DT - Tabellen-Aktivierung (incl. Indizes)
The following messages are stored in message class DT: Tabellen-Aktivierung (incl. Indizes).
It is part of development package SDTB in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Dictionary: Tables".
It is part of development package SDTB in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Dictionary: Tables".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ************** General Messages on Tables ********************** |
001 | Routine & (Table & could not be read) |
002 | Table & does not exist |
003 | Routine & (Table & could not be expanded) |
004 | Routine & (Physical & & could not be read) |
005 | Nametab for table & cannot be generated |
006 | Routine & (Error writing table &) |
007 | Table & (Error adjusting the database) |
008 | Dependent tables are used in too many programs |
009 | Table & (Activation could not be unlocked) |
010 | Tab. & is of type INTTAB (Technical settings are not meaningful) |
011 | & is not a DB-VIEW (Technical settings are not meaningful) |
012 | Activate table & |
013 | Table & was not activated |
014 | Activate dependent table & |
015 | Dependent table & was not activated |
016 | Check table & |
017 | Check on table & resulted in errors |
018 | If activation was successful, adjust C structures (where necessary) |
019 | Fields: & Foreign key: & Indexes: & |
020 | >>> STATISTICS & table & <<< |
021 | Table is used in too many programs |
022 | Dependent table & is used in too many programs |
023 | Technical settings for table & deleted if activation is successful |
024 | Table & must be created |
025 | & (Invalid log parameters or parameter combination) |
026 | & (Invalid activation mode &) |
027 | List of tables dependent on & |
028 | Table & |
029 | If necessary, adjust & in the database (table type VIEW) |
030 | Table & must be created in the database |
031 | Table type changed from &->& (Make database changes where required) |
032 | Create table/view & in the database |
033 | Table type changed from &->& (Delete database table/view) |
034 | Table type changed from &->& (Table is created in the DB) |
035 | Table type changed from &->& (Table is deleted from DB) |
036 | Table type changed from &->& (Data must be deleted) |
037 | Table & was activated |
038 | Activation of dependent table & successful |
039 | Table & is consistent |
040 | Table type changed from &->& (DB table is deleted) |
041 | ==> Error in dependent objects |
042 | Table &: Update of activation flag failed |
043 | Scheduling of DD jobs & and & : & & |
044 | Job & could not be scheduled |
045 | No & objects in table & |
046 | Parallel start of activation/conversion job not possible |
047 | Job cannot be started between & and & |
048 | Job was terminated (Upgrade still in progress) |
049 | Table & is modified (Deleted or deleted/created new) |
050 | Table & must be converted |
051 | Error number in DD_DECIDE (&) |
052 | No objects (& -> &) transferred (Action is not started) |
053 | Table & is used by table & as an append structure |
054 | Activate table & with append structure |
055 | Activation of table & with append structure successful |
056 | Table & with append structure not activated |
057 | Table & was activated >>> error in dependent tables |
058 | Table & was activated with warnings |
059 | Dependent table & was activated with warnings |
060 | Table & was checked with warnings |
061 | Table & with append structure was activated with warnings |
062 | Correct the objects with errors |
063 | Table & (Activation lock could not be set) |
064 | Structure change at field level (convert table &) |
065 | Structure change at field level (convert matchcode &) |
066 | Table & (Statements could not be generated) |
067 | Check table for DD <-> DB inconsistencies |
068 | Table & (error when adjusting the secondary indexes or views in the DB) |
069 | Table &: Adjust secondary indexes in the database |
070 | Unexpected action (=&) or unanticipated MODEFLAG (=&) ---> |
071 | Structure & is used in/for & as Append/LOB structure |
072 | ---> Deletion of & only after successful deletion of dependents |
073 | Table type change &->VIEW (Correct any DD<->DB inconsistencies) |
074 | Table type change &->& (Convert table) |
075 | Table & is inconsistent. Correct it. |
076 | Table has type VIEW. Correct any DD<->DB inconsistencies. |
077 | Table type change &->&. Delete DB table or data. |
078 | Adjust table in DB >>> |
079 | <<< Database operations successful |
080 | &: Structure change at field level (DB is adjusted) |
081 | &: Structure change at field level (Index is created new) |
082 | Activate table & (Active version) |
083 | Activation caused by table & |
084 | Table &: nametab missing (Check consistency of data) |
085 | &: Inconsistency DD <-> DB (check table with analysis tool) |
086 | Table &: nametab missing (Check consistency DD <-> DB) |
087 | Activation of technical settings for table & |
088 | Table & (Check for conversion from pooled -> transparent) |
089 | Table & (Activation for conversion from pooled -> transparent) |
090 | You do not have authorization for database modification of table & |
091 | Initiated in the activation of table & |
092 | Act. parameter & does not correspond to table fields specified |
093 | Activate and transport view(s) |
094 | Table & is a multiplex table or multiplex-dependent. Conversion not poss. |
095 | Table/structure & is used in program & |
096 | You do not have permission to delete table & |
097 | You do not have permission to create table & |
098 | No activation authorization for & &. Entry not possible. |
099 | Object type TABF is no longer supported |
100 | ********************* Tables: Headers ************************** |
101 | Table & (Underscore not permitted at 2nd or 3rd position) |
102 | Tab. &: Activation type=1 (Activation not possible online) |
103 | & (Activation of tables of type cluster only with approval) |
104 | Physical pool/cluster & not active |
105 | Append structure & was moved from table & to table & |
