2 |
190 | No data records for deletion in table &1 |
191 | No data records deleted from table &1 |
192 | &1 data records deleted from table &2 |
193 | No data records added to table &1, key might already exist |
200 | ---------------------- Customizing Messages ----------------------------- |
201 | Enter field names for predefined texts only |
202 | Enter field names for user-defined texts only |
203 | Entry &1 is not allowed |
204 | Only SD document categories J, T, and 7 are supported |
205 | Enter an SD document category |
206 | Enter the name of the function module |
207 | Data locked by user & (can only be displayed) |
208 | Internal error on enqueue server. |
209 | No entries exist in the check table |
210 | *Gaps between change statuses |
211 | *Interval (&2, &3) for data record &1 is invalid |
212 | *Intervals &1 (from &2) overlap with predecessor (to &3) |
213 | Record &1 is deleted |
214 | Selection "Current date" has already been saved |
215 | "Current date" selection has not yet been saved |
216 | Invalid user name |
217 | Invalid request category |
218 | Invalid client |
219 | Internal error |
220 | Missing entries in field "Description" |
221 | Cancel |
222 | Display only |
223 | Enter a method for activation check |
224 | Tab pages in dangerous goods master are not specified correctly |
225 | Function module &1 cannot be used as a check module |
250 | -------------------------- Number Range Objects ------------------------- |
251 | Could not find interval &1 in number range &2 |
252 | Number range error: Number range & is not an internal/external no. range |
253 | Number range error: Could not find number range & |
254 | Could not get number from number range & |
255 | Overflow in interval &1, number range &2 |
256 | Number range access: No further processing possible |
299 | ------------- Engineering Change Management up to no. 350 --------------- |
300 | Engineering change management: Change number &1 not found |
301 | Engineering change management: Change number &1 is locked |
302 | Object type for change master record does not support changes |
303 | *Object type does not support changes & object does not exist |
304 | *Date restrictions |
305 | *Object management record cannot be generated |
306 | *No change to object for change number |
307 | *Software error: Insufficient data for ECCIN interface |
308 | *Object locked for change number |
309 | *Software error: Error in system table TCC01 |
310 | Change number &1 not released |
311 | Change number &1 is already locked |
312 | *Authorization does not exist |
313 | Change number is already released |
314 | Unknown error in engineering change management |
320 | No data records found with change number &1 |
350 | -------------- Editing Messages for the Material Master ----------------- |
351 | Material &1 does not exist in the dangerous goods master |
400 | ---------- Messages for the Dangerous Goods Checks up to no. 499 -------- |
401 | No mode-of-transport categories determined from the document |
402 | The dangerous goods checks are not active |
403 | No function module assigned to the DG check schema determination routine |
404 | No dangerous goods check schema assigned |
405 | Dangerous goods check schema assigned with no check methods |
406 | Countries/regions and mode-of-transport categories couldn't be determined |
407 | Document does not contain materials that need checking |
408 | No indicator profile specified for dangerous goods checks |
409 | No function module has been assigned to the DG check method |
410 | Check schema________: &1 |
411 | Sequence: &1 Routine: &2 &3 |
412 | Mode-of-transport category: &1 Ctry/reg: &2 Region: &3 Ctry function: &4 |
413 | No reaction category available for dangerous goods check schema |
414 | Mode-of-transport category: &1 Validity area: &2 Cntry/reg function: &3 |
415 | Routines with usage profile in processing sequence: |
416 | Route: &1 preliminary leg: &2 main leg: &3 subsequent leg: &4 |
417 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
418 | Selection date___: &1 |
419 | Sales organization: &1 SD document category: &2 SD document type: &3 |
420 | Routines w/o usage profile in processing sequence: |
421 | Sales document is no longer valid |
422 | No processing status is defined as release status |
423 | No method with sequence 1 in check schema |
424 | Shipping type_: &1 mode-of-transport category &2 |
