DG - DG: Messages for Dangerous Goods Management

The following messages are stored in message class DG: DG: Messages for Dangerous Goods Management.
It is part of development package CBDG in software component EHS-DGP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "EH&S: Dangerous Goods Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000----------------------- Empty General Messages --------------------------
002* Function is not yet supported (in processing)
004---------------------- General Software Errors --------------------------
005Unknown OK code '&1'
007Exception &1 &2
008Choose a validity start or validity range
009A check method with sequence &1 is already defined in the check schema
100------------------------ Buffer (to no. 160) ---------------------------
105Buffer for &1 was not initialized
106Buffer for &1 could not be initialized
110Incorrect initialization of validity period
111Incorrect LINEMODE during update: &1
112Change number collision following update
122Incorrect mode &1 in the interface table
128Update on non-existant data record R:&1 M:&2 M:&3 V:&4
129Update of existing data records: &1 data records from material &2 to &3
130Updating non-existing data records: &1 data records from matl &2 to &3
142Error in buffer: update failed: &1
150Error in buffer: data record exists already RECN: &1, ACTN: &2
151You cannot delete locked data records
152You cannot change locked data records
160------------------- Creation of Change Documents ------------------------
161Exception when creating change documents: &1 &2
165Error when calling creation of change documents
184----------------- Messages for Tests Only (185 - 193) -------------------
185All change documents in client &1 were deleted
186No change documents were found for deletion in client &1
187No data records changed in table &1, no valid key found
188&1 data records changed in table &2
189&1 data records added to table &2
190No data records for deletion in table &1
191No data records deleted from table &1
192&1 data records deleted from table &2
193No data records added to table &1, key might already exist
200---------------------- Customizing Messages -----------------------------
201Enter field names for predefined texts only
202Enter field names for user-defined texts only
203Entry &1 is not allowed
204Only SD document categories J, T, and 7 are supported
205Enter an SD document category
206Enter the name of the function module
207Data locked by user & (can only be displayed)
208Internal error on enqueue server.
209No entries exist in the check table
210*Gaps between change statuses
211*Interval (&2, &3) for data record &1 is invalid
212*Intervals &1 (from &2) overlap with predecessor (to &3)
213Record &1 is deleted
214Selection "Current date" has already been saved
215"Current date" selection has not yet been saved
216Invalid user name
217Invalid request category
218Invalid client
219Internal error
220Missing entries in field "Description"
222Display only
223Enter a method for activation check
224Tab pages in dangerous goods master are not specified correctly
225Function module &1 cannot be used as a check module
250-------------------------- Number Range Objects -------------------------
251Could not find interval &1 in number range &2
252Number range error: Number range & is not an internal/external no. range
253Number range error: Could not find number range &
254Could not get number from number range &
255Overflow in interval &1, number range &2
256Number range access: No further processing possible
299------------- Engineering Change Management up to no. 350 ---------------
300Engineering change management: Change number &1 not found
301Engineering change management: Change number &1 is locked
302Object type for change master record does not support changes
303*Object type does not support changes & object does not exist
304*Date restrictions
305*Object management record cannot be generated
306*No change to object for change number
307*Software error: Insufficient data for ECCIN interface
308*Object locked for change number
309*Software error: Error in system table TCC01
310Change number &1 not released
311Change number &1 is already locked
312*Authorization does not exist
313Change number is already released
314Unknown error in engineering change management
320No data records found with change number &1
350-------------- Editing Messages for the Material Master -----------------
351Material &1 does not exist in the dangerous goods master
400---------- Messages for the Dangerous Goods Checks up to no. 499 --------
401No mode-of-transport categories determined from the document
402The dangerous goods checks are not active
403No function module assigned to the DG check schema determination routine
404No dangerous goods check schema assigned
405Dangerous goods check schema assigned with no check methods
406Countries/regions and mode-of-transport categories couldn't be determined
407Document does not contain materials that need checking
408No indicator profile specified for dangerous goods checks
409No function module has been assigned to the DG check method
410Check schema________: &1
411Sequence: &1 Routine: &2 &3
412Mode-of-transport category: &1 Ctry/reg: &2 Region: &3 Ctry function: &4
413No reaction category available for dangerous goods check schema
414Mode-of-transport category: &1 Validity area: &2 Cntry/reg function: &3
415Routines with usage profile in processing sequence:
416Route: &1 preliminary leg: &2 main leg: &3 subsequent leg: &4
418Selection date___: &1
419Sales organization: &1 SD document category: &2 SD document type: &3
420Routines w/o usage profile in processing sequence:
421Sales document is no longer valid
422No processing status is defined as release status
423No method with sequence 1 in check schema
424Shipping type_: &1 mode-of-transport category &2
425Shipment number______________________________________________________: &1
426Route: &1
427Sequence: &1 Leg______________: &2
428Country/region____: &1 Region__: &2 Ctry function: &3
429Transportation planning point: &1 SD doc. category: &2 Shipment type: &3
430Countries/regions in leg &1:
431Check methods for leg &1:
432Leg______________: &1 Delivery_____: &2
433No message number specified
434Number of expected delivery__________________: &1
435Goods issue date____: &1 Arrival time__: &2
436Shipping pnt_: &1 Ship-to party_: &2
437Sales item_______: &1 Sched. line: &2 Material no.__: &3
438Number of sales document________: &1
439No cntries/regs and no mode-of-transport categories could be determined.