106 | Append structure & is used in more than one table: |
107 | Table & |
108 | Table & is of type append, but is not assigned to a table |
109 | It does not make sense to enter a pool/cluster name here |
110 | Enter a valid table type (Type & not known) |
111 | ==> Pool/cluster name is deleted if successful activation |
112 | No selection possible (Table & has only one key field) |
113 | Table & is transportable, append structure & local |
114 | Append structure & is transportable, table & local |
115 | Table & (Inactive nametab header could not be read) |
116 | The namespace QCM is reserved for table conversions |
117 | Name '&': Underscore not allowed at end |
118 | Tab. & belongs to central Basis. Append & cannot be activated |
119 | Table & was delivered |
120 | No authorization for requested DB change to table & |
121 | Name & is identical or is in same namespace as & |
122 | Structure & is itself used as a subtype |
123 | Specified table types are not defined |
124 | Table name & contains '/' in incorrect order or number |
125 | There are no structures with table types |
126 | Inactive nametab contains entries. First clean them up. |
127 | Target table & already contains entries |
128 | Activation of table & because of data field POSITION |
129 | Activate Table & (language import) |
130 | Only use namespaces CL_ and IF_ for classes and interfaces |
131 | Activate data element & (language import) |
132 | Table contains more than & long string fields |
133 | Structure & is part of a cycle |
134 | Table set to read-only |
135 | Flag: 'Incorrect enhancement category' not updated (&) |
136 | Database items for cluster table could not be determined |
137 | Most recent runtime object & could not be read |
138 | Generation of runtime object for structure or table & |
139 | &: Update of ABAP time stamp not executed due to index/buffering change |
140 | Table class has been changed from & to & |
141 | Delivery class was changed from & to & |
142 | & &: Type and length must not be changed |
143 | Key field &: Decimal places must not be changed |
144 | & & was deleted. This is not allowed in the Support Package System |
145 | Key field & was inserted into existing key |
146 | Field &: Position was changed |
147 | Table is still in conversion; activation is not possible |
148 | Table & with multiple occurrence (cycle) adjusted again |
149 | Structure is not flat (component &) (use in DB function) |
150 | Table class & is not known |
151 | Input values are not consistent |
152 | Generating a TADIR entry for & is not possible (return value = &) |
153 | Active runtime object (header) for & could not be written to database |
154 | Inactive runtime object header for & could not be written to database |
155 | &: CREATE/DBSQL time stamp updated due to index or buffering change |
156 | Table & does not exist, converted to CDS View |
157 | Append &: parent will be changed from & to & |
158 | Table & does not exist; backup table for CDS renaming |
159 | Could not write runtime object & in mode & |
160 | &: Name (&) must have at least 2 digits |
161 | &: Name (&) must have at least 4 digits |
162 | Proxy object (here &) must not be a view with parameters |
163 | Table & is a History table; conversion is not possible. |
164 | Cluster memory work area cannot be adjusted; conversion necessary. |
165 | A canonical memory work area was calculated. |
166 | Table &1: Table category changed from &2 to "Transparent" |
167 | Error when changing the table category for table &1 |
168 | Delivery class G is not supported |
169 | &: Type of the primary key changed on the database |
170 | ********************* Tables: Fields *************************** |
171 | Table &: No candidates for streams and locators were found |
172 | Field &: & is not a basis type for streams and locators |
173 | Field &: Basis type &: Reference only allowed to class & |
174 | Stream classes for reading and writing cannot be combined |
175 | It was derived from read view &. Write class cannot be referenced |
176 | Derived LOB handle structure & must not reference any write class & |
177 | Field & cannot be deleted; usage in LOB handle structure & |
178 | Field &: Type change not possible; usage in LOB handle structure & |
179 | Table &: Fields could not be selected |
180 | Table row is too wide for the table cluster & (> & bytes) |
181 | Key field & has invalid type & |
182 | &-&: Switching on NOT-NULL flag for SHORT RAWSTRING type not permitted |
183 | Field &: Used reference type & is not active |
184 | Field &-&: Table type & is a generic type |
185 | Field &: User type & is generated proxy type, therefore not usable |
186 | & is a generated proxy type, cannot be used as include |
187 | More than one field was selected as language field: & |
188 | Field &: Only fields with data type LANG are flaggable as language fields |
189 | Current enhancement category & is incorrect |
190 | The following enhancement categories can be selected: |
191 | Enhancement category & possible (include or subtype not yet classified) |
192 | Enhancement category for table missing |
193 | Enhancement category for include or subtype missing |
194 | Field &: ANY cannot be used for data references |
195 | Multiple fields of type LANG; select one of these as the text language |
196 | Text language info deleted |
197 | Field &: Float type cannot be used in the key |
198 | Include &: Group name & contains SPACE |
199 | Exactly one field & of type LANG: Selection as text language possible |
200 | Field with name & in & does not exist |
201 | Table & is too wide for logging: & bytes (maximum & bytes). |
202 | Specify a delivery class from the set (&) |
203 | Field & (No underlining permitted in 2nd or 3rd position) |
204 | Reference field &-& for &-& has incorrect type |
205 | & is a reserved word (Select another field name) |
206 | Table & (Conversion to type transparent not possible) |
207 | Key does not fulfill the requirements for a transparent table |
208 | Table is too long |
