DHAMB_BASE - Messages of package LT_DHAMB_BASE

The following messages are stored in message class DHAMB_BASE: Messages of package LT_DHAMB_BASE.
It is part of development package LT_DHAMB_BASE in software component EIM-DH-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Data Hub - ABAP Meta Data Browser (Base)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Empty path
002Invalid path: &1
003Parameter &1 is set by caller
005Parameter &1 is not defined
006Inconsistent parameter combination
007Invalid object: &1
008Invalid type: &1
013Dataprovider for element &1 does not exist
014No data provider implementations availlable
016Class &1 contains syntax errors
017Object not whitelisted - access denied: &1
018No authorization for object - access denied: &1
019Processing Error in Data Provider &1
020Operation &1 is not allowed in this environment
021Parameter &1 has invalid Value "&2"
022Artifact &1 of type &2 is excluded by whitelisting for metadata operation
023Artifact &1 of type &2 is excluded by whitelisting for data operation
024Artifact &1 not allowed for maintenance
025Database can't read &1
026Operation not supported for artifact type &1
027The operation is not supported in version &1
028The operation requires an artifact type
029Paging not possible
030Internal SQL error
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