DV - EHS: Messages for Report Shipping

The following messages are stored in message class DV: EHS: Messages for Report Shipping.
It is part of development package CVDD in software component EHS-SAF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "EH&S: Report Shipping".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The following are DDS messages (overview of contents in long text 000)
001-------------- General messages (used by different objects) -------------
101Incorrect function module in view "User Exit - Fct. Mdl. Allocation"
102&1 do not exist
103& object(s) converted
104Transaction not allowed due to status of some objects
105Original document could not be found
106Error whilst generating the order for a document
107Error during determination of environment parameter &
108No final report available
109Function module for user exit &1 could not be determined
201Report category & cannot be sent
202Cannot determine common communication method for all selected reports
203No shipping reason for report category &
204Recipient invalid: Check the recipient entered
205Shipping order &1 was created
250-----------DDOC, DDOC log -----------------------------------------------
251Document status set to "released"
252Document status set to "not released"
253Distribution order was canceled or not processed completely
254The dispatch indicator has been set in the log
255The dispatch indicator has been deleted in the log
256Document distribution order carried out
257Document printing triggered
258Cover sheet printing triggered
259Error during document generation run
260Error during cover sheet generation run
261DDOC log no. & created
262Generated document <&> was written to log
263Generated cover sheet <&> was written to log
264Bundle was sent on & at &
265Error in function: &. Exception no. &: &. &
266No log entry found for selection criteria
267Starting user exit &
268No messages found for log no. &
269No further level of detail available
270Wrong selection position
271Error starting document generation (&)
272Error starting cover sheet generation (&)
273Document print complete
274Cover sheet print complete
275Cover sheet template <&> was added to bundle <&>
276As a result of check, order is not to be sent
277Status of document distribution order set to &
278Document distribution order not executed
279Document distribution order was not started
280Sending of order confirmed in check
281Logging of additional information is completed
282Error in function: &. Exception no. &: &. &
283Document was added to bundle <&>
284An error occurred when outputting the document (&)
285An error occurred when outputting the cover sheet (&)
286Error starting generation (&)
287Generation produces document of wrong document type (&)
288******************** S T A R T O F L O G ********************************
289********************** E N D OF L O G ***********************************
301Unable to assign order to a bundle
302Order has been assigned to a bundle
303Generation and output of order bundle is started
304Order bundle: Incorrect status (&1) for order &2
305Order bundle: Incorrect document format (&1) for order (&2)
306Order bundle was assigned to shipping object &1 and package &2
307Order bundle is not assigned to a shipping object (&1 &2 &3 &4)
308Order bundle was split
351Determination of default parameters failed
352No save module was found for shipping reason &1 &2 &3
353User exit for main function &1 was not found or is inactive
354Check function for ctry/reg &1 and origin &2 couldn't be determined.
355Check function rejects shipping in step &1 (&2 &3 &4)
356Report was assigned to order bundle &1
357Error when redetermining reports for &1 &2 &3
358Loading document data for document key &1
359Report format &1 for communication &2 not found
360Copying original document (&1) to report shipping order (&2)
361Send data was determined (&1 &2 &3 &4)
362Recipient data was determined (&1 &2 &3 &4)
363Error occurred when determining recipient data
364Report was shipped successfully (&1)
365Report could not be shipped (&1)
366Communication language &1 was determined
367Document format &1 is not supported
368Cause of error:
369Shipping order could not be assigned to an order package
370Document for shipping order could not be read
371Status &1 (&2) of shipping order incorrect
372Parameter values could not be determined
373Recipient data could not be determined
374Error occurred when accessing the document for the shipping order
375Authorization error occurred
376Error occurred when creating the TEMSE object
377Error occurred when determining the communication address (comm. type &1)
378Error occurred when creating the spool request
379Error occurred when determining the shipping object
380Unknown &1&2&3&4
381Cover sheet &1 was determined (disp.format &2, outp.format &3, lang. &4)
382Ackn. of receipt &1 determined (disp.format &2, outp.format &3, lang. &4)
383Document &1 generated successfully
384Document &1 was generated with warnings
385Incorrect shipping order &1 was replaced
386Shipping was rejected owing to shipping order ID &1 (of &2)
400 Subscriptions
450_ Report shipping orders - Management
451Enter valid &1
452Enter valid process parameters
453Unable to read data record
454The next status for the shipping order could not be determined
455The order does not contain a report that can be sent
456Shipping order processing terminated
457Generation of shipping order was started
458Generation of shipping order complete
459Error occurred when determining the job information (SUBRC &1)
460Event &1 could not be locked
461Job ID &1: Event &2 could not be set
462Job ID &1: Key date could not be set
463Job ID &1: Definition for status &2 was not found
464Job ID &1: Event &2 could not be removed (module &3)
465Job ID &1: Follow-on status for status &2 could not be determined
466Job ID &1: Error when determining orders (status &2, module &3)