209 | Table & is rel. for translation (Marked for standard translation) |
210 | Specified type of translation & is not known |
211 | Field & (Length > & for & only allowed for non-DB tables) |
212 | Field & is too long (Specify a length between & and &) |
213 | &-& (Type VARC no longer supported as of release 3.0) |
214 | Table &: Key length > & (restricted functions) |
215 | &-&: Set NOT_NULL only after obtaining approval --> |
216 | --> Activation by user DDIC |
217 | &-&: Too long for activation of 'not null' flag (>&) |
218 | Table has no fields |
219 | Table is value table for clients (So not client-specific) |
220 | Field & lies within customer namespace |
221 | Field & does not lie within customer namespace |
222 | Table has no fields apart from .INCLUDE |
223 | There are too many fields (>&) |
224 | Generic key is too long (>& bytes) |
225 | Table &: key length > & (Buffering not possible) |
226 | Field of type CLNT not a key field. (Table is not client-specific) |
227 | Check table & (Key was extended) |
228 | &-& (Recommended length for field of type &: &) |
229 | Field &-& does not exist |
230 | Field name & is reserved (Do not use structure as include in DB table) |
231 | Field name & is reserved (Structure cannot be used as append in DB table) |
232 | Only one long field allowed per table |
233 | ---> Long field must be in last position |
234 | Field & of type & must be in the final position |
235 | Field & does not have a preceding length field of type & |
236 | Table & not translation-relevant (Type of translation is deleted) |
237 | Translation-relevant table & (No field of type & in key) |
238 | Translation-relevant table & (No field of type & in data division) |
239 | Field & (Length < & for & not permitted) |
240 | Too many fields |
241 | Field & (Value & = & not allowed) |
242 | Field &: Component type or domain used not active or does not exist |
243 | Field &: Data type is not allowed |
244 | Field &: Data type & is not supported in domain & |
245 | DB length of the key of table & is too big (>&) |
246 | This number of key fields is not permitted with generic buffering |
247 | Field & cannot be used as key field because no default exists for type & |
248 | Data field &: initial flag deleted because no default exists for type & |
249 | Field &: Structured type & is not active or does not exist |
250 | Field name & does not agree with proposed name & for & table |
251 | Field &: Data type & does not exist |
252 | Field &: Data type & is no longer supported |
253 | Field &: Length < minimum length (=&) for data type & |
254 | Field &: Length > maximum length (=&) for data type & |
255 | No type was defined for field & |
256 | Field &: Length is corrected to & (because > maximum length (=&) for &) |
257 | Field &: Length is corrected to & (Set for data type &) |
258 | Field &: Decimal places are deleted. (Not appropriate for data type &) |
259 | Field &: Decimal places are corrected to & (set for &) |
260 | Field &: Decimal places are corrected to & (proposed value for &) |
261 | Field &: Decimal places are adjusted to the length (=&) |
262 | Field & does not start with a letter |
263 | Field & contains a non-alphanumeric character |
264 | Generic key field & is missing from logical cluster & |
265 | Field &: . in the first position is not allowed |
266 | Type of key field & is a table type |
267 | Field &: Table type & is not active or does not exist |
268 | Field &: Table type & cannot be used in DB table & |
269 | Field &: Structured type & cannot be used in DB table & |
270 | Field & contains at least one invalid character |
271 | Field &: Component type of a DB table may not be table type |
272 | Field name & is too long. At most & characters are permitted. |
273 | Field name & contains '/' in incorrect order |
274 | Field name & contains incorrect number of '/' |
275 | Field name & may not only consist of a namespace prefix |
276 | Field name &: define a namespace between '/' |
277 | Structure with '-' in field name cannot contain a structured type |
278 | Only use types whose component fields do not contain '-' |
279 | Field &: Reference & to class w/o interface cannot be used in DB table & |
280 | Define at least one field of the phys. cluster other than the key |
281 | Table name & is not in a valid namespace |
282 | Field name & is in foreign or unknown namespace but is valid |
283 | Field name & can be passed to this system; do not use it |
284 | Field name & can already exist in a subsequent system |
285 | Prefix for field name & is not valid |
286 | Field name & is in an unknown namespace |
287 | Change field name & and place in your own existing namespace |
288 | Field &: Class or interface & not active/implemented |
289 | Key field & references a class or interface |
290 | & cannot be used as include because it contains nested or table types |
291 | Field &: No foreign key possible when using a reference type |
292 | Field &: Data type change from & to & not possible |
293 | Field & with reference type: Value help with search help not possible |
294 | Field & generic reference type & in DB table & not allowed |
295 | Field name & is reserved for ABAP and thus not allowed |
296 | &-&: Too long for use as key field (>=&) |
297 | Field &: Type & not allowed in DB tables |
298 | No foreign key or search help defined for this append |
299 | Append has no fields |
300 | ********************* Tables: Foreign Keys *********** |
301 | Field & of foreign key &-& not found |
302 | Foreign key &-& specification incomplete |
303 | Message/application area missing for foreign key &-& |
304 | Foreign key &-& (More foreign key fields than check table fields) |
305 | Foreign key &-& (No value table defined) |
306 | Foreign key &-& (Field specified despite generic foreign key) |
307 | Foreign key &-& (Field specified despite constant foreign key) |
308 | Foreign key &-& is extended generically |
310 | Deleted foreign key &-& is still used in: |
311 | Changed foreign key &-& is still used in: |
