DO - DD: Dom�nen-, Datenelement-, Massenaktivierung

The following messages are stored in message class DO: DD: Dom�nen-, Datenelement-, Massenaktivierung.
It is part of development package SDAD in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Dictionary: Cross-Object, Mass Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*Content: 001 TTYP/100 DOMA/300 DTEL/500 Massact./700 Massdel./800 TTYP
001*** Table types *********************************************************
002*** 002 - 030: Messages for ranges table types
003Row type & of ranges table type has no component &
004Type of comp. & in row type is not allowed for ranges table type
005Type of component & in row type does not match reference type
006Order of components in row type & not allowed for ranges table types
007Structure of row type & is not allowed for ranges table types
008Key category for ranges table type corrected to non-unique
009Access mode for ranges table type corrected to standard table
010Key for ranges table type corrected to standard key
011Associated type for components LOW and HIGH not specified
012Associated type & for components LOW and HIGH does not exist
013Associated type &: Reference types not allowed as associated types
014The row type must be a structure for ranges table types
031Runtime object of row type & does not exist as active
100*** Domains *************************************************************
101*** 100 - 149: General messages relating to domain activation
102Activate domain &
103Domain & activated
104Domain & not activated
105Check domain &
106Domain & is correct
107Domain & is inconsistent
108Termination of check / activation of domain &
109Domains......: &/&/&/& (number/confirmations/warnings/errors)
110Start of adjustment of & dependents
111End of adjustment of dependents
112Outstanding actions: & & & &
113Actions to be performed for dependent objects: & & & &
114Adjustments for dependent objects:
115Adjustment as dependent object: & & & &
116Domain & could not be expanded
119Domain & could not be read
120Changes can cause dependent tables to be updated
121No conversion necessary in dependent tables
122Dependent objects were not activated
123Change causes adjustment of the dependent tables and structures
124Change causes adjustment of dependencies and possible updates
125& dependent structure(s):
126& dependent table(s):
127& dependencies: & table(s), & structure(s)
128Take note
129Long text of message
130Domain &1: Dep. table &2 not adjusted (online)
131Domain &1: Dependent table &2 not adjusted (mass activator)
135Activation caused by domain &
170*** 171 - 179: Messages about checks of the domain name (namespace)
171Namespace in name & does not begin at 1st position
172Name & only consists of the namespace
173Number of '/' in name & is incorrect
174Namespace in name & is empty
175Attributes of domain & reset (protected domain)
180*** 181 - 189: Messages relating to flag checks
181For flag & the value & is not allowed
182Flag & is corrected to & (value & not allowed)
183Fixed values are deleted as flag VALEXI is not set
184Flag VALEXI is reset as no fixed values exist
185Lowercase letters are reset (not meaningful for &)
186Lowercase letters are switched on (are defined for &)
190*** 191 - 219: Messages regarding checks of fixed values
191Fixed value definition is not allowed for data type &
192There is no check on the mask for data type &
193Upper fixed value limits are deleted (language-dependent)
194Length of fixed value &1 > maximum number of characters (&2)
195Fixed value/limit & for data type & must be a whole positive number
196Fixed values/limits do not correspond to data type attributes
197Fixed value / lower limit & reoccurs
198Fixed value upper limit & reappears
199Fixed values/limits reappear
200Fixed value/limit & for data type & is less than the minimum value &
201Fixed value range [&,&] defines a single fixed value
202Lower fixed value limit & > upper fixed value limit &
203Fixed value range(s) define(s) a single value
204Fixed value range(s) is (are) not correct ranges
205Fixed value & is within value range [&,&]
206Fixed value range [&,&] and [&,&] overlap
207Fixed value range [&,&] is not identical in ASCII and EBCDIC
208Fixed value ranges and/or single values not disjoint
209Fixed value range/s not identical in ASCII and EBCDIC
210Fixed Value Append: At least one fixed value must be maintained
211Fixed value/limit & for data type & is greater than the maximum value &
220*** 221 - 239: Messages relating to value table checks
221Domain & is not key domain of value table &
222Table & is also a value table for other domains
223Value table & does not exist
224Check table & is not a table (&)
225Value table & is not active
226Value table & changed; check the foreign key
227Value table & changed; foreign keys are preserved
228 & Foreign key: & & &
229A value table is not allowed for data type &
240*** 240 - 249: messages or conversion routines
241Conversion routine & does not exist
242Conversion routine & is corrected (is defined for &)
243A conversion routine is not allowed for data type &
250*** 251 - 279: Messages rel. to data type checks, resvd. with table act.
