EA - IDoc Basis Nachrichten
The following messages are stored in message class EA: IDoc Basis Nachrichten.
It is part of development package SED in software component BC-MID-ALE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IDoc Interface (Processing, Administration, Definition)".
It is part of development package SED in software component BC-MID-ALE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IDoc Interface (Processing, Administration, Definition)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | -->> Display linked objects <<-- |
001 | Process code & of type & |
002 | Old process codes no longer exist in the system |
004 | Error when writing statistic record |
007 | Report RSEIDOCM is scheduled, but obsolete. |
010 | Internal error |
011 | Function is only supported for IDoc record types SAP Release 4.x |
012 | Queue processing is not supported for version 3.x |
015 | Object & not found |
020 | No IDocs linked |
025 | Object type & object & unknown |
030 | --> Messages from function group EDII (IDoc conversion for Office) |
031 | Object type & is not known |
032 | IDoc & could not be read |
035 | Errors occurred during conversion |
036 | Function module EDI_IDOC_R3I_OUTGOING can only process references |
037 | Function module EDI_IDOC_R3I_INCOMING can only process IDoc data |
038 | Conversion error: segment too long |
039 | Length entry & is invalid |
041 | File '&' not accepted for processing |
042 | File '&' not accepted for processing |
050 | -> Send messages using Internet |
051 | Error when sending IDoc using Internet |
052 | IDoc could not be sent |
053 | IDoc sent using Internet |
054 | Office function module showed return code '&'. |
060 | -> Outbound processing using background task |
061 | IDoc '&' was added and passed for output |
066 | Messages from IDoc processing can be found in application log |
067 | Display of all data records not possible |
070 | -> Export to R/2 |
071 | Error occurred while IDoc '&' was being sent |
072 | IDoc '&' was sent to R/2 System |
073 | IDoc sent to R/2 System |
074 | qRFC used to send IDoc to SAP system |
075 | IDoc received using qRFC |
076 | Error occurred while IDoc '&' was being sent |
077 | IDoc written to file |
078 | IDoc '&' written to file |
079 | Incorrect parameter combination when calling EDI_OUTPUT_NEW |
080 | Internal error: Program &, command & |
081 | Error occurred while IDoc '&' was being sent |
082 | IDoc '&' sent to SAP system |
083 | IDoc sent to SAP system or external program |
084 | Error while writing IDoc to file |
085 | Error while sending IDoc (conversion error) |
086 | Internal error |
087 | Internal error - generated file & may not be processed |
088 | IDoc sent to Internet address |
089 | IDoc '&' sent to Internet address |
090 | IDoc '&' was passed to function module '&' |
091 | IDoc '&' was passed to the ABAP-PSS port |
092 | IDoc has been written in XML format in a file |
093 | IDoc cannot be sent to an XML port |
094 | IDoc cannot be sent in XML format |
095 | IDoc sent by HTTP in XML format |
096 | Error when sending by HTTP |
097 | IDoc '&' has already been received, therefore reception is refused |
098 | Communication error when sending with HTTP |
099 | The expected 'encoding="UTF-8" has not been sent, therefore refused |
100 | -->>Archiving programs<<-- |
101 | Unknown direction |
102 | Enter period with length greater than zero |
103 | Time conflict |
104 | Only positive entries allowed |
105 | No time unit entered |
106 | No IDocs found for selection criteria |
107 | Settings saved |
110 | You can only select relationship types for this function |
111 | You can only select message types for this function |
112 | All Message Types are Excluded for this Relationship Type |
114 | IDoc queue '&1' of sender '&2' not processed completely |
115 | IDoc set to queue status again after edit |
120 | IDoc archived |
121 | IDoc reloaded |
122 | Error while setting status for container '&' with IDoc links |
123 | No queue entries selected |
124 | Select an IDoc number by clicking a link |
125 | Select a queue name by clicking a link |
126 | All IDocs in queue '&' sent to receiving port '&' by qRFC |
127 | Queue '&' sent to port '&' in separate task |
128 | IDoc '&' no longer in outbound IDoc queue. Refresh the queue. |
129 | IDoc removed from outbound queue |
130 | IDoc &1 removed from outbound queue &2 |
131 | IDoc &1 set to status '31' and removed from outbound queue &2 |
132 | IDoc '&' no longer in inbound IDoc queue. Refresh the queue. |
133 | IDoc removed from inbound queue |
134 | IDoc &1 set to status '68' and removed from inbound queue &2 |
135 | IDoc &1 removed from inbound queue &2 |
136 | Function module for processing queue missing in target system |
137 | Rule name '&1' does not exist |
138 | Command file not defined |
139 | Define a command file for the logical directory |
140 | -> Further messages for port editing |
141 | No folder exists for saved folder ID |
142 | Access to a stored directory not possible in this environment |
143 | Logical directory '&' has not been defined in the SAP System |
144 | Define the function module for the logical directory |
145 | The possible entry is only possible for 'logical directory' |
146 | Enter a logical directory |
147 | Port & already exists and could not be created |
148 | Save the port first! |
149 | Port '&' was created and not saved! Deletion not possible! |
150 | -> continue FuGr EDI1 |
151 | Open IDoc '&' again in EDIT mode |
152 | No data records to be edited could be found for IDoc '&' |
153 | IDoc '&' has no data record with number '&' |
154 | Error while updating data records for IDoc '&' |
155 | Direction cannot be changed when modifying control record |
156 | This IDoc cannot be changed |
157 | This IDoc was created using a test transaction |
158 | This IDoc data record cannot be edited - field is too long |
159 | You are not authorized to edit this IDoc |
160 | No IDocs were passed to be displayed |
161 | IDoc created without syntax check |
