DMC_IU_BCSETS - DMIS Integrated Upgrade: Reactivation of BC Sets

The following messages are stored in message class DMC_IU_BCSETS: DMIS Integrated Upgrade: Reactivation of BC Sets.
It is part of development package CNV_DMCU_BCSET_REMOTE in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DMIS Integrated Upgrade: Determine and reprocess BC Sets".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Initialization of BC Sets processing started at &1 &2
002Number of active Switch BC Sets: &1
003Number of active classic BC Sets: &1
004Initialization of BC Sets processing ended at &1 &2
010Application log could not be initialized
011Message could not be added to application log
012Application log could not be saved
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