251Data type & does not exist
252Data type & is no longer supported
253Number of positions < minimum number (&) for data type &
254Number of positions > maximum number (&) for data type &
255Maximum length (&) for & in transparent tables exceeded
256Number of positions corrected to & (as > maximum length (&) for &)
257Number of positions is corrected to & (defined for &)
258Decimal places removed (invalid for &)
259Decimal places are corrected to & (defined for &)
260Decimal places are corrected to & (default value for &)
261Decimal places modified to & places
262Output length for data type & must be at least &
263Output length (&) is less than the calculated output length (&)
264Output length is corrected to & (defined for &)
265Output length is corrected to & (according to number of positions &)
266Output length (&) is greater than the calculated output length (&)
267Sign flag is reset (not meaningful for &)
268Number of places is reset (& has variable length)
269Output length (&) is greater than maximum output length (&) on dynpros
270Attributes of data type & are corrected (have fixed assignments)
271Decimal places, signs are reset (not meaningful for &)
272Output length will be reset (& has variable output length)
273Output style will be reset (value itself or for type & not appropriate)
274Decimal places are not allowed for &
275No length restriction
276Output length will be corrected to & (maximum output length for UNIT)
277Number of decimal places & is not correct for data type &
278Number of decimal places & is too large for data type &
279Number of decimal places & cannot be larger than length &
280Number of places for data type & is fixed and must be equal to &
281Number of decimal places for data type & is fixed; must be equal to &
282Could not load list of coordinate systems; SQL code & &
283Coordinate system &1 is not defined
300*** Data elements *******************************************************
301Activate data element &
302Check data element &
303Data element & was not activated
304Data element & is inconsistent
305Heading in language &: length & > maximum length &
306Heading in languages &: length > maximum length &
307Short key word in language &: length & > maximum length &
308Short key word in languages &: length > maximum length &
309Medium key word in language &: length & > maximum length &
310Medium key word in languages &: length > maximum length &
311Long key word in language &: length & > maximum length &
312Long key word in languages &: length > maximum length &
313Parameter ID & is not contained in table TPARA
314No domain specified
315No active domain & available
316Data element & could not be read
317&: Data element & could not be written
318&: Data elements could not be written
319&: Data element & could not be read
320Dependent ...: &/&/&/& (number/successes/warnings/errors)
321Data elements: &/&/&/& (number/successes/warnings/errors)
322Time stamp of table & was updated
323Time stamp of table & could not be updated
324===== Start of dependency handling =====
325Activation must be in the background
326The data element is used in too many tables and programs
327& dependent tables found (maximum permitted &)
328& not suitable for field definition
329& is partial (missing domain specification permitted)
330Value is corrected to &
331Runtime object of table & was updated
332Runtime object of table & could not be updated
333Activation of data element & successful
334Check of data element & successful
335Activation caused by data element &
336Check texts of data element &
337Data element & was activated
338Domain append & cannot be used for definition
339Data element defined recursively
340Data type attributes changed. Check dependent views.
341Changes can cause dependent tables to be updated
342No conversion necessary in dependent tables
343Change causes adjustment of dependencies
344Change causes adjustment of dependencies and possible updates
345Heading in language &: length & > maximum length &
346Short key word in language &: length & > maximum length &
347Medium key word in language &: length & > maximum length &
348Long key word in language &: length & > maximum length &
349Attributes of the data element were corrected
350*** Messages regarding data elements for where-used list/deletion
351Data element & is still being used in table/structure &
352Data element & is still being used in aggregate &
353Heading: Length & > maximum length allowed &
354Short Keyword: Length & > maximum allowed length &
355Medium keyword: Length & > maximum allowed length &
356Long keyword: Length & > maximum allowed length &
357Bidirectional option basic direction for data type & cannot be set
358Bidirectional option BIDI filter for data type & cannot be set
360*** Messages about data element as dependent object
361Activate dependent data element &
362Dependent data element & was not activated
363Activation of dependent data element & successful
370*** 370 - 398: Messages for data type attribute checks
371No domain or data type was defined
372Referenced class or interface & not active/implemented
373Referenced data type & is not active
374User type & is a generated proxy type
375Error from ABAP language version layer: &1 &2 &3 &4
379Could not determine ABAP language version for object &2 (&1)
399*** 399 - 418: Messages for nametab generation for the data element
400Runtime object for data element & could not be generated
401Runtime object for data element & could not be written
402Active runtime object already exists for another object type
403Time stamp of data element & could not be updated
404Time stamp of data element & was updated
405Runtime object of data element & was updated
406Runtime object for data element & could not be updated
407Inactive runtime object for data element & could not be written