312 | Foreign key &-& becomes generic because key of check table was extended |
313 | For. &-& (& and & have different data types) |
314 | For. &-& (& and & are of different lengths) |
315 | Text foreign key for table & is already defined: |
316 | &-& is not a text foreign key. Reset to unspecified. |
317 | Check field & cannot be type & |
330 | Could not write runtime object & in mode & |
331 | =================== General Messages Headers / Fields =================== |
332 | Active runtime object & could not be read |
333 | Referenced proxy structure/table &: definition not found |
334 | Referenced proxy view &: definition not found |
335 | Check against technical layout of referenced proxy object &: |
336 | Technical layout of proxy object & and & do not match |
337 | Technical layout of proxy object & and & do not match |
338 | Column & exists in & but not in & |
339 | Column &-&: data type in proxy object & is not equal to & |
340 | Column &-&: length in proxy object & is not the same |
341 | Column &-&: decimal places in proxy object & are not the same |
342 | & and proxy object & have different numbers of columns |
343 | A proxy view can only be specified for database tables |
344 | More than one base object; buffering of view is thus not possible |
345 | A proxy view is not allowed with a global temporary table |
346 | Column & of type CLNT is also expected in proxy view & |
347 | Column & of type CLNT is also expected in & & |
348 | Column & also exists in replacement object & (position is different) |
349 | Coordinate system (SRS_ID) cannot be modified in field & |
350 | ********************* Tables: assignment to search help ***** |
351 | Deleting interface of search help & to field &-& |
352 | Search field &-& of search help interface: Search help & not active |
353 | &-&: Table & in search help interface is not table in search field |
354 | Search field &-& is not in the search help interface |
355 | Interface to search help &-&: & and & point to different domains |
356 | Interface to search help &-&: & and & have different data types |
357 | Interface to search help &-&: & and & have different lengths |
358 | &-&: Field & of the assignment does not exist in the search help & |
359 | Field &-& of the search help interface to field & is not in table & |
360 | Field &-& of search help interface: Constant not entered correctly |
361 | &-&: Field &-& of search help interface: No import/export specified |
362 | Search field &-&: Field specified despite generic interface |
363 | Search field &-&: Field defined despite constant interface |
364 | Deleting search help binding & to table & |
365 | Search help & for table & not active |
366 | Field &-&: help parameter & used more than once and is import parameter |
367 | Search field &-&: field & occurs more than once. Value export not clear |
368 | Search help &: search help par. & used multiply and is import parameter |
369 | Search help &: field & occurs more than once. Value export not clear |
370 | Field &-& of allocation does not exist in search help & of the table |
371 | Field &-& of search help interface: No import/export specified |
372 | Search help interface field &-&: Specify constant & in quotation marks |
373 | &: Table & in search help interface is not table in search field |
374 | Search help binding to table &: Constant not defined correctly |
375 | Search help binding to table &: Specify constant & in quotation marks |
376 | Primary key is definable as inverted individual for transport table only |
377 | For GTTs, no inverted individual primary key is possible |
378 | For GTTs, Feature Mode is not possible; metadata will be corrected. |
400 | ******************** Tables: Includes ************************* |
401 | Customer and SAP Includes not allowed for table type & |
402 | Append structure & appended to table & |
403 | Inconsistent foreign key &-& deleted |
404 | Inconsistent foreign key &-& not inherited |
405 | No customer or SAP include & exists |
406 | Append structure & cannot be appended to table of type & |
407 | Tables of type & may not be included |
408 | Append structure & no longer found |
409 | Define max. three-place suffix for & |
410 | Inconsistent search help interface &-& deleted |
411 | Inconsistent search help interface &-& not inherited |
412 | Error in specified syntax & for include |
413 | Foreign key for field & may not be overwritten by append |
414 | Search help for field & may not be overwritten by append |
415 | & does not contain an append |
430 | *********** Tables: Include structures (complex types) |
431 | Type & for component & is not active |
450 | *** 450 - 499: Messages about Table Fields |
451 | Field &: Decimal places are corrected to & (max. no. of decimal places) |
452 | &-&: Structure change -> MODEFLAG set to special |
453 | Field & of cluster key has type DEC with digits after the decimal point |
454 | Field &: Preceding & field cannot be a key field |
455 | Field &: String type is not allowed |
456 | Field &: Type DECFLOAT (&) not allowed in key of a pooled table |
457 | Field &: Type & is not allowed in a cluster table |
458 | Field &: Type & is not allowed in the key of a cluster table |
459 | Field &: Type Decfloat (&) requires following scale column of type INT2 |
460 | Field &-&: Only output types (enhanced) currency amount allowed |
461 | Field &-&: Output type (enhanced) currency amount needs reference field |
462 | Key field & has forbidden DECFLOAT type (D16S/D34S) |
463 | Field &: Another field has been added before the subsequent INT2 field |
464 | Check the following fields: & |
465 | &: Boxed components are not yet released |
466 | Field &: Renaming of INT2 field invalidates data |
467 | Introduction of field & will invalidate the data of subsequent INT2 field |
468 | Field & contains characters in lowercase |
471 | Delete the text language flag from table & |
472 | This table exceeds the allowed width & and bytes for ABAP runtime (&). |
473 | Key exceeds the allowed width & bytes for ABAP runtime (&). |
