DMC_FILE - File-related Messages

The following messages are stored in message class DMC_FILE: File-related Messages.
It is part of development package CNV_DMCX in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Mapping and Conversion: Exception Handling".
Message Nr
Message Text
001File with specified ID does not exist
002An error occurred while converting the ID of the file owner
003The specified file type &1 is not supported
004The dialog for the download destination of the file failed (RC = &1)
005The GUI download of the file failed (RC = &1)
006Defining the Excel sheets from the sender structures failed
007Include &1 (Template) to preconfigure the Excel is missing
008The type &1 (field &2-&3) cannot be used in the preconfigured Excel XML
009Parsing the file failed. See previous messages in log for details
010Node is not specified for counter record
011Node is not specified for meta data
012Name of file property is missing
013Node is not specified for payload
014The data type of field &1-&2 is missing
015The length of field &1-&2 is missing
016Uploading the file failed. See previous messages in log for details
017File &1 successfully uploaded
018File name &1 not found
019File cannot be added as it does not relate to owner
020File successfully deleted
021Details of file successfully saved
022Not all files could be deleted. Repeat the deletion for remaining files
023No active files available for calculation
024View does not exist
025Information missing for sheet &1; contact SAP
026Information missing for column &2 in sheet &1; contact SAP
027Reading file data failed
028Metadata for column &2 at position &1 missing; contact SAP
029Save Dialog canceled.
030Error while uploading the file; try again later
031View &1 does not exist; select another view and download again
032The upload file is either in unknown format or damaged
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