408Active runtime object written for data element &
409Header of runtime object for & could not be read
410Runtime object for & could not be read
411Header of runtime object for & could not be written
412Runtime object of & could not be written
419*** 419 - 430: Messages about search help checks for data elements
420Search help binding is incomplete (name or parameter missing)
421Search help &1 is not active or does not have parameters
422Search help &1 does not have parameter &2
423Search help parameter &1-&2 is not an EXPORT parameter
424Type of search help parameter &1-&2 is incompatible with the data element
425Search help assignment not allowed for reference types
426Search help assignment not allowed for data type &
431Type & for component & is not active
435*** 436 - 445: Messages about checks of other data element attributes
436Change documents reset (not meaningful for reference types)
437Parameter ID not allowed for reference types
438Parameter ID not allowed for data type &
439Change documents reset (meaningless for data type &)
440& is the name of a built-in data type in the dictionary
450*** 450 - 460: Messages about Table Attributes e.g. for Table Fields
451Decimal places are corrected to & (max. number of decimal places)
480*** Mass Activation Program *********************************************
481& & &: Home object, will be ignored
482Table GENTAB could not be persisted
483Objects of basic quantity written to DB: &
484Table & could not be imported
485Level &: & objects read from the database
486& dependencies read from the database
487Error in persistence management of internal control tables
488Determining dependencies & -> &
489Determining dependencies & refTo &
490Determining dependencies & refTo & (&)
491Determining dependencies & -> & (&)
492>>> Determination of Dependencies Between Types: Repeat &
493View & is treated as a dependent view
494Error when generating a UUID for mass activation
495>>> Determine dependencies by association: Retry &
496>>> Determine dependencies by association (too many iterations): &
497UUID..........................: &1
499&1 &2: Could not generate runtime object
500Newest version of & & already activated; active version not activated
501& & &: deletion information could not be imported
502& & & (& version) was not deleted (check references)
503Number of objects not deleted...............: &
504& & & (A version) was deleted; error in dependent table &
505& & & (N and A version) was deleted; error in dependent table &
506Object & & & was already deleted
507Object & & & was already deleted and recreated
508==> Reactivation of dependent views............: &
509Error when reactivating the dependent views
510*** Reactivation of dependent views
511Reference log for & & & could not be created
512Caused by mass activation >>> (see log &)
513Check mode may only have values from the set {'O','T','U'}
514No object to be deleted and activated exists
515& &: Could not update activation flag
516& & & could not be activated
517& & was activated (error in the dependencies)
518& & & was activated with warnings
519$ $ could not be activated
520& & was activated with warnings
521Request & for index &-& was marked for mass processing
522Request & for index &-& could not be marked for mass processing
523Temporary SQLT log & could not be deleted (&)
524Activate active version of view &
525Activate dependent view &
526View was activated with warnings
527& &: Header of runtime object does not exist
528& &: Indicator for existence of buffered views reset
529& &: Active runtime object does not exist
530& &: Could not write runtime object header
531& &: Could not write runtime object
532& &: Time stamp was updated
533*** Activate objects at level &
534Object & & & was already activated
535Error when selecting the successful activations in the transport request
536& & could not be activated
537& & was activated with warnings
538DD sources table & could not be read
539Runtime object for & could not be generated
540Active runtime object for & could not be written
541Inactive runtime object for & could not be written
542Runtime object for & updated
543Time stamp of runtime object for & updated
544Mass activation already running (user &). Parallel run not allowed.
545& & &: Object information could not be imported
547Activate active version of search help &
548Activate dependent search help &
549& & was activated (warning for the dependent tables)
550**** Graphic algorithms ****
551Level &: & objects assigned, & fewer dependencies
552> Cycle at level &
553Request & for lock object & marked for mass processing
554Request & for lock object & not marked for mass processing
555 & partitions with & objects
556& partitions
557No. of selected dependencies: &
558Number of relevant dependencies: &
559Dependencies are ignored in order to allocate object & & &
560The following objects participate in cycles:
561Number of objects to be analyzed: &
562Error in DD_GRAPH_ANALYSE: Cycle could not be resolved
563Level &: Preliminary allocation of & objects from cycles
564Level &: & dependencies removed for cycle resolution
565Cycle analysis: & remaining, & relevant transitive dependencies
566Cycle analysis: & objects in & cycles at & levels
567Object: & Cycle: & Level: &
568Level &: Cycle resolution for cycle & on level &
569 Preliminary allocation of object & & & on level &
570 & -> & (&)
571 The following dependencies can be removed for this reason:
572Error trace: Cycle objects/Dependencies/Remaining objects
573Error calling DD_GRAPH_ANALYSIS corrected: OBJLIST contains duplicates
574&1 type loads invalidated in &2 seconds
578The following errors or warnings have occurred:
579DD sources table type & could not be read
580DD sources data element & could not be read
581Request & for table & is marked for mass processing.