474 | Number of key fields exceeds the maximum value for ABAP runtime (&). |
480 | DB-specific checks not possible; relevant DB systems cannot be determined |
481 | Key field number & is too large; table will not be created on DB & |
482 | Key & is too wide; table will not be created on DB & |
483 | Key width cannot be calculated (&) |
484 | Table width cannot be calculated (&) |
485 | Table & is too wide; table will not be created on DB & |
486 | & not implementing key number feature; table will not be created |
487 | & not implementing key width feature; table will not be created |
488 | & not implementing width feature; table will not be created |
489 | Field &: Type INT8 is not allowed |
490 | Key with inverted individual definition must contain at least 2 columns |
491 | Could not determine structure width of & |
492 | Structure is wider (&) than the maximum ABAP structure width (&) |
500 | ******************************** Indexes ****************************** |
501 | DB index & not defined in ABAP Dictionary |
502 | Index &-& must be created in the database |
503 | Index &-& must be converted |
504 | No index &-& found with status & |
505 | Text for index &-& missing in status & |
506 | No fields defined for index &-& |
507 | Index &-& for table & not found |
508 | Index &-& is not correctly defined |
509 | Indexes & and & for table & have identical fields |
510 | Index &-& completely contains the fields of index & |
511 | More than 16 indexes defined for table & |
512 | Index &-& could not be activated |
513 | Indexes to table & could not be activated |
514 | Index &-& has more than 16 fields |
515 | Entry of index &-& for background processing failed |
516 | Index &-& entered for background processing |
517 | Index &-& already entered for background processing |
518 | Index &-& is not in the customer namespace |
519 | Index &-& is in the customer namespace |
520 | Index &-& was activated |
521 | Indexes of table & were activated |
522 | Index &-& is consistent |
523 | Indexes to table & are consistent |
524 | Index &-& is not consistent |
525 | Indexes to table & are not consistent |
526 | Activate index & |
527 | Check index & |
528 | Activate indexes to table & |
529 | Check indexes of table & |
530 | Table & is not transparent |
531 | Indexes to non-transparent tables are deleted |
532 | Index & was not created with ABAP DDIC |
533 | Index &-& (Definitions of the unique flag vary) |
534 | Index &-& (different fields in ABAP Dictionary and database) |
535 | Table & does not exist |
536 | Index &-& was not found |
537 | Number of indexes (&) allowed by DB system exceeded |
538 | Too many indexes for following DB systems: |
539 | Index &-&: Different definition of full text properties |
540 | Index ID must be between 1 and 3 characters in length |
541 | An index name must be maintained for object type index |
542 | Unique index &-& must always be created on the database |
543 | Define at least one DB system for DB-dependent index &-& |
544 | Index &-& must be deleted on DB |
545 | Index &-& is in a namespace for partner developments |
546 | Index &-& is not in a namespace for partners |
547 | Index &-& is of type Full Text; table must be in Column Store |
548 | Index &-& is of type Full Text. This is supported on: & |
549 | Check exception list for index &-& |
550 | The index & was created in the database |
551 | The index & was deleted in the database |
552 | Index & was converted in the database |
553 | Error creating index & in the database |
554 | Error when deleting index & from the database |
555 | Error converting index & in the database |
556 | Online execution can cause timeouts |
557 | Activating (using DB utility) index & |
558 | Index &-& is of type Full Text. This is not implemented for DB & |
559 | Full Text index &-& can only be defined for exactly one column of type & |
560 | Index ID 0 is reserved for the primary index |
561 | Index &-& (Field & has unauthorized data type &) |
562 | DB actions for indexes table &: Index info could not be read |
563 | &-&: Full text index cannot be unique |
564 | Full text index &-&, parameter &: Value & is not allowed |
565 | Full text index &-&: Select similarity value for search words [0...100] |
566 | Index &-&: Vector for automated language search: language & is invalid |
567 | Full text index &-&: Values of parameters & and & cannot be combined |
568 | Full text index &-&: Language column & is not in table & |
569 | Full text index &-&: Mime Type column & is not in table & |
570 | Full text index &-&: & is not a valid Mime Type |
571 | Full-text index &-&: & and data type RAWSTRING cannot be combined |
572 | Full Text Index &-&: Token separator does not contain ASCII char. only |
573 | Full text index &-& with fast preprocess ON: Def.language English allowed |
574 | Full text index &-&: Inverted individual primary key contains column |
575 | Inverted individual is not possible for data aging tables |
576 | Full text index &-&: No alphanum conversion should be defined for field |
577 | Field type of full text index &-& should have at least five characters |
600 | *********************** Technical Settings ****************************** |
601 | Maintain the data class and size category for table & |
602 | The technical settings for table & are already locked |
603 | You have no change authorization for technical settings |
604 | You cannot maintain/display the technical settings for table & |
605 | Technical settings in table & already locked or no authorization |
606 | Specifications for number of key fields are deleted |
607 | Key field & has type &: Buffering not possible, Transport restricted |
608 | No action taken (Control parameters were inactive) |
609 | Value in field & (value & not permitted) |
610 | Table & is not an active table |
611 | Activate as transparent table: & |
612 | Check as transparent table: & |
613 | ==> Table exists in revised version or is new |
614 | ==> Execute the action using the table activation of & |
615 | Technical settings for & not found |
