E2EIE_CC_CORE_CONFIG - Message class for Core Configuration
The following messages are stored in message class E2EIE_CC_CORE_CONFIG: Message class for Core Configuration.
It is part of development package ODATA_CC in software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ODATA implementation for Core Configurator".
It is part of development package ODATA_CC in software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ODATA implementation for Core Configurator".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1&2&3&4 |
001 | For Building Block &1, Activity &2, Subobject &3, file does not exist. |
002 | Could not create IMG activity |
003 | Unable to delete Scope Item &1. Scope item contains Building Blocks |
004 | Deletion undone for entry &1 as it belongs to another inst. data file |
005 | Creation of entry &1 undone as it is outside of the customer namespace |
006 | Scope item name &1 should be in customer namespace(Start with Z) |
007 | Building Block name &1 should be in customer namespace(Start with Z) |
008 | Activity belongs to Flex Org. Changes not allowed for selected activity. |
009 | Activity belongs to Flex Org. New addition not allowed for &1 |
010 | Could not add new entry &1 as solution package belongs to SAP ref. cont. |
011 | Changes undone for entry &1 as it belongs to another inst. data file |
012 | No Change made. |
013 | Unable to delete Building Block &1. Building Block is not empty |
014 | Could not save all changes. |
015 | The IMG activity has been created. You can close the window. |
016 | New entry &1 is saved |
017 | Entry &1 changed |
018 | Entry &1 deleted |
019 | The GUID from the URL is not valid. Enter a valid one and try again |
020 | Modified all Records |
021 | Could not detect the current implementation phase. Contact SAP. |
022 | Changes are not allowed in current implementation phase. |
023 | Unable to delete Activity &1. Installation file consists of active data. |
024 | Unable to delete Folder &1. Folder is not empty. |
025 | Could not create Folder &1. Folder creation not allowed at this level. |
026 | Could not create Folder &1. |
027 | Could not sequence Activities and Folders. |
028 | Update of Activity ID is not allowed. |
029 | Could not save changes. |
030 | Unable to insert Activity. |
031 | Could not change entry &1 as Personalization info. not present for IMG |
032 | Flex Org Activity cannot be created. |
033 | Any changes to non editable fields are undone |
034 | Deletion undone for entry &1 as it belongs to SAP ref. inst. data file |
035 | Deletion of entry &1 undone as activity belongs to flex org. |
036 | For entry &1 field &2 is not maintainable. Changes undone |
037 | Changes are recorded in client specific TR &1 and cross client TR &2 |
038 | For Entry &1 modifiable field(s) saved |
039 | Unable to delete Activity &1. Click Edit IMG and run validation. |
040 | Project IMG is not maintained in the system |
041 | Maintained Project IMG does not exist in this system |
042 | Changes not allowed as there is no open change project existing. |
043 | You are not authorized to make changes to this solution. |
044 | &1: This filename is invalid. |
045 | Changes undone for entry &1 as it belongs to Sol &2, filename &3, BB &4 |
046 | Changes undone for entry &1 as it does not belong to selected Inst. file |
047 | PME Database update failed |
048 | Deletion undone for entry &1 as it belongs to Sol &2, filename &3, BB &4 |
049 | You dont have authorization to edit. All changes reverted. |
050 | &1: This eCATT activity does not exist. |
051 | &1: This filename already exists in the solution. |
052 | Operation not allowed. |
053 | Enter the eCATT Log ID |
054 | Content activation queue is blocked. Try activation again after sometime. |
055 | SAP_SYSTEM user does not exist.Contact SAP Service Center to create user. |
056 | SAP_SYSTEM user is locked.Contact SAP Service Center to unlock the user. |
057 | Enter a filename upto 34 characters |
058 | Current client is not a project client |
060 | Deletion undone. Deletion of records not allowed |
061 | You don't have authorization to add records. |
062 | You don't have authorization to modify records. |
063 | Entry %1 doesn't belong to any active solution. No auth. to add in file. |
064 | Maintain flex org entities using Manage your solution app from launch pad |
065 | Manage your solution->Configure your solution->OrganizationalStructure. |
076 | |
077 | Atleast one solution should be set as customer solution |
078 | Could not able to find the solution ID from input. Operation terminated. |