582Request & for table & could not be marked for mass processing
583Request & (DROP/CREATE) for view & marked for mass processing
584Request & for view & could not be marked for mass processing
585& &: DROP/CREATE is ignored because of parallel request for activation
586& & (& version) was not deleted (check references)
587& & (& version) was deleted (check references)
588& & & (& version) was not deleted (check references)
589& & & (& version) was deleted (check references)
590Table & is used in & as an INCLUDE table
591& is still used as & in & &
592& is still used in & &
593Table & is stored in table pool/cluster
594Transport request: Delete/recreate the view
595View & was deleted and created again
596Transport request: Activate with deletion/creation
597Table type &: Row type & does not exist. Nametab cannot be created.
598Table type &: Inactive runtime object could not be written
599Unicode nametabs are not created
600Statistics on activated and deleted objects
601Number of objects to be activated............: &
602Number of objects to be deleted..............: &
603Activated objects...............: &
604Objects activated with warning...............: &
605Objects not activated........................: &
606Activated objects with errors in dependencies: &
607Deleted objects.................: &
608Objects not deleted..........................: &
609Tables/views with DROP/CREATE................: &
610No. of them marked for DROP/CREATE: &
611Not marked for DROP/CREATE: &
612Inactive runtime object for table & was written
613Activate active version of lock object &
614Activate dependent lock object &
615Active runtime object & & was written
616Active runtime object & & could not be written (&)
617& nametab & was deleted
618& nametab & was not deleted
619The nametab could not be deleted for the following objects:
620Number of nametabs to be deleted.............: &
621Nametabs not deleted.........................: &
622Deleted nametabs.............................: &
623Delete & & &
624Objects at level &
625Activate & & &
626& & & &
627Table & are not the same before and after level activation
628Table & are not the same before and after level activation
629Cannot delete and recreate table DDFTX
630****** Reserved: asynchronous parallel processing 630-649 + 675-699
631* Parallel execution with maximum of &1 concurrent tasks *
632* Server resources ******************************************************
633Total of & objects in & tasks
634* Synchronous execution, no parallel processing *
635Not enough work processes (& in total, & can be used)
636Not enough objects (&) for parallel execution. Minimum: &
637& !! No task received for & seconds already. Running tasks:
638 Task & started & on server &
639Too low costs (&) for parallel processing. Minimum: &
640& -> task & start error [&]: &
641 RC=&: &&
642& => task & started [&] &
643& <= task & completed [&] &
644& <- task & receiving error [&] &
645& <> task & started synchronously [&] &
646& .. Start attempt for task & after & seconds
647& .. Start attempt for task & after return from another task
648Error in task management: & tasks open
649Program error in &: Illegal mode & in Start_Task in RUTBTPA0
650***** Continuation Graph_analysis 650-660 (+ 550-571) ******
651Graph_Analysis: & objects in & partitions and on & topological levels
652Graph_Analysis: & objects in & partitions
653Graph_Analysis: & objects on & topological levels
654& Switch Framework objects added to be activated, & to be deleted
655& & could not be deleted
656& & deleted (error in dependent ones)
657& & deleted with warnings
658& objects added as switch-dependent
659BI namespaces could not be determined: Table & missing
660*Reservation of Mass Activator*(660-675)*********************************
661Object type & is unknown -> object will be removed from processing
662Switchable object & & will not be activated (switched off)
663Switchable index & & will not be activated (switched off)
664Switchable object & & was not activated (switched off)
665Switchable object & & with error was not activated (switched off)
666Switchable object & & was switched off; dependent objects activated
667Switchable index &-& was switched off
668BI namespaces could not be determined: Function & does not exist
669Objects from namespaces in Table RNSPACE will not be activated
670BI object & & will be activated
671Error while copying DDIC objects from switches
672Invalidation type load buffer for: & &
673Dependent view table & will be activated as a view
674Table &: Request for user-defined conversion is not entered.