616 | Maintain data class for table & |
617 | Maintain size category for table & |
618 | Generic buffering & (at least 2 key fields necessary) |
619 | Activate technical settings for & |
620 | Technical settings for & were activated |
621 | Technical settings for & were activated with warning |
622 | Technical settings for & were not activated |
623 | Check technical settings for & |
624 | Technical settings for & are consistent |
625 | Technical settings for & were checked with warning |
626 | Technical settings for & are inconsistent |
627 | Inactive nametab header could not be written |
628 | Error in writing the technical settings |
629 | Inconsistency in nametab (type transparent) and DD sources (type pool) |
630 | Active nametab could not be written |
631 | Update requirements for pool/cluster -> transparent table |
632 | Error writing the table header pool -> transparent |
633 | Job for conversion was not scheduled |
634 | & (Conversion & -> transparent not possible) |
635 | Nametab for & does not exist (Update therefore not possible) |
636 | Table &: Entry for conversion for follows |
637 | Full result for technical settings update (OK/warnings/errors): (&/&/&) |
638 | Full result for technical settings check (OK/warnings/errors): (&/&/&) |
639 | Table & can be converted |
640 | Overall result of conversions (OK/warnings/errors): (&/&/&) |
641 | Log could not be opened |
642 | Action was canceled |
643 | Technical settings were not activated |
644 | Transparent flag was set. Convert table |
645 | No authorization for activating technical settings for table & |
646 | Buffering not permitted for &, but a buffering type was defined |
647 | Buffering activated for &: specify buffering type |
648 | Multiple selection not possible for buffering type |
649 | No buffering information available to be copied |
650 | Buffering parameter (BUFALLOW/KIND): &1/&2 -> &3/&4 |
651 | Buffering parameter active version (BUFALLOW/KIND): &1/&2 -> &3/&4 |
652 | MERGE_BUF: Internal error when writing the buffering parameters |
653 | Object & already locked -> activation not performed |
654 | Number of key fields in generic key: &1 -> &2 |
655 | Technical settings are deleted with next table activation |
656 | Table/view does not exist. Technical settings not possible. |
657 | Table & was written in N version -> no further action required |
658 | &: Values already added from DDBUF; no further action |
659 | Latest buffering values do match the active values |
660 | Latest values (&1/&2) were applied; active values were (&3/&4) |
661 | You do not have display authorization for technical settings |
662 | Define table name or attributes of the technical settings |
663 | Technical settings are defined but not from table & |
664 | Technical settings not meaningful for tables of type & |
665 | Table & does not exist |
666 | Information for table & could not be read |
667 | Action & terminated |
668 | Technical settings for & already locked by another user |
669 | Enqueue system error: Technical settings for & could not be locked |
670 | No authorization to change the technical settings for & |
671 | No authorization to display the technical settings for & |
672 | No access authorization or internal error |
673 | Technical settings for & already exist |
674 | Technical settings for & do not yet exist |
675 | Error reading technical settings for & |
676 | Table & does not exist or could not be read |
677 | Technical settings could not be locked |
678 | Technical settings could not be unlocked |
679 | Technical settings could not be written |
680 | Reset to active version failed |
681 | Technical settings reset to active version |
682 | Version can only be stored from active object |
683 | Version of >> active << object stored |
684 | &: Incorrect version of technical settings |
685 | Temporary version of active object stored |
686 | Identical version was already stored or version could not be stored |
687 | Technical settings for & are new. Active version does not exist. |
688 | Active version is already displayed |
689 | Technical settings for & are new. Revised version does not exist. |
690 | Revised version does not exist |
691 | Log could not be read |
692 | Log & does not exist |
693 | Technical settings could not be written -> activation terminated |
694 | Specify only one buffering type |
695 | Technical settings for & were activated |
696 | Buffering mode is not generic. Delete "number of key fields". |
697 | Buffering mode is not generic; number of key fields must be 0 |
698 | Buffering type is generic. Specify "number of key fields" |
699 | Processing terminated or no correction entry possible |
700 | Form &: error when calling & |
701 | Active version is latest and is already displayed |
702 | Domain fixed values for domain & could not be read |
703 | Define table name <> ' ' |
704 | Technical settings for table & deleted |
705 | Technical settings for table & could not be deleted |
706 | Technical settings for & could not be read. Copy not possible |
707 | Not possible to write technical settings for &. Copy not successful |
708 | Table & already has technical settings |
709 | Technical settings for table & copied to technical settings for & |
710 | Table & has type &. "Copy" action was terminated |
711 | Table/view & does not exist |
712 | First save and then check again |
713 | Base table & of buff. view &: Active nametab header not read |
714 | Base table & of buff. view &: Nametab header was not written |
715 | Base table & is used in at least 10 views which are or can be buffered |
716 | Base table & of buff. view &: Runtime object could not be read |
717 | Base table & of buff. view &: Runtime object was not written |
718 | Base table & of buff. view &: Inactive nametab header not read |
719 | Buffer of table use for view & could not be reset |
720 | No technical settings exist for the given table name & |
721 | View & cannot be buffered |
722 | Technical settings for & do not exist. Delete not possible. |
