E2EIE_CC_CORE_CONFIG - Message class for Core Configuration

The following messages are stored in message class E2EIE_CC_CORE_CONFIG: Message class for Core Configuration.
It is part of development package ODATA_CC in software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ODATA implementation for Core Configurator".
Message Nr
Message Text
001For Building Block &1, Activity &2, Subobject &3, file does not exist.
002Could not create IMG activity
003Unable to delete Scope Item &1. Scope item contains Building Blocks
004Deletion undone for entry &1 as it belongs to another inst. data file
005Creation of entry &1 undone as it is outside of the customer namespace
006Scope item name &1 should be in customer namespace(Start with Z)
007Building Block name &1 should be in customer namespace(Start with Z)
008Activity belongs to Flex Org. Changes not allowed for selected activity.
009Activity belongs to Flex Org. New addition not allowed for &1
010Could not add new entry &1 as solution package belongs to SAP ref. cont.
011Changes undone for entry &1 as it belongs to another inst. data file
012No Change made.
013Unable to delete Building Block &1. Building Block is not empty
014Could not save all changes.
015The IMG activity has been created. You can close the window.
016New entry &1 is saved
017Entry &1 changed
018Entry &1 deleted
019The GUID from the URL is not valid. Enter a valid one and try again
020Modified all Records
021Could not detect the current implementation phase. Contact SAP.
022Changes are not allowed in current implementation phase.
023Unable to delete Activity &1. Installation file consists of active data.
024Unable to delete Folder &1. Folder is not empty.
025Could not create Folder &1. Folder creation not allowed at this level.
026Could not create Folder &1.
027Could not sequence Activities and Folders.
028Update of Activity ID is not allowed.
029Could not save changes.
030Unable to insert Activity.
031Could not change entry &1 as Personalization info. not present for IMG
032Flex Org Activity cannot be created.
033Any changes to non editable fields are undone
034Deletion undone for entry &1 as it belongs to SAP ref. inst. data file
035Deletion of entry &1 undone as activity belongs to flex org.
036For entry &1 field &2 is not maintainable. Changes undone
037Changes are recorded in client specific TR &1 and cross client TR &2
038For Entry &1 modifiable field(s) saved
039Unable to delete Activity &1. Click Edit IMG and run validation.
040Project IMG is not maintained in the system
041Maintained Project IMG does not exist in this system
042Changes not allowed as there is no open change project existing.
043You are not authorized to make changes to this solution.
044&1: This filename is invalid.
045Changes undone for entry &1 as it belongs to Sol &2, filename &3, BB &4
046Changes undone for entry &1 as it does not belong to selected Inst. file
047PME Database update failed
048Deletion undone for entry &1 as it belongs to Sol &2, filename &3, BB &4
049You dont have authorization to edit. All changes reverted.
050&1: This eCATT activity does not exist.
051&1: This filename already exists in the solution.
052Operation not allowed.
053Enter the eCATT Log ID
054Content activation queue is blocked. Try activation again after sometime.
055SAP_SYSTEM user does not exist.Contact SAP Service Center to create user.
056SAP_SYSTEM user is locked.Contact SAP Service Center to unlock the user.
057Enter a filename upto 34 characters
058Current client is not a project client
060Deletion undone. Deletion of records not allowed
061You don't have authorization to add records.
062You don't have authorization to modify records.
063Entry %1 doesn't belong to any active solution. No auth. to add in file.
064Maintain flex org entities using Manage your solution app from launch pad
065Manage your solution->Configure your solution->OrganizationalStructure.
077Atleast one solution should be set as customer solution
078Could not able to find the solution ID from input. Operation terminated.
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