467Job ID &1: Parameter error in call of &2
468Job ID &1: No object passed in call of function module &2
469Job ID &1: Internal error &2 &3 &4
470Error in report header (&1 &2 &3 &4)
471Job ID &1: Error when saving to database (module &2)
472Job ID &1: Error when deleting locks (module &2)
473Job ID &1: Key date could not be determined
474Job ID &1: Event &2 could not be reset (&3)
475Error occurred when calling a new event (&1)
476User exit of cat. &1, shipping reas. &2, comm. &3 could not be determined
477Follow-on status for status &1 could not be determined
478Main function &1 was called
479No user exit exists for main function &1
480Job ID &1: Event could not be determined
481Error occurred when setting the report to status &1
482Status switch from &1 to &2
483No cover sheet or acknowledgement of receipt was found (&1, &2, &3, &4)
484No released cover sheet was found
485No acknowledgement of receipt was found
486Error occurred when reading the document &1
487No user exit of cat. &1 exists for shipping reason &2 / communic. &3
500 Report Shipping Orders
501The date you entered is in the past
502Incorrect output device
503Cannot find a valid communication type
504Invalid communication type
505Cannot execute activity for order &1 due to order status
506The report shipping order was set to status & (&)
507Order is already being processed
508Shipping orders are set to the status "Historical"
509Action not possible for order &1 with start date &2
510Setting to historical is not possible for shipping reason &1 &2 &3
511Target shipping date is in the future; cannot be sent immediately
512&1 shipping orders are being processed
513Released report body found for &1 of these shipping orders
514&1 shipping orders were set to "In Process"
515&1 shipping orders were restarted
516&1 shipping orders found with status 'Errors'
517Send or print status is being determined
518Send or print request not yet completed
519Shipping order has incorrect status for determining send or print status
520No information for send or print request exists
521Cannot determine data for send or print request
522Print request &1 completed
523Error while executing print request &1
524Send request &1 completed
525Error while executing send request &1
526Shipping order package &1 could not be restarted
527Shipping order package &1 could not be restarted
528Shipping order package &1 restarted
529Determination of send or print status executed for report shipping
530Shipping order package &1 accepted
531Shipping order package &1 could not be accepted
532Shipping order package &1 could not be accepted
533Shippint order package &1 rejected
534Shipping order package &1 could not be rejected
535Shipping order package &1 could not be rejected
536You are not authorized to determine the send status
550---------------------------- Report Export ------------------------------
551Destination of report export could not be determined
552Inconsistency between current date and date of last report export
553Error determining status log data
554Target directory for report export: &
555& successfully exported
556Error in & (&); Export failed
557Export order with number & already exists for this report
558Date of last subsequent export could not be determined
559Subsequent export orders generated for time period &1 to &2
560No released reports were found for subsequent export
561No report shipping orders were found for subsequent export
562Error occurred during subsequent export of report shipping order &
563&1 reports with gen. variant &2 and language &3 were changed or created
564No report export orders were created
565&1 materials were found for changed reports
566Creating the report shipping order failed
567Report: Generation variant &1, language &2, specification &3, version &4
580-------------ILM-Based Blocking/Deletion---------------------------------
581Cannot set block indicator for report shipping order with RECN &1
582Block indicator set for report shipping order with RECN &1
583Report shipping order with RECN &1 locked and cannot be blocked
584No report shipping order requires a block indicator
590Report shipping order &1 deleted
591Report shipping order &1 can be deleted
592Address &1 deleted
593Error while reading or locking report shipping order &1
594Address &1 can be deleted
600--------------------- Subsequent Shipping -------------------------------
601Date of last subsequent shipping could not be determined
602Subsequent shipping orders generated for time period & to &
603Invalid time period for determination of subsequent shipping orders (&-&)
604No released report were found for subsequent shipping
605No report shipping orders were found for subsequent shipping
606Report assignment for specification & was changed
607The material & was assigned to another specification
608Error occurred during subsequent shipping of report shipping order &
609Subsequent shipping of eSDS: parameters &1 &2 do not exist
611Application log &1 - &2 could not be initialized
612Application log &1 - &2 could not be written
613Application log &1 - &2 could not be saved
614Errors occurred; check the application log &1 - &2
650------------------- Create Report Shipping Orders -----------------------
651Address data for person's address &1 not found
652Address data for company address &1 not found
653Error occurred determining the address data (address group: &1, no. &2)
654Initiator could not be determined
655Shipping order could not be created &1
656Address data of initiator was not found
657Export orders were created (Initial order ID &1)
800_ Libraries
801Number range error: number range & is not internal/external
802Number range error: Could not find number range &
803Could not get number from number range &
804Could not find interval &1 in number range &2
805Program &1 is already running (started by &2)
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