440DG checks are completed, there are no log entries
441DG checks are completed, there are log entries
442Validity end of the sales document lies before today's date
443Sales item_______: &1 Material no: &2
444Mode-of-transport category: &1 &2 country/region: &3 region: &4
445Delivery item____: &1 Material no.: &2
446Method___________: &1 &2
447Validity area____: &1 Dangerous goods regulation: &2
448Validity area____: &1
449Mode-of-transport category: &1 &2 country/region: &3 validity area: &4
450No dangerous goods master record found
451More than one dangerous goods master record was found
452No dangerous goods master record found for material &1
453Overlapping validity areas exist
454No dangerous goods master records found
455Dangerous goods master record is not released
456Dangerous goods master record is not currently valid
457Dangerous goods master record has delete indicator
458No mode-of-transport category entered
459User exit could not determine a selection date
460You have not specified any shipment legs
461Dangerous goods check schema could not be read
462Not all required data has been specified fully
463Block indicator for dangerous goods is set
464No dangerous goods master records found for the materials in the document
465Mode-of-transport category: &1 &2 validity area: &3
466No corresponding dangerous goods regulation available
467Overlapping validity areas exist
468Order type '&' is not defined for sales organization '&'
469No DG checks required for mode-of-transport category 20 (pipeline)
470Material cannot be transported with this mode-of-transport category
471Mode-of-transport category &1 not allowed in validity area &2
472No data records relevant for checking result from the sales document
473Setting 'Document block' and 'Save not permitted' is not logical
474Delivery check result
475Dangerous goods master record is deactivated
476Handling unit: &1 packaging material: &2
477Handling unit item: &1
478Handling units check result
487Error determining the template materials and one-time materials
488You have not selected the date type
489Two date fields are used to determine the dangerous goods master data
490Dangerous goods management profile is not permitted
491No dangerous goods management profile specified
492Material comes under the listed goods regulation
493Transport comes under Chapter
494No dangerous goods checks to be processed
495Poisonous by inhalation indicator is set
496Material comes under reportable quantities
497The current date was used to determine the DG master data
498No function module assigned to determine the selection date
499*SD document category & is not allowed
500-------------- Messages for Dangerous Goods Documents / EDI -------------
501No valid data record found for Mat. &1 ModeTransCat &2 ValidArea &3
502No valid DG data record for at least one mat./mode-of-trans. combination
503No dangerous goods data record found
504Overlapping validity areas were found for country/region &1.
505No released data record found for Mat &1, ModeTransCat &2, ValidArea &3
506No DG data record found for material &1, ModeTransCat &2, and ctry/reg &3
507No hazard-inducing subs. found for Mat &1, ModeTransCat &2, ValidArea &3
508Error occurred while reading the description for the mode-of-trans. cat.
509No dangerous goods selection date found
510No countries/regions found for delivery &1.
511No route found for delivery &1
512No mode-of-transport category found for delivery &1
513Enter a valid phrase group
514No dangerous goods description found for material &1 regulation &2
515No secondary language entered for validity area &1 mode-of-trans. cat. &2
516Set the long text indicator for the phrase group
517No phrase set assignment exists for the field &1
518An error occurred creating the phrases
519No legs found
520No active phrase library found
521Commit could not be run successfully
522No phrase set assigned
523No phrases were assigned to the phrase set (characteristic &1)
524Set the indicator
525Phrase (phrase key &1) is not entered in the language &2
526Error converting the language
527Error reading the phrase set for characteristic &1
528Error saving the SAPscript text for phrase &1 in language &2
529Error occurred writing the indicator FLGWRLTXT for phrase &1
530Release status cannot be determined
531Dangerous goods error in IDOC for document &1
532Canceled due to error in determining dangerous goods data
533No dangerous goods text pattern available for material &1 regulation &2
534Cannot determine language for country/region &1.