723 | Documentation about technical settings not found |
724 | Technical settings for table & already being edited by user & |
725 | Version of technical settings of & & cannot be displayed |
726 | & is not a database view (technical settings cannot be defined/displayed) |
727 | Technical settings only available in & version |
728 | View & with basis table &: Active nametab header of view not read |
729 | View & with basis tab. &: Inactive nametab header of view not read |
730 | View & with basis table &: Runtime object of view not read |
731 | View & with basis table &: Nametab header was not written |
732 | View & with basis table &: runtime object was not written |
733 | Creating technical settings for &: 'Write access only with Java' set |
734 | Technical settings: for &: 'Write access only with Java' set |
735 | Technical settings for view & cannot be read |
736 | Field & contains forbidden type & for 'write access only with Java' |
737 | Logging only possible if all fields are NOT NULL |
738 | Field & does not have NOT NULL property |
739 | Buffering is only possible if all fields are NOT NULL |
740 | Logging of string fields can only be used in limited way |
741 | Activation of active technical settings table & successful |
742 | Memory type was set to & |
743 | Specify row or column store information |
744 | Table will be moved from & store to & store |
745 | Tab &: Row or Column Store Info from DB cannot be determined |
746 | Table contains at least one field of type DECFLOAT 16 DEC/RAW |
747 | This is not possible in row store |
748 | Table & is participating in DataAging; therefore buffering not possible |
749 | Table & is already in store &; no action necessary on DB |
750 | Storage information was copied from DB: & |
751 | Storage information set to & |
752 | Storage information adopted from active version : & |
753 | Views with views as base objects cannot be buffered |
754 | Primary key with inverted individual only possible in column store |
755 | Table DBTABLOG should not be logged |
756 | Sharing is only allowed for transparent tables. |
757 | Invalid sharing type & |
758 | ROW store not allowed: Table & contains column(s) of type GEOM_EWKB |
759 | Buffered view &: Runtime object of basis table & was modified |
760 | View & with basis table &: Runtime object was modified |
761 | Load unit value '&1' is invalid for global temporary tables |
762 | Load unit value '&1' is invalid for row store tables |
763 | Load unit value '&1' is invalid in SAP Business Technology Platform |
764 | Load unit value '&1' is invalid for SAP_BASIS tables |
765 | Software component not found (cannot check load unit setting) |
766 | Load unit of table &1 changed from &2 to &3 |
767 | HDB load unit is already &1 (no action on the database) |
768 | Load unit value '&1' is invalid for tables with data aging |
769 | Load unit "forced" not allowed for tables with data aging |
800 | *********************Table Appends************************************ |
801 | Name & is invalid |
802 | Editing of the append of table & was canceled |
803 | Field & applied as a non-key field in table & |
804 | Internal error |
805 | No help available here |
806 | The name & does not start with either 'Y' or 'Z' |
807 | Field & is in both versions of the table |
808 | Field & is contained in the key of the table |
809 | Field & occurs more than once in the table |
810 | Field & used in the proposal |
811 | Standard append & for table & already exists |
812 | Standard name & not permitted for append to table & |
813 | Standard name & for append to table & is already assigned to a view |
814 | Standard name & for append to table & is already assigned |
815 | Enter a name for the append |
816 | The selected name has already been assigned to a view |
817 | The selected name & has already been assigned |
818 | & used in the proposal as & |
819 | & as & in both versions of the table |
820 | & occurs as & in the non-key section of the table |
821 | & occurs as & in the key of the table |
822 | & occurs more than once as & in the table |
823 | Field & in key section, so not in proposal |
824 | & is contained in the key section as &, therefore, not in the proposal |
825 | Current version already corresponds to proposal |
826 | Position cursor on a name |
827 | Not all of the imported appends for table & could be activated |
828 | Field & is included in the table |
829 | Appended table & is temporarily partially active |
830 | As transparent flag of table & is set, appends are allowed |
831 | Change in structure of field & |
832 | & is included as & in the table |
833 | Append structures can only be created from the menu |
834 | Append structures can only be created for active tables |
835 | Multiple foreign key definitions were found for field & |
836 | It is not necessary to adjust the technical settings for table & |
837 | Start: create a proposal list for table & |
838 | End: create a proposal list for table & |
839 | Original table does not require adjustment |
840 | Customer version of table & could not be accessed |
841 | Current version of table & could not be read |
842 | Warnings were issued when the proposal list was created |
843 | It is not necessary to create an append for table & |
844 | Create or extend append to table & |
845 | Start: Analyze & as & |
846 | Start: Analyze field & |
847 | End: Analyze & as & |
848 | End: Analyze field & |
849 | Warning issued when analyzing & as & |
850 | Warnings issued when analyzing field & |
851 | Old version of technical settings for table & could not be read |
852 | Expanding current version of table & failed |
853 | Warnings issued during editing of the old field list |
854 | End: Edit table & old field list |
855 | Start: Append new fields to table & |
856 | & placed in first table position as & |
857 | New client field & is placed at the start of the table |
858 | & is added as & to the key of the table |
859 | Field & is added to the key of the table |
860 | & is added to the table as & |
861 | Field & is added to the table |