425 | Shipment number______________________________________________________: &1 |
426 | Route: &1 |
427 | Sequence: &1 Leg______________: &2 |
428 | Country/region____: &1 Region__: &2 Ctry function: &3 |
429 | Transportation planning point: &1 SD doc. category: &2 Shipment type: &3 |
430 | Countries/regions in leg &1: |
431 | Check methods for leg &1: |
432 | Leg______________: &1 Delivery_____: &2 |
433 | No message number specified |
434 | Number of expected delivery__________________: &1 |
435 | Goods issue date____: &1 Arrival time__: &2 |
436 | Shipping pnt_: &1 Ship-to party_: &2 |
437 | Sales item_______: &1 Sched. line: &2 Material no.__: &3 |
438 | Number of sales document________: &1 |
439 | No cntries/regs and no mode-of-transport categories could be determined. |
440 | DG checks are completed, there are no log entries |
441 | DG checks are completed, there are log entries |
442 | Validity end of the sales document lies before today's date |
443 | Sales item_______: &1 Material no: &2 |
444 | Mode-of-transport category: &1 &2 country/region: &3 region: &4 |
445 | Delivery item____: &1 Material no.: &2 |
446 | Method___________: &1 &2 |
447 | Validity area____: &1 Dangerous goods regulation: &2 |
448 | Validity area____: &1 |
449 | Mode-of-transport category: &1 &2 country/region: &3 validity area: &4 |
450 | No dangerous goods master record found |
451 | More than one dangerous goods master record was found |
452 | No dangerous goods master record found for material &1 |
453 | Overlapping validity areas exist |
454 | No dangerous goods master records found |
455 | Dangerous goods master record is not released |
456 | Dangerous goods master record is not currently valid |
457 | Dangerous goods master record has delete indicator |
458 | No mode-of-transport category entered |
459 | User exit could not determine a selection date |
460 | You have not specified any shipment legs |
461 | Dangerous goods check schema could not be read |
462 | Not all required data has been specified fully |
463 | Block indicator for dangerous goods is set |
464 | No dangerous goods master records found for the materials in the document |
465 | Mode-of-transport category: &1 &2 validity area: &3 |
466 | No corresponding dangerous goods regulation available |
467 | Overlapping validity areas exist |
468 | Order type '&' is not defined for sales organization '&' |
469 | No DG checks required for mode-of-transport category 20 (pipeline) |
470 | Material cannot be transported with this mode-of-transport category |
471 | Mode-of-transport category &1 not allowed in validity area &2 |
472 | No data records relevant for checking result from the sales document |
473 | Setting 'Document block' and 'Save not permitted' is not logical |
474 | Delivery check result |
475 | Dangerous goods master record is deactivated |
476 | Handling unit: &1 packaging material: &2 |
477 | Handling unit item: &1 |
478 | Handling units check result |
487 | Error determining the template materials and one-time materials |
488 | You have not selected the date type |
489 | Two date fields are used to determine the dangerous goods master data |
490 | Dangerous goods management profile is not permitted |
491 | No dangerous goods management profile specified |
492 | Material comes under the listed goods regulation |
493 | Transport comes under Chapter |
494 | No dangerous goods checks to be processed |
495 | Poisonous by inhalation indicator is set |
496 | Material comes under reportable quantities |
497 | The current date was used to determine the DG master data |
498 | No function module assigned to determine the selection date |
499 | *SD document category & is not allowed |
500 | -------------- Messages for Dangerous Goods Documents / EDI ------------- |
501 | No valid data record found for Mat. &1 ModeTransCat &2 ValidArea &3 |
502 | No valid DG data record for at least one mat./mode-of-trans. combination |
503 | No dangerous goods data record found |
504 | Overlapping validity areas were found for country/region &1. |
505 | No released data record found for Mat &1, ModeTransCat &2, ValidArea &3 |
506 | No DG data record found for material &1, ModeTransCat &2, and ctry/reg &3 |
507 | No hazard-inducing subs. found for Mat &1, ModeTransCat &2, ValidArea &3 |
508 | Error occurred while reading the description for the mode-of-trans. cat. |
509 | No dangerous goods selection date found |
510 | No countries/regions found for delivery &1. |