675Creation of DB views & not possible; active DDL source & will be flagged
676******* Parallel processing 675-700, Continuation + (630-649)
677Total of & objects with & costs in & tasks
678Parallel execution: & sec., Phase out time: & sec., Load: & percent
679No objects found for parallel processing
680Synchronous processing: & sec., & objects, & costs
681Dependent views for & & will be adapted
682Dependent views for & could not be (completely) adapted
683& & will be created on the database
684& & could not be created on the database
685& & could not be deleted from the database
686Views will be created on the database
687& & was deleted from the database
688Views will be deleted from the database
689Views will be created on the database
690&-Version & will not be activated (DDL source & exists)
691&-Version & will not be activated (DDL source exists)
692Creation of DB view & is not possible; DDL source & will be reset
693DDL source & was reset to inactive
694DDL source & could not be reset to inactive
695DDL source & marked as inactive
696Deleting & & on database
697Creating & & on database
698Active DDL source & flagged
699Could not flag active DDL source &
700*** Mass deletion *******************************************************
701*** Mass deleter for ABAP Dictionary objects
703START & &
704Domain & marked for deletion
705Data element & marked for deletion
706&1 &2: TADIR entry ignored due to DELFLAG
707Table & marked for deletion
708View & marked for deletion
709Lock object & marked for deletion
712Domain & is still referenced
713Data element & is still referenced
715Table & is still referenced
716View & is still referenced
717Lock object & is still referenced
720& tables were deleted
721& data elements were deleted
722& domains were deleted
724& views were deleted
725& lock objects were deleted
728Table & deleted
729Data element & deleted
730Domain & deleted
732View & deleted
733Lock object & deleted
736Number of objects to be deleted: &
737No transport request was specified
738Number of referenced objects: &
739Index & & for deletion marked
740& indexes were deleted
741Index & & deleted
742Table & (technical settings cannot be deleted separately)
744Delete nametab entries without DD sources
745Nametab of & was deleted
746Delete append structure &
747Append structure & was deleted
748Append structure & was not deleted
749Activation caused by deletion of &
750Delete customizing include &
751Customizing include & was deleted
752Customizing include & was not deleted
753Search help & marked for deletion
754& search helps were deleted
755Deletion of search help & successful
756Search help & is still being referenced
757Table type & marked for deletion
758& table types were deleted
759Deletion of table type & successful
760Table type & still being referenced
761Structure & is referenced as component type in &-&
762Structure & is referenced as row type in table type &
763Data element & is referenced as row type in table type &
764Reactivation of dependent objects in deleted append &
765Table type & still being referenced
766N version index &-& will not be deleted
767Index &-& already has no source; deletion on DB will not be executed
768& & will not be deleted
769& & will be deleted as active version
770*** Create DB-specific objects
771*** Database system: &
772*** Execution of &
773*** No reports exist for this DB system in the DBD�FF
774*** & create
775DB procedure proxy & flagged for deletion
776Structured object & flagged for deletion
777DDL source & flagged for deletion
778& & will not be deleted (either TADIR or N version exists)
779& & will not be deleted (TADIR entry still exists)
780& enhancement indexes deleted
781Deletion of enhancement index & & successful
782Enhancement index & & flagged for deletion
783&1 &2 activated despite naming conflict
784Activation of &1 &2 repeated due to naming conflict
785Activation repeated for objects with errors
786Activation repeated for objects with naming conflicts
787Naming conflict: &1 is deleted as &2 and activated as &3
793Create index & on field & for table &
794Could not create index & on field & for table &
795Delete index &
796Could not delete index &
797View & was not deleted; table with same name exists
798&-&: The active version of the index will be deleted
800*** Table types *********************************************************
801*** 800 - 820: General messages on table type activation
802Activation of table type &
803Table type & was activated
804Table type & was not activated
805Check table type &
806Table type & is correct
807Table type & is inconsistent
808Terminate check / activate table type &
809Table types .......: &/&/&/& (number/successes/warnings/errors)
810Table type & could not be read
811Activate dependent table type &
812Activate table type & (active version)
813Table type & was activated with warnings
814Activation caused by table type &
815&: error while executing statements on the database
816Runtime object & could not be read
817*** 818 - 828 Messages about nametab/runtime object
818The row type of table type & does not contain a component with the name &
819Data type not allowed in table type &
820Runtime object for table type & cannot be generated
821Runtime object for table type & cannot be written
822Time stamp for table type & was updated
823Runtime object for table type & was updated
824Runtime object for table type & cannot be updated
825Time stamp for table type & could not be updated
826& & contains fixed length information. Nametab creation is not necessary.
