DMC_MDS_MAINT_EVENT - message class for dynamic maint event proc

The following messages are stored in message class DMC_MDS_MAINT_EVENT: message class for dynamic maint event proc.
It is part of development package CNV_MDS_MAINT_EVENT_PROC in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MDS Upgrade (Dynamic maintenance events)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Function &1 started on &2 &3
001Start verifying positive list for ME &1 at &2
002Start simulation of positive list for ME &1 at &2
003Prefix &1 of object &2 is not expected/supported
004Object &1 with prefix &2 is found more then once
005&1 &2 not found in db table &3
006&1 empty lines found in positive list for ME &2
007Done with verifying positive list for ME &1 at &2
008Done with simulation of positive list for ME &1 at &2
009Function &1 successfully completed on &2 &3
010Successfully written &1 entries to db table &2
011Error while writing to db table &1: sy-subrc = &2
012Successfully deleted &1 entries from db table &2
013Unable to delete entries from db table &1
014Unable to import transports for maint event &1 with buffer &2
015The buffer &1 of the maintenance event &2 ist not EQ sy-sysid &3
016The buffer &1 of the maintenance event &2 is not EQ XPRASUPG.BUF
017transport &1 successfully loaded!
018Maintenance Event Type &1 not yet supported!
019No transports loaded from db
020No files written to db &1
021ADDON-ID &1 not found in table &2
022Not expected entry in field &1 of maintenance event &2
023No entry found in field &1 of maintenance event &2
024No transport objects found in db table &1 with addon-id &2
025transport & not found in e070
026No "initial" or "before image" snapshot done yet!
027wrong point in time! maintenance event &1
028successfully done snapshot &1 for maintenance event &2
029no transports found for maintenance event &1
030An error occured writing snapshot &1 for maintenance event &2 to db
031unknown error occured while creating snapshot &1 for me &2
032unmasking of maintenance event &1 successful
033error loading from &1
034unknown error
035error updating e071
036status id &1 for maint event &2 not defined
037Maintenance Event &1 not found on db table dmc_mds_maint_ev
038Error updating &1
039Error inserting snapshot to table &1
040successfully done masking before downtime
041Event &1 not found
042The Maintenance Event &1 consists of &2 transport requests
043None of the &1 transport requests of ME &2 are downtime relevant
044&1 of the &2 transport requests of ME &3 are downtime relevant
045transport request &1 of ME &2 is downtime relevant
046&1 &2 in positive list in total (in E071): &3 executed | &4 not executed
047&1 &2 in positive list in total (in E071C): &3 executed | &4 not executed
048Verify masking of ME &1 step &2
049Poslist for ME &1 not found or empty.
050unexpected object type
054&1 &2 in negative list in total (in E071): &3 executed | &4 not executed
055&1 &2 in negative list in total (in E071C): &3 executed | &4 not executed
056status id &1 not defined
057insert step &1 into dmc_mds_status failed
058Step &1 already executed
059setting status for &1 failed
060masking of maintenance event & successful
061masking before downtime of maintenance event &1 successful
062update e071 or e071c failed
063could not write to db
064&1 of the &2 transport requests of ME &3 are uptime relevant
065transport request &1 of ME &2 is uptime relevant
066DMC_MDS_TRINT_TP_INTERFACE: command: &1, trkorr: &2, sy-subrc: &3
067Error updating dmc_mds_transp_o.
068ME &1 is &2 downtime relevant
069Not all necessary steps executed yet!
070All status for downtime relevant steps for maintenance event & are set!
071Inconsistent status values!
072No files to write!
073dmc_mds_e071k is not empty
074There are entries on db-table &1
075Maintenance event & does already exist -> no creation possible!
076Required field &1 not filled!
077Successfully created maintenance event &1
078Creation of maintenance event &1 failed
079Successfully mapped &1 transport requests to ME &2
080Error mapping transport requests to ME &1 (insert failed)
081& transport requests not mapped yet -> Activity not completed!
082Deletion of maintenance event &1 failed
083Successfully deleted maintenance event &1
084Successfully deleted &1 transports corr. to me &2 origin from buffer &3
085Deletion of mapping for trkorr &1 in me &2 failed
086Successfully deleted mapping of trkorr &1 and me &2
087Db-Table &1 not expected for transport into receiver.