511 | No route found for delivery &1 |
512 | No mode-of-transport category found for delivery &1 |
513 | Enter a valid phrase group |
514 | No dangerous goods description found for material &1 regulation &2 |
515 | No secondary language entered for validity area &1 mode-of-trans. cat. &2 |
516 | Set the long text indicator for the phrase group |
517 | No phrase set assignment exists for the field &1 |
518 | An error occurred creating the phrases |
519 | No legs found |
520 | No active phrase library found |
521 | Commit could not be run successfully |
522 | No phrase set assigned |
523 | No phrases were assigned to the phrase set (characteristic &1) |
524 | Set the indicator |
525 | Phrase (phrase key &1) is not entered in the language &2 |
526 | Error converting the language |
527 | Error reading the phrase set for characteristic &1 |
528 | Error saving the SAPscript text for phrase &1 in language &2 |
529 | Error occurred writing the indicator FLGWRLTXT for phrase &1 |
530 | Release status cannot be determined |
531 | Dangerous goods error in IDOC for document &1 |
532 | Canceled due to error in determining dangerous goods data |
533 | No dangerous goods text pattern available for material &1 regulation &2 |
534 | Cannot determine language for country/region &1. |
535 | No ISO code found for unit &1 |
536 | Specify the name for danger label &1 in language &2 |
540 | -------------------------- Tremcard Output ------------------------------ |
541 | No output of tremcards for delivery &1 |
542 | Transport is in accordance with Chapter |
543 | Error procuring transport-relevant dangerous goods data |
550 | ----------------------------- Text Pattern ------------------------------ |
551 | Error reading a SAPscript text |
552 | Error saving a SAPscript text |
553 | Error expanding the text pattern |
580 | -------------------------- Text Conversions ----------------------------- |
581 | User exit is not specified |
582 | Text pattern phrases do not exist |
583 | Phrase text could not be saved |
584 | Conversion has already been executed |
600 | --------------- SAPscript Text Maintenance/LIPSDG/VBEPDG ---------------- |
601 | Text for table field name &1 was not found |
603 | Short text for domain & does not exist |
604 | Error accessing authorization object for &1 dangerous goods addit. data |
605 | You do not have authorization to edit &1, &2, &3, &4 |
606 | No authorization profile for &1 entered in user master |
607 | Entry can be overwritten by check method |
608 | You are not authorized to edit &1 |
650 | --------- Messages for the Dangerous Goods Checks up to no. 799 --------- |
651 | Choose either template material or one-time material |
652 | Enter a unit of measurement |
653 | Enter the value for unit of measurement &1 |
654 | Choose a dangerous goods description for identification number &1 |
655 | Enter an identification number for dangerous goods description &1 |
656 | This function is not supported |
657 | Error during material exchange in the dangerous goods checks |
658 | Error in multiple component explosion in the dangerous goods checks |
659 | Error reading the dangerous goods indicator profile |
660 | Material &1 was exchanged for material &2 |
661 | Usage profile is not taken into account for check method 1 |
662 | Error reading &1 |
663 | Check method &1 is initialization method for checks at header level |
664 | Can't determ. ctries/regs and mode-of-transport categories via user exit. |
665 | Dangerous goods checks have already expired for the indicator &1 |
666 | Error while determining expected delivery via user exit |
667 | Not all deliveries are assigned to a stage of shipment |
668 | Error during material exchange for dynamic classification |
669 | Cannot find dynamic classification for material &1 |
672 | No entry for mixed loading rule &1 and regulation &2 |
673 | &1: &2 &3 &4 |
674 | Mixed loading rule &1: &2 |
675 | No entry for enterprise-spec. mixed loading rules &1 and &2 and regul. &3 |
676 | No entry found for reaction &1 |
677 | &1: &2 not together with &3 &4 |
678 | Group &1 (&2) not together with group &3 (&4) |
679 | *************** Results of the Mixed Loading Checks ********************* |
680 | ******************* The following errors occurred *********************** |
681 | ********** Results of Enterprise-Specific Mixed Loading Checks ********** |
682 | ************* Results of the Mixed Loading Rule Check ******************* |
