DPR_PROJ_INTEGRATION - Portf. Mgmt Integration Messages
The following messages are stored in message class DPR_PROJ_INTEGRATION: Portf. Mgmt Integration Messages.
It is part of development package DEVELOPMENT_PROJECTS_IMP_EXP in software component PPM-PRO-EXT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Proj. Mgmt. - Tools and Settings for Project Import/Export".
It is part of development package DEVELOPMENT_PROJECTS_IMP_EXP in software component PPM-PRO-EXT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Proj. Mgmt. - Tools and Settings for Project Import/Export".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ******** Project Interfacing Messages (001 - 100) ********** |
001 | Project &1 exists in Portfolio and Project Management |
002 | Project &1 does not exist in Portfolio and Project Management |
003 | Start of MS Project data import |
004 | Import mode: Project creation |
005 | Import mode: Project update |
006 | Project definition &1 created successfully |
007 | Error while creating project definition &1 |
008 | Task parent not found for task with outline number &1; task not created |
009 | Task &1 created successfully |
010 | Error while creating task &1 |
011 | MS Project path/filename does not match portf. mgmt for project specified |
012 | Cannot find business partner for employee &1; resource not created |
013 | Resource &1 for employee &2 created |
014 | Error while creating resource &1 for employee &2 |
015 | Role &1 created |
016 | Error while creating role &1 |
017 | Error while retrieving Portfolio Management task data |
018 | Task &1 deleted |
019 | Error while deleting task &1 |
020 | Task &1 assigned new parent &2 |
021 | Error while assigning new parent &2 to task &1 |
022 | Relationship created between resource &1 and role &2 |
023 | Error while creating relationship between resource &1 and role &2 |
024 | Relationship created between resource &1 and task &2 |
025 | Error while creating relationship between resource &1 and task &2 |
026 | Relationship created between role &1 and task &2 |
027 | Error while creating relationship between role &1 and task &2 |
028 | End of MS Project data import |
029 | Error while retrieving project data for project &1 |
030 | Error while retrieving task data for project &1 |
031 | Project data for project &1 extracted |
032 | You cannot copy a Customizing table to itself |
033 | & & & & |
034 | View & is locked; database changes are not possible at present |
035 | Error while deleting table: & |
036 | Error while inserting table: &1 |
037 | To select blocks, select two lines |
038 | Select an entry |
039 | Customizing tables cannot be maintained in client & |
040 | RFC destination & not found for the Portf. Mgmt application |
041 | Error while creating object link type & ID & for project & task & |
042 | Object link type & ID & created for project & task & |
043 | Object link type not found: application &1 object &2 logical system &3 |
044 | Error while changing task &1 of project &2 |
045 | Task &1 of project &2 was changed |
046 | Error while deleting task &1 of project &2 |
047 | Task &1 of project &2 was deleted |
048 | No logical system found for application &1 RFC destination &2 |
049 | Error while deleting object links for task &1 of project &2 |
050 | Object links for task &1 of project &2 deleted successfully |
051 | Task &1 will be created as child of &2 |
052 | Task description &1 |
053 | Task will be created as a milestone |
054 | Task planned start &1 |
055 | Task planned finish &1 |
056 | Task actual start &1 |
057 | Task actual finish &1 |
058 | Task location is &1 |
059 | Task has a priority of &1 |
060 | Object link will be created for the application &1 |
061 | Object link points to milestone &1 |
062 | Object link points to the WBS element &1 |
063 | Object link points to network &1 |
064 | Object link points to activity &1 of network &2 |
065 | Object link points to activity element &1 of network &2 |
066 | Compare Portf. Mgmt task &1 description &2 to PS task |
067 | Description (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
068 | Location (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
069 | Priority (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
070 | Milstone (Portf. Mgmt) No, (PS) Yes |