862 | End: Append new fields to table & |
863 | Original table requires adjustment |
864 | Problems occurred in customer LONG field |
865 | Append & used in the proposal without check |
866 | Append cannot be created because table has table category & |
867 | Table & has long field (therefore not possible to create appends) |
868 | Customer has extended the key of table & |
869 | Adjustment of table & can be completed |
870 | New version of technical settings for table & could not be read |
871 | Attribute had to be modified |
872 | Append & could not be activated and will therefore be reset |
873 | Append & was activated with warnings => table & partially active |
874 | Append & was activated => table & partially active |
875 | Attribute could not be copied |
876 | & deleted by SAP as &; cannot be used in the proposal |
877 | Field & deleted by SAP; cannot be used in the proposal |
878 | Objects not saved can only be handled in change mode |
879 | Table & is not active in ABAP Dictionary |
880 | Entry & is not allowed as include description |
881 | Enter a valid field name |
882 | & is already being processed by user & |
883 | Entry for & was removed |
884 | All entries for table & were removed |
885 | & was entered as for deletion in 3.0 |
886 | & was entered as for changing in 3.0 |
887 | Table & belongs to central Basis, so appends are not allowed |
888 | Proposal for table & used |
889 | Proposal for table & could not be used |
890 | Proposal for table & edited and saved in editor |
891 | Error occurred when automatically adjusting table & |
892 | & under version number & read in the version management |
900 | ************** General Tables and Fields ********************** |
901 | Changes to table & were not passed on to view & |
902 | &-structure: invalid change: data type of field & changed |
903 | &-structure: invalid change: length of field & was changed |
904 | &-structure: invalid change: decimal places of field & changed |
905 | List of dependent views: |
906 | View &: dependent on table & |
907 | Activate dependent view & |
908 | Activation of dependent view & successful |
909 | Dependent view & was activated with warnings |
910 | Dependent view & was not activated |
911 | Table & was activated >>> error in dependent views |
912 | View &: update of activation flag failed |
913 | & structure: invalid change; delete field & |
914 | &-structure: invalid change: position field & changed |
915 | &-structure: field & data element changed |
916 | List of dependent search helps: |
917 | Search help &: Dependent on table & |
918 | Activate dependent search help & |
919 | Dependent search help & activated |
920 | Dependent search help & was activated with warnings |
921 | Dependent search help & was not activated |
922 | Search help &: Update of activation flag failed |
923 | Changes to table & are not passed on to search help & |
924 | Table & was activated >>> Error in dependent search helps |
925 | List of dependent structured types: |
926 | Structured type: & |
927 | List of dependent table types: |
928 | Table type: & |
929 | Activate dependent structured type & |
930 | Dependent structured type & was activated |
931 | Dependent structured type & was not activated |
932 | Dependent structured type & was activated with warnings |
933 | Table &: latest nametab header could not be read |
934 | Table &: could not write active nametab header |
935 | Table &: inactive nametab header could not be written |
936 | Table/structure & was activated >>> error in dependent types |
937 | Dependent table type & was activated |
938 | Dependent table type & was not activated |
939 | Dependent table type & was activated with warnings |
940 | Structure &: Nametab time stamps updated |
941 | No table name found |
942 | Table &: active nametab could not be read |
943 | Table &: Field ROLLNAME in nametab is already filled |
944 | Table &: latest nametab could not be written |
945 | Table &: DD sources could not be read |
946 | Table &: Data elements were entered in nametab |
947 | ABAP Dictionary Object &: Could not write nametab |
948 | Set data element information in nametab |
949 | Table &: field component type was filled |
950 | Table &: field component type could not be filled |
951 | Renamed data elements cannot be handled |
952 | Set information about fields of depth 0 in nametab header |
953 | Table &: Information about fields of depth 0 already set |
954 | Table &: BUFPARM was already set to & |
955 | Activate dependent lock object & |
956 | Activation of dependent lock object & was successful |
957 | Dependent lock object & was activated with warning |
958 | Dependent lock object & was not activated |
959 | Changes to table & were not passed on to lock object & |
960 | List of dependent lock objects: |
961 | Lock object &: Dependent on table & |
962 | Lock object &: Update of activation flag failed |
963 | Field & in table & is specified twice |
964 | Group name & in table & is specified twice |
965 | Group name & of include & matches field name |
966 | Include information copied to runtime objects |
967 | Could not generate runtime object for table & |
968 | Inactive nametab table & with includes written |
969 | Active nametab table & with includes written |
970 | & nametabs of & table generated |
971 | Conversion of table & successful |
972 | Conversion of table & canceled |
973 | Field &: Data type & is not supported |
974 | Table &: UUID was regenerated; active nametab header was written |
975 | Table &: Inconsistency between nametab and sources. Check! |
976 | Table & too wide for DB & (width: &, maximum width: &) |
977 | Table &: Check for database & not possible |
978 | Table &: Key too wide for DB & (width: &, maximum width: &) |
979 | Index &-&: Check for database & not possible |
980 | Index & too wide for DB & (width: &, maximum width: &) |
981 | Check & as table, not as View |
982 | Table & has no indices |
983 | Number of Tables Without Text Language Indicator: & |
984 | No pooled table found |