DMC_FILE - File-related Messages
The following messages are stored in message class DMC_FILE: File-related Messages.
It is part of development package CNV_DMCX in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Mapping and Conversion: Exception Handling".
It is part of development package CNV_DMCX in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Mapping and Conversion: Exception Handling".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | File with specified ID does not exist |
002 | An error occurred while converting the ID of the file owner |
003 | The specified file type &1 is not supported |
004 | The dialog for the download destination of the file failed (RC = &1) |
005 | The GUI download of the file failed (RC = &1) |
006 | Defining the Excel sheets from the sender structures failed |
007 | Include &1 (Template) to preconfigure the Excel is missing |
008 | The type &1 (field &2-&3) cannot be used in the preconfigured Excel XML |
009 | Parsing the file failed. See previous messages in log for details |
010 | Node is not specified for counter record |
011 | Node is not specified for meta data |
012 | Name of file property is missing |
013 | Node is not specified for payload |
014 | The data type of field &1-&2 is missing |
015 | The length of field &1-&2 is missing |
016 | Uploading the file failed. See previous messages in log for details |
017 | File &1 successfully uploaded |
018 | File name &1 not found |
019 | File cannot be added as it does not relate to owner |
020 | File successfully deleted |
021 | Details of file successfully saved |
022 | Not all files could be deleted. Repeat the deletion for remaining files |
023 | No active files available for calculation |
024 | View does not exist |
025 | Information missing for sheet &1; contact SAP |
026 | Information missing for column &2 in sheet &1; contact SAP |
027 | Reading file data failed |
028 | Metadata for column &2 at position &1 missing; contact SAP |
029 | Save Dialog canceled. |
030 | Error while uploading the file; try again later |
031 | View &1 does not exist; select another view and download again |
032 | The upload file is either in unknown format or damaged |