535No ISO code found for unit &1
536Specify the name for danger label &1 in language &2
540-------------------------- Tremcard Output ------------------------------
541No output of tremcards for delivery &1
542Transport is in accordance with Chapter
543Error procuring transport-relevant dangerous goods data
550----------------------------- Text Pattern ------------------------------
551Error reading a SAPscript text
552Error saving a SAPscript text
553Error expanding the text pattern
580-------------------------- Text Conversions -----------------------------
581User exit is not specified
582Text pattern phrases do not exist
583Phrase text could not be saved
584Conversion has already been executed
600--------------- SAPscript Text Maintenance/LIPSDG/VBEPDG ----------------
601Text for table field name &1 was not found
603Short text for domain & does not exist
604Error accessing authorization object for &1 dangerous goods addit. data
605You do not have authorization to edit &1, &2, &3, &4
606No authorization profile for &1 entered in user master
607Entry can be overwritten by check method
608You are not authorized to edit &1
650--------- Messages for the Dangerous Goods Checks up to no. 799 ---------
651Choose either template material or one-time material
652Enter a unit of measurement
653Enter the value for unit of measurement &1
654Choose a dangerous goods description for identification number &1
655Enter an identification number for dangerous goods description &1
656This function is not supported
657Error during material exchange in the dangerous goods checks
658Error in multiple component explosion in the dangerous goods checks
659Error reading the dangerous goods indicator profile
660Material &1 was exchanged for material &2
661Usage profile is not taken into account for check method 1
662Error reading &1
663Check method &1 is initialization method for checks at header level
664Can't determ. ctries/regs and mode-of-transport categories via user exit.
665Dangerous goods checks have already expired for the indicator &1
666Error while determining expected delivery via user exit
667Not all deliveries are assigned to a stage of shipment
668Error during material exchange for dynamic classification
669Cannot find dynamic classification for material &1
672No entry for mixed loading rule &1 and regulation &2
673&1: &2 &3 &4
674Mixed loading rule &1: &2
675No entry for enterprise-spec. mixed loading rules &1 and &2 and regul. &3
676No entry found for reaction &1
677&1: &2 not together with &3 &4
678Group &1 (&2) not together with group &3 (&4)
679*************** Results of the Mixed Loading Checks *********************
680******************* The following errors occurred ***********************
681********** Results of Enterprise-Specific Mixed Loading Checks **********
682************* Results of the Mixed Loading Rule Check *******************
683**************** Results of the Segregation Key Check *******************
684Error determining the dangerous goods master records
687Segregation key &1 (&2) not with segregation key &3 (&4)
689No segregation key is assigned to regulation &1 and danger label &2
690Materials cannot be loaded together
691****************************** Summary **********************************
692*********** Results of the Mixed Loading Checks: Leg____:&1 *************
693Material &1 is a multiple component material (component: &2)
694IMG activity is not supported in the standard system
695Away from
696Separated from
697Separated by a complete compartment or hold from
698Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold..
699&1: mixed loading for &2 and &3 is allowed
750------------------------ Product Release --------------------------------
751Material &1 does not have release indicator set
752Material &1 has no real substance assignment
753Materials &1 and &2 have no common real substance assigned
754Error during database access sy-subrc &1 (&2)
755Material &1 or material &2 has a direct dangerous goods classification
756No material assigned to real substance &1
757There is no valid assignment material &1 to real substance &2
758Source and target material &1 are identical
759Product release &2 already exists for material &1
760No released product release exists for template material &1
761No dangerous goods data could be determined for UN-listed substance &1
762You are not authorized to release products
763Product releases already exist for all selected regulations
764A product release already exists for at least one regulation
765First select at least one row with a regulation
766&1 product release(s) were created
767No dangerous goods classification exists for regulation &1
768No packaging data exists for instr. for enclosure &1 and packag. code &2
769Checks completed without errors
770Not all product releases are released for template material &1
771Error when saving new product release &1 (&2)
772Record with same key already exists; change the key
773No dangerous goods classification exists for material &1
774Select one data record only or position the cursor on one line
775Select a data record with UN-listed substance specification
800 ----------------------Authorizations----------------------------------
820You are not authorized to display data for object &1
821You are not authorized to change data for object &1
822You are not authorized to create data for object &1
823You are not authorized to delete data for object &1
824You are not authorized to edit data for object &1
825You are not authorized to distribute data for object &1
826You are not authorized to delete import logs
827You are not authorized to execute the transaction &1
830Error while accessing authorization object for DG management
831No authorization for dangerous goods management in the user master record
832No profile entered in user master
833Function module call with incorrect object (&1)
870-------------- Table Conversion/Check (for 4.5 Redesigns) ---------------
871Error during conversion due to missing Customizing entries
872Entries could not be completely converted
873Entries were not completely converted
874All entries were converted correctly
875You have not assigned a phrase set to all fields
876Dangerous goods regulation &1 not found
877Target data for table &1 (object '&2') locked
878You are not authorized to change table &1 (object '&2')
879Change numbers were not entered for all data
880Tables could not be locked; indicators not converted
881All &1 entries of the master data table (DGTMD) were converted
882E: &1 entries in master data table (DGTMD) not converted
883Conversion completed successfully
884No indicators converted in table(s) &1
885Entries for dangerous goods regulation &1 are not unique
886Table cannot be locked; conversion is not done
887Data set is correct (no inconsistencies found)
888Inconsistencies were found during the check
889Cannot convert texts due to insufficient authorization
890Action was canceled
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