DMC_IU - DMC: Nachrichten f�r den Integrierten Upgrade

The following messages are stored in message class DMC_IU: DMC: Nachrichten f�r den Integrierten Upgrade.
It is part of development package CNV_DMCU in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MWB: Management of Upgrade Actions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Function &1 started on &2 at &3
001Function &1 finished on &2 at &3
002Older object lists for specified release passage are deactivated
003Object list &1 for the specified release passage was created
004&1 entries read from buffer &2
005Error while reading buffer file &1
006Transfer content of the transport requests in the buffers
007Error while transferring the content of transport request &1
008Transport &1 (&2) was created for &3 by buffer analysis
009Error in buffer analysis: Transport to &1 could not be created
010Action canceled by user
011No content found for the specified object list
012Task &1 does not contain any objects
013Lock error while creating the upgrade transport for &1
014You are not authorized to create the upgrade transports for &1
015&1 canceled because of COMMUNICATION ERROR on &2 at &3
016&1 was canceled because of SYSTEM FAILURE on &2 at &3
017&1: &2&3
018Object list &1 does not exist
019This step requires manual activities
020The TP parameter file could not be read
021For parameter &1, the necessary value has not been maintained
022Parameter &1: target value: '&2', actual value: '&3'
023Parameter &1 is not maintained in the parameter file
024Error while creating the upgrade transports for &1
025Error while reading the entries for request &1
026For more information, see the spool
027Error while filling the upgrade transports for block &1
028Object list &1 is not active
029Upgrade transport &1 has already been exported
030Transport dispatcher is not scheduled in client &1
031Upgrade transport &1 does not exist
032Error while exporting upgrade transport &1
033Import is not possible as upgrade transport &1 has not been exported yet
034Transport buffer of target system could not be read
035Error while adding upgrade transports to the transport buffer
036Error while importing upgrade transport &1
037No TP parameter file has been specified
038No client has been specified
039Error while maintaining TP parameter file for client &1
040Error while maintaining TP parameter file in all clients
041Standard TP parameter file could not be determined
042TP parameter file &1 for client &2 has been maintained
043TP parameter file &1 has been maintained in all clients
044Function &1 has already been processed
045The preceding steps are not yet completed
046No TP parameter file has been maintained for the target client
047Specified client &1 does not exist
048Export of template client &1 is not yet completed
049Error while writing the data for client &1
050An import has already been started in client &1
051Data for export is already maintained in client &1
052Transfer object entries of request &1
053Buffer analysis started on &1 at &2
054Buffer analysis completed on &1 at &2
055Namespace for the creation of upgrade transports is exhausted
056Error while changing status of upgrade transport &1
057Upgrade transport &1 for &2 - block &3 created in target system
058Error while saving the upgrade transports for &1 in control table
059Upgrade transport &1 has been exported
060Upgrade transport &1 has been imported into client &2
061Error while inserting data in target system
062Export of client &1 has been accepted for client &2
063XPRA list for client &1 was loaded successfully
064Release passage of client &1 was maintained
065No XPRA list for client &1 has been loaded yet
066No release passage has been defined for client &1 yet
067For client '&1' / component '&2', upgrade info has already been defined
068Error while deactivating older object lists for the same release passage
069Error while creating object list &1 for specified release passage
070Error while saving data that was extracted from buffers
071Error while saving analyzed data (transport &1, block &2)
072No analysis is executed as &1 does not contain any objects
073No analysis is executed as &1 contains only object lists
074Start of 'Creation of Upgrade Transports' for &1 - block &2
075End of 'Creation of Upgrade Transports' for &1 - block &2
076Tests before creation of exports are completed
077Parallel import is possible; &1 upgrade transports are created
078Pparallel import is not possible
079&1 contains only comment entries; no transports are created
080Client of the RFC destination is not equal to the selected client
081Upgrade transport &1 has already been imported into client &2
082Status '&1' was set for client &2
083Error while setting status '&1' for client &2
084Error while creating export; status '&1' cannot be set
085Not all transports have been exported; status '&1' cannot be set
086Not all transports were imported; status '&1' cannot be set
087An upgrade transport has already been created for block &1
088An export with a different object list has already been created
089No differences in support package level found
090Not all relevant support packages for component &1 found
091Error while reading the support packages in the receiver system
092&1 support packages for the specified support package difference found
093Upgrade necessary because of different release level in component &1
094Differences found in support package level of component &1
095Support package level of component &1 is identical
096No relevant data found in support package difference
097Upgrade ID &1 does not exist
098No active object list for upgrade &1 found
099Buffer names are not maintained completely
100Transport request &1 does not exist
101You are not authorized to read transport request &1
102Namespace for creation of analysis transports is exhausted
103Error while reading system information via RFC connection &1
104Object list &1 could not be activated
105Object list &1 could not be deactivated
106Error while scheduling transport dispatcher in client &1
107You are not authorized to schedule transport dispatcher in client &1
108Error while creating command &1
109Errow while executing command &2
110Error while executing XPRAs (see XPRA log)
111Error while writing the log
112Error while reading system data via RFC connection &1
113System data of sender system has not been specified
114System data of receiver system has not been specified
115Error while creating upgrade ID &1
116Upgrade ID &1 has already been created with different data
117XPRAs have already been executed; list cannot be loaded
118Start of language replenishment cannot be started for client 000
119Language replenishment in job &1; ident number &2 started at &3 on &4
120Not all XPRAS have been executed; status '&1' cannot be set
121Component &1 (from upgrade buffer) does not exist in receiver system
122Component &1 has not been part of the upgrade buffer
123Different Release for comp. &1; upgrade buffer: &2, receiver system: &3
124Different SP level for comp. &1; upgrade buffer: &2, receiver system: &3
125Compatibility of upgrade buffer could not be checked
126&1 relevant BC Sets found
127BC Sets in client &1 activated
128Cross-check (counting) for client &1 not completed successfully
129Language supplementation started for language &1
130Error during language supplementation for language &1
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