071 | Planned start (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
072 | Planned finish (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
073 | Actual start (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
074 | Actual finish (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
075 | Values will be replaced by PS attribute values |
076 | Task status (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
077 | No mapping found for logical system &1, PS priority &2 |
078 | No mapping found for logical system &1, PS plant &2, location &3 |
079 | Project &1 will be changed |
080 | Project &1 changed |
081 | Error while changing project &1 |
082 | Percentage of completion (Portf. Mgmt) &1, (PS) &2 |
083 | Task status: &1 |
084 | Task percentage of completion: &1 |
085 | Description (Portf. Mgmt) initial, (PS) &1 |
086 | Planned start (Portf. Mgmt) initial, (PS) &1 |
087 | Finish changed to &1 to maintain continuity |
088 | Project currency (Portf. Mgmt) initial, (PS) &1 |
089 | Error while retrieving PS project definition &1 |
090 | Business object type for application is not supported |
091 | RFC destination &1 does not exist |
092 | No logical system found for RFC destination &1 |
093 | Select a valid delivery client |
094 | Project & was already imported; use project update function |
095 | Table entries do not exist |
096 | Table &1 is a text table; select its corresponding key table &2 |
097 | Project actual dates updated successfully |
098 | Update of actual dates for project failed |
099 | No data available for the given selection criterion |
100 | Select at least one entry |
101 | Enter the RFC destination for the PS system |
102 | Object link for MS Project file name created |
103 | Error while creating object link for MS Project file name |
104 | Error while retrieving object data for project &1 |
105 | Project definition &1 updated successfully |
106 | Error while updating project definition &1 |
107 | Task &1 updated |
108 | Error while updating task &1 |
109 | Object link type not unique for application & object type & log. system & |
110 | Resource data for employee &1 (resource &2) changed |
111 | Error while changing resource data for employee &1 (resource &2) |
112 | Employee &1 deleted from project as resource &2 |
113 | Error while deleting employee &1 (resource &2) |
114 | Role data for role &1 changed |
115 | Error while changing role data for role &1 |
116 | Role &1 deleted from project |
117 | Error while deleting role &1 from project |
118 | Display variant not found |
119 | Select projects |
120 | No PS project retrieved; retrieve projects or use another PS system |
121 | Project &1 error &2 |
122 | Relationship between employee &1 and role &2 changed |
123 | Error while changing relationship between employee &1 and role &2 |
124 | Relationship between employee &1 and role &2 deleted |
125 | Error while deleting relationship between employee &1 and role &2 |
126 | Relationship between role &1 and task &2 changed |
127 | Error while changing relationship between role &1 and task &2 |
128 | Relationship between role &1 and task &2 deleted |
129 | Error while deleting relationship between role &1 and task &2 |
130 | Relationship between employee &1 and task &2 changed |
131 | Error while changing relationship between employee &1 and task &2 |
132 | Relationship between employee &1 and task &2 deleted |
133 | Error while deleting relationship between employee &1 and task &2 |
134 | Enter project category/subcategory for project &1 |
135 | Enter Portf. Mgmt project ID for PS project definition &1 |
136 | Processing finished; check the messages |
137 | Start changed to &1 to maintain continuity |
138 | Do not delete the record; change the availability to zero |
139 | No entry in table &1 for &2 &3 |
140 | No project currency entered for project &1 |
141 | Do not delete the record; change the location |
142 | Task status mapping undefined for WBS element &1 |
143 | Task status mapping undefined for network &1 |
144 | Task status mapping undefined for network &1, activity &2 |
145 | Resources are not processed for proposals or inactive projects |
146 | Resource assignments are not processed for proposals or inactive projects |
147 | Communication error; check if all the required plug-ins have been applied |