088Successfully transported db-table &1. &2 entries transported
089DMC_GENERIC_WRITER_FLAT - Error for table &1: &2
090No Maintenance Events found on db-table &1
091Unexpected Maintenance Event TYPE &1
092Modification of PCT failed: Error in &1
093Successfully modified the process control tree
094Function &1 with option &2 started on &3 &4
095Function &1 with option &2 successfully completed on &3 &4
096Version already saved to &1 Report stopped: No version saved
097Insert failed for table &1
098Entries inserted into table &1
099Unknown option: No backup taken
100No backup available for version &1! Report stoppen: No version restored
101Version restored for db-table &1
102Unknown option: No data restored
103Function &1 with point in time = &2 started on &3 &4
104Imported maintenance event &1 not found on db-table &2
105Function &1 with point in time = &2 successfully completed on &3 &4
106Unexpected point in time &1: Only pit = 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 supported
107Parameter for activity &1 not found on &2
108Unable to update parameter for activity &1
109Successfully changed parameter &1 of activity &2 to &3.
110Unable to execute tp command: &1 return code: &2
111Successfully executed tp command &1
112Buffer contains transport requests!
113Parameter &2 not supported correctly! &2 = &3
114No transports found for Maintenance Event &1
115Successfully executed tp command &1 for transport &2
116Function &1 for maintenance event &2 started on &3 &4
117Function &1 for maintenance event &2 successfully completed on &3 &4
118Unable to retrieve output list from memory: "LIST_FROM_MEMORY"
119Output list is empty!
120Output list list index invalid
121Unable to specify buffer directory
122Unable to retrieve path separator
123Source file does not exist: &1
124Unable to compose command: &1
125Unable to execute command: &1
126Successfully copied &1 -> &2
127Successfully executed tp command &1 with option &2
128Function module call for tp command &1 failed with return code &2
129Unable to determine state of client-specific transport control
130Unable to determine target client for import
131Successfully removed before downtime mask
132Could not create instance of transport_order class
133Could not open file.
134Could not insert buffer file &1
135There are already trkorrs from buffer & mapped
136There exist already a ME of either type 'U' or 'E'. No creation possible!
137The sequence &1 is already in use. No creation possible!
138Not all positive lists uploaded yet!
139Could not retrieve data from receiver table &1
140Could not retrieve receiver rfc destination
141No maintenance event of type &1 or &2 found.
142More than one maintenance event of type &1 or &2 found
143A ME needs to be 4 characters long!
144ME-id &1 consists of unsupported characters
145Sucessfully created maintenance event &1
146by user &1
147request &1 added
148Status &1 for maintenance event &2 already set
149A transport already exists in the not yet completed maintenance event &1
150Table &1 not yet successfully suspended: current action &2 status &3
151Successfully stopped all jobs of configuration &1
152Configuration &1 is unknown
153Executing &1 for maintenance event &2
154&1 for transport &2 &3
155Successfully restarte all jobs of configuration &1
156Could not restart all jobs of configuration &1
157Using &1: &2
158Could not mask objects of maintenance event &1
159Could not retrieve &1 rfc destination
160Could not retrieve mass transfer id for configuration &1
161Successfully &1 content &2 db table &3
162Error &1 &2 db table &3
163Could not get data from sender table &1
164Table &1 for XCLA &2 missing in SAP content
165Field &1 for XCLA &2 missing in SAP content
166Table &1 for XCLA &2 missing in customer system
167Field &1 for XCLA &2 missing in customer system
168Number of not yet mapped transport requests is NEGATIVE ?!?!
169Column VBTYPEXT_N of table VBFA does not exist - No mapping table needed.
170Table WBASSOC does not exist - No mapping table needed.
171Table WBRFN does not exist - No mapping table needed.
172Method &1 of class &2 could not be found
173Sender system basis release is missing - IUUC_ASS_RUL_MAP not maintained
174Maintenance Event &1 not found, or of wrong type
175Unmasking of downtime SDMs completed
176Table KALA does not exist - No mapping table needed.
177Table IUUC_S4_AUSP_RCS does not exist - No tables have to be filled.
178Call of method &1 of class &2 failed due to parameter type mismatch
179SDM PIT &1: &2 masked, &3 unmasked
180Not executed XCLAs without double execution:
181&1 &2 in double exec list at all (in E071): &3 executed | &4 not executed
182No maintenance event processed - no process tree change done
183IUUC_OLO_INCLUDE: Conflict due to business restriction reduction for &1
184Transport request &1 is unknown
185Transport request &1 is already mapped
186User &1 is not authorised to execute report &2
187Deviations concerning buffer usage and import client not allowed
188Option "use buffer" not allowed, because CTC parameter is not set
189Option "use buffer" must be used, because CTC parameter is set
190When using the buffer file, no client must be specified
191Please specify a client
192Could not retrieve PCL RFC destination
193Batch processes in &1 must be reconfigured
194Batch processes in &1 have already been reconfigured. Please proceed.
195SDMs are not found in table &1
196Field &1 of table &2 switched from &3 to &4
197tp command &1 finished with return code &2
198Maintenance event &1 found relevant for synchronization of receiver
199No maintenance events found relevant for execution on receiver
200Prepared &1 records for table &2 to synchronize on receiver
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