827Inactive runtime object for table type & was written
828Nametab for & used unchanged
829*** 830 - 829 Messages on access mode, key category, generic ...
830Access mode is reset to standard table
831Key category is not valid
832Key category for standard table corrected to non-unique
833Key category corrected to not specified
834Key category for hashed table corrected to unique
835Key category for index table corrected to not specified
836Key category for any table corrected to not specified
837Table type & is a generic type
838Key is reset to not specified
839Generic table type not allowed (& uses)
840Attributes of the table type are corrected
841Initial number of lines & > maximum number of lines allowed (&)
842Alias name must not be displayed
843Generic table type is not allowed (usages exist)
844*** 845 - 850 messages on row type
845Row type & is not active or does not exist
846No row type or data type was specified
847Row type & is a generic table type
848Row type not allowed as key (table type is row type)
849Row type & is a view
850No row type or data type was specified
851*** 852 - 860 messages about key definitions
852Key/Index contains a table (component & of row type)
853Default key is empty (data type & is not character-like)
854Default key is empty (no characterlike fields in row type)
855Explicit key definition is not allowed (row type unstructured)
856Key not set for explicit key definition
857Standard key is empty (table type is row type)
858&: Explicit key specification not allowed (row type unstructured)
859&: Row type as key not allowed (table type is row type)
860*** Messages for table type as dependent object
861Activate dependent table type &
862Dependent table type & was not activated
863Dependent table type & activated
864Table Type &: Select at least one component for the key
869*** Delete table types
870Delete table type &
871Table type & is deleted
872Table type & is not deleted
873Table type & is still being used in structure &
874Table type & is still being used in table type &
880*** Messages about recursive definition
881Table type is defined recursively
882Secondary Index &:
885*** Messages for explicit specification of key components
887Key/Index component & already exists (key / index component &)
888Key/Index component & is a table
889Key/Index component & contains a table
890Key/secondary index &: Component & does not occur in row type
891Key components are not defined
892Key/Index &: Component &: A name is too long (maximum & characters)
893Key/Index &: Comp.&: Namespace in name & does not begin with 1st position
894Key/index &: component &: name & only consists of namespace
895Key/Index &: Comp. &: Number of '/' in name & is not correct
896Key/Index &: Component & contains blanks
897Key/Index &: Component & contains invalid characters
898Key/Index &: Component &: Namespace in name & is empty
899Key/Index component &: A name is missing
900*********************Mass Activation Program*****************************
901Total import of data element text
902Table & could not be deleted
903Table & could not be created
904Table & deleted and created again
905DROP/CREATE runtime object with Screen Painter texts
906Total import of table texts
907DROP/CREATE runtime object with Screen Painter texts already executed
908Delete text runtime object info for table &
909Could not create temporary copy of DDFTX
910Could not activate temporary copy of DDFTX
911Table DDFTX was copied to &
912Copy & of DDFTX was activated
913Table DDFTX deleted from the database
914Could not delete table DDFTX from the database
915Table & was renamed as DDFTX in the database
916Could not rename table & as DDFTX in the database
917Copy & of DDFTX: DD sources and runtime object deleted
918Copy &: Could not delete DD sources and runtime object
919Could not delete index & in table &
920Index & in table & deleted
921Indexes in table & were created with the name of table &
922Could not create indexes in table & with name of &
923Transfer order does not exist
924Used type & is not allowed
925Object & & does not exist
926Deleting entries in text runtime object in language &
927Screen Painter texts in language & could not be deleted
928Screen Painter texts in language & deleted
929The following operations were performed on the runtime object:
930Database proc. proxy & deleted
931& DB proc. proxies were deleted
932DB proc. proxy & is still referenced
933& structured objects were deleted
934Structured object & is still referenced
935& DDL sources were deleted
936DDL source & is still referenced
937Structured object & deleted
938DDL source & deleted
939Dependency rule &1 was deleted
940Dependency rule & deleted
941& & &: Object not activated in BW generation namespace
942New runtime object created for dependent object & &
950***** Secondary Indexes *************************************************
951Secondary Index &: Access mode & is not a valid value
952Secondary Index &: Indicator for Unique & is not valid
953Secondary Index &: Type of index & has no valid value
990*** RADCUCNT: Unicode Conversion
991Type conversion for & & not possible
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