148 | Select at least one flag |
149 | Could not import project from PS system |
150 | Error in project export |
151 | Project number set to "&1" |
152 | |
156 | Role &1 deleted from checklist template |
200 | **** Project Management Interfacing Messages (200 -299) ******* |
201 | No HTTP connection defined for object link type &1 to system &2 |
202 | Import of the project structure from &1 unsuccessful |
203 | Error while mapping Project Management data with Portf. Mgmt data |
205 | Data updated |
206 | Project &1 is already linked to a different base project |
207 | Project &1 already linked to a different base project application |
208 | Project &1 already linked to a different base project logical system |
209 | Error while retrieving project data for project &1 |
210 | Error while updating the project &1 with the new base project data |
211 | Error while saving the data of project &1 to the database |
212 | &1 &2 will be added to the project structure as &3 &4 |
213 | &1 &2 was deleted in base project system - &3 &4 will be deleted |
214 | &1 &2 changed in Base Project System - &3 &4 will be updated |
215 | No changes between &1 &2 in base project system and &3 &4 |
216 | Assignment &1 &2 &3 in base project system... |
217 | ... will be added as assignment &1 &2 &3 |
218 | Assignment &1 &2 &3 was deleted in base project system |
219 | ... Assignment &1 &2 &3 will be deleted |
220 | Assignment &1 &2 &3 changed in base project system... |
221 | ... Assignment &1 &2 &3 will be updated |
222 | No changes between assignment &1 &2 &3 &4 in base project system... |
223 | ... and assignment &1 &2 &3 |
224 | Project synchronization started at &1 &2 |
225 | Project &1 synchronized |
226 | Proj. Mgmt resource &1 not found (with employee ID &2 or e-mail &3) |
227 | Project export to Project Management system failed |
228 | Error while retrieving Project Management templates |
229 | Project Management templates retrieved |
230 | Could not fetch data |
231 | Logon page &1 for system &2 not found |
232 | RFC destination &1 for system &2 not found |
233 | Cookie value is initial |
234 | SOAP response not found |
235 | SOAP response obtained |
236 | Export of project &1 to MSPS 03 system &2 started at &3 &4 |
237 | Project &1 could not be exported to MSPS 03 system &2 |
238 | Project &1 exported to MSPS 03 system &2 |
239 | Project synchronization started at &1 &2 |
240 | Could not obtain the list of projects/templates |
241 | List of projects or templates retrieved |
242 | Project data could not be retrieved from MSPS 03 |
243 | Project data retrieved from MSPS 03 |
244 | Could not import project from Microsoft Project |
245 | Project version creation was unsuccessful |
246 | SOAP call return parameters: HRESULT &1 STATUS &2 |
247 | Object link created for Portf. Mgmt project &1 with Microsoft Project &2 |
248 | Object link not created for Portf. Mgmt proj. &1 with Microsoft Proj. &2 |
249 | Error while getting cookie: HRESULT &1 |
250 | File name &1 provided for project creation is invalid |
251 | Resource cannot be updated; MSPS is defined as the lead system |
252 | Employee with employee ID &1 not found |
253 | Role with role ID &1 not found |
254 | Microsoft Project not defined as lead system; cannot create resource/role |
255 | Employee with employee ID &1 has been assigned to multiple roles |
256 | &1 &2 will not be created |
257 | Transfer of resources is only supported as of release 470 |
258 | RFC destination not found for logical system &1 |
259 | Resource with BUPA ID &1 not exported; no valid employee ID found |
260 | Team & successfully created |
261 | Team & successfully changed |
262 | Following checkboxes were selected for this import: &1 |
263 | Employee ID &1 could not be resolved for team &2 &3 |
264 | Project ID &1 already exists in Microsoft Project Server |
265 | Resource &1 not assigned to any role |
266 | Resource &1 not assigned to any role |
270 | BAdI DPR_PROJ_INTEGRATION was not implemented |
271 | Project &1 is already linked |
272 | Portfolio item does not exist |
301 | Could not import project from xPD system |
302 | Concept synchronization started at &1 &2 |
303 | Project could not be created for this concept |
304 | Concept could not be read |
305 | Get list of concepts operation from xPD failed |