683 | **************** Results of the Segregation Key Check ******************* |
684 | Error determining the dangerous goods master records |
687 | Segregation key &1 (&2) not with segregation key &3 (&4) |
689 | No segregation key is assigned to regulation &1 and danger label &2 |
690 | Materials cannot be loaded together |
691 | ****************************** Summary ********************************** |
692 | *********** Results of the Mixed Loading Checks: Leg____:&1 ************* |
693 | Material &1 is a multiple component material (component: &2) |
694 | IMG activity is not supported in the standard system |
695 | Away from |
696 | Separated from |
697 | Separated by a complete compartment or hold from |
698 | Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold.. |
699 | &1: mixed loading for &2 and &3 is allowed |
750 | ------------------------ Product Release -------------------------------- |
751 | Material &1 does not have release indicator set |
752 | Material &1 has no real substance assignment |
753 | Materials &1 and &2 have no common real substance assigned |
754 | Error during database access sy-subrc &1 (&2) |
755 | Material &1 or material &2 has a direct dangerous goods classification |
756 | No material assigned to real substance &1 |
757 | There is no valid assignment material &1 to real substance &2 |
758 | Source and target material &1 are identical |
759 | Product release &2 already exists for material &1 |
760 | No released product release exists for template material &1 |
761 | No dangerous goods data could be determined for UN-listed substance &1 |
762 | You are not authorized to release products |
763 | Product releases already exist for all selected regulations |
764 | A product release already exists for at least one regulation |
765 | First select at least one row with a regulation |
766 | &1 product release(s) were created |
767 | No dangerous goods classification exists for regulation &1 |
768 | No packaging data exists for instr. for enclosure &1 and packag. code &2 |
769 | Checks completed without errors |
770 | Not all product releases are released for template material &1 |
771 | Error when saving new product release &1 (&2) |
772 | Record with same key already exists; change the key |
773 | No dangerous goods classification exists for material &1 |
774 | Select one data record only or position the cursor on one line |
775 | Select a data record with UN-listed substance specification |
800 | ----------------------Authorizations---------------------------------- |
820 | You are not authorized to display data for object &1 |
821 | You are not authorized to change data for object &1 |
822 | You are not authorized to create data for object &1 |
823 | You are not authorized to delete data for object &1 |
824 | You are not authorized to edit data for object &1 |
825 | You are not authorized to distribute data for object &1 |
826 | You are not authorized to delete import logs |
827 | You are not authorized to execute the transaction &1 |
830 | Error while accessing authorization object for DG management |
831 | No authorization for dangerous goods management in the user master record |
832 | No profile entered in user master |
833 | Function module call with incorrect object (&1) |
870 | -------------- Table Conversion/Check (for 4.5 Redesigns) --------------- |
871 | Error during conversion due to missing Customizing entries |
872 | Entries could not be completely converted |
873 | Entries were not completely converted |
874 | All entries were converted correctly |
875 | You have not assigned a phrase set to all fields |
876 | Dangerous goods regulation &1 not found |
877 | Target data for table &1 (object '&2') locked |
878 | You are not authorized to change table &1 (object '&2') |
879 | Change numbers were not entered for all data |
880 | Tables could not be locked; indicators not converted |
881 | All &1 entries of the master data table (DGTMD) were converted |
882 | E: &1 entries in master data table (DGTMD) not converted |
883 | Conversion completed successfully |
884 | No indicators converted in table(s) &1 |
885 | Entries for dangerous goods regulation &1 are not unique |
886 | Table cannot be locked; conversion is not done |
887 | Data set is correct (no inconsistencies found) |
888 | Inconsistencies were found during the check |
889 | Cannot convert texts due to insufficient authorization |
890 | Action was canceled |