306 | Get list of concepts operation started |
307 | No additional HTTP error information available |
308 | Project ID &1 generated for concept GUID &2 from xPD |
309 | Error while updating xPD concept |
310 | SOAP exception: csoapexceptiontransport |
311 | SOAP exception: csoapexceptionfault |
312 | SOAP exception: csoapexceptiondocumentformat |
313 | SOAP exception: CSoapExceptionUsage |
314 | SOAP exception: CSoapExceptionResource |
315 | SOAP exception: CSoapExceptionInternal |
316 | Blank records from xPD fetch |
317 | Unit &1 not maintained; check transaction CUNI |
318 | HTTP Port not maintained for the partner |
319 | Project synchronization started at &1 &2 |
320 | Fetch operation from xPD was not successful |
321 | Concept &1 synchronized with project &2 |
322 | xPD: Error response from xPD Web service |
323 | Unable to generate WBS name for mask ID |
324 | Select the back-end application and system |
325 | Enter a valid application |
326 | Connector is not supported from SP3; use Project Import iView |
327 | Project ID passed already exists |
328 | Logical partner not maintained for project system |
329 | Object type not maintained for project |
330 | Could not call xPD Web service for project |
331 | Could not create project header |
332 | Could not import project from base project system |
333 | Could not create object link for project |
334 | Could not update project with xPD info |
335 | xPD notified successfully for this first import |
336 | xPD could not be notified successfully for this first import |
500 | Project successfully imported into Portfolio and Project Management |
501 | Project successfully exported from Portfolio and Project Management |
502 | Could not export project |
503 | MSPS cookie value not set |
504 | Project list could not be obtained from project server |
505 | Get project list unsuccessful |
506 | Object link retrieved with external ID &1 on &2 |
507 | User &1 created in Portfolio and Project Management with &2 permissions |
508 | Could not retrieve object link |
509 | Could not import Microsoft Project & to Portfolio and Project Management |
510 | Maintain the unit for minutes (60 seconds) |
511 | Checklist &1 created |
512 | Checklist data for checklist &1 changed |
513 | Checklist &1 deleted |
514 | Phase &1 created |
515 | Phase data for phase &1 changed |
516 | Phase &1 deleted |
517 | Checklist item &1 created |
518 | Checklist item data for checklist &1 changed |
519 | Checklist item &1 deleted |
520 | Project &1 created |
521 | Project data for project & changed |
522 | Project &1 deleted |
523 | Assignment of role &1 to task &2 deleted |
524 | MS Project title is initial; import not possible |
525 | MS Project title &1 is longer than 24 characters; import not possible |
526 | Error during MS Project work conversion to Project Management work effort |
527 | Error during MS Project work conversion - overflow |
528 | Error while deleting phase &1 |
529 | Error while deleting checklist &1 |
530 | Error while deleting checklist item &1 |
531 | Microsoft Project is not installed on your system |
532 | No file was selected for import |
533 | Could not open MS Project file |
534 | Could not save MS Project file in XML format |
535 | Could not create file object |
536 | Could not open XML file |
537 | Could not read XML from file |
538 | XML data is missing |
539 | Microsoft Project is not installed on your system |
540 | Microsoft Project is not installed on your system (error code 0) |
541 | This is not an Internet Explorer browser |
542 | Wrong version of MS Project client |
543 | No .mpp file exists for import |
544 | MPP to XML conversion error |
545 | Internal ActiveX error |
546 | SAP xRPM 4.0 MSP Adapter(MSPSafeXMLPrj.dll) is not installed on your comp |
548 | Your SAP xRPM 4.0 MSP Adapter (MSPSafeXMLPrj.dll) is outdated |
549 | Internal ActiveX error |
550 | Checklist reference &1 created |
551 | Checklist reference &1 changed |
553 | Checklist template &1 does not exist |
554 | Checklist template &1 not released |
555 | Checklist reference &1 deleted |
556 | Error while deleting checklist reference &1 |
557 | Creation of checklist reference to template &1 not possible |
560 | Project template data for project template & changed |
816 |