163 | It was not possible to send any IDoc |
164 | '&' IDocs in queue '&' were sent by qRFC to destination '&' |
165 | You will find detailed information in the previous status records |
166 | '&' IDoc(s) set to status '31' and removed from outbound queue |
167 | '&' IDoc(s) set to status '68' and removed from inbound queue |
168 | '&' IDoc(s) removed from outbound queue |
169 | '&' IDoc(s) removed from inbound queue |
170 | --> Where-used list for segments |
171 | Where-used list for IDoc segments |
172 | System & Date & Time & |
173 | Segment type & (&) |
174 | Use in basic types: |
175 | & (&) |
176 | Use in extensions: |
177 | All segments |
178 | Unused segments |
179 | Used segments |
181 | Immediate processing not possible |
182 | Immediate processing was not possible |
183 | Immediate processing was canceled |
184 | Immediate processing was not possible |
185 | Immediate processing was canceled |
186 | Immediate processing was not possible |
187 | Immediate processing in job '&' |
188 | Immediate processing using bgRFC was triggered |
189 | User &1 is already processing the configuration |
190 | --> Messages from AFTER_IMP methods for IDoc types |
191 | Program ID &, object type & not processed |
192 | Object name is blank |
193 | Entries for & in table EDISYN were deleted |
194 | No entries for & had to be deleted |
200 | >>>> Messages from EDIJ/ Automatic creation of IDoc segments |
201 | Error while creating table '&' entry '&' |
202 | Error while changing table '&' entry '&' |
203 | Error while deleting table '&' entry '&' |
207 | Source structure '&' is unknown in ABAP Repository |
208 | Source structure '&' has no fields in ABAP Repository |
212 | Name of source structure not entered |
213 | Dictionary structure '&' could not be created |
221 | Define the fields of segment & in the segment editor |
222 | Processing canceled by user |
223 | Enter an object name |
224 | Basic type '&' is unknown |
226 | Extension '&' is unknown |
227 | Extended basic type '&' is unknown |
228 | Package & has integration system & |
229 | Segment & exists already |
230 | Error while creating segment & |
231 | Package & is unknown |
232 | Length determination for data element & failed |
233 | Data element & is unknown |
234 | Data element & is not active |
235 | Segment '&' : Internal error & |
236 | Segment '&' : Dictionary structure unknown |
237 | Error while deleting segment & |
238 | Segment & does not exist |
239 | Error while changing segment & |
240 | Activate segment & in dictionary failed |
241 | Change segment & in Dictionary failed |
242 | Error while changing segment & |
243 | Error during existence check for segment & |
244 | Error while releasing segment & |
245 | Passed structure has different field names, field & |
246 | Segment definition & unknown |
247 | Segment definition & has been released and cannot be deleted |
248 | Segment type cannot have same name as source structure & |
249 | No segment type entered |
250 | No segment structure entered |
251 | Last segment definition & not released |
252 | Segment & defined locally, package & |
253 | First segment definition in segment & cannot be deleted |
254 | Segment definition & has been released and cannot be deleted |
255 | Last segment definition & has been released and cannot be changed |
256 | Name range violation : Name & not permitted in & system |
257 | Segment &1 is unknown in Release &2/&3 |
258 | External segment name & cannot be interpreted |
259 | Error when undoing release of segment & |
260 | Could not create object directory entry with package & |
261 | Passed structure longer than existing structure, row & |
262 | Changed segment &1 uses a different data element |
263 | Maximum length of segment is 1000 characters, current length is & |
264 | Error while generating check log for segment & |
265 | Segment definition for current release &1/&2 already exists |
266 | Change segment table for & failed |
267 | Error while changing segment definitions for & |
268 | Error while updating segment table for & |
269 | Name range violation : Name & not permitted in & system |
270 | Name '&' does not contain a valid prefix |
271 | Name '&' does not correspond to naming convention |
272 | Error in transport interface |
273 | No entry in conversion table for external segment name &1 |
274 | No entry in conversion table for external segment name &1 |
275 | Unknown IDoc control record type: '&' |
276 | Segment definition & already exists for Release & |
277 | No object directory entry exists for & |
278 | '&' entries changed in segment table |
279 | New segment definition '&' has no additional fields |
280 | A released definition already exists for '&3' in Release &1/&2 |
281 | Released segment definitions already exist for segment & |
282 | Current segment definition is already released for segment & |
283 | The DTD cannot be generated |
284 | The DTD cannot be generated |
290 | --> Messages from forwarding (FuGr EDIFORWARD) |
291 | Outbound IDoc & sent to system & |
293 | -> Unicode outbound processing |
294 | Conversion error occurred for OPEN DATASET |
295 | IDoc file with replacement character |
296 | Segment & was written in the file with the replacement character |
297 | Control record was written in the file with the replacement character |
298 | Could not write IDoc to file |
299 | Could not write IDoc to file |
300 | *** Messages for SAPLEDID |
301 | No segment definition exists for segment type & |
302 | Segment type & does not exist |
303 | Structure of IDoc type & could not be found |
304 | IDoc type &, object type & is unknown |
305 | Error reading fixed values from table & field & |
306 | Object type & is unknown |
307 | IDoc type & is unknown in Release & |
308 | Description for IDoc basic type & not found |
309 | Segment & is unknown |
310 | Structure of segment &1 is unknown (field name &2) |
311 | Segment & is inconsistent |
312 | Segment &1 is unknown in Release &2/&3 |
313 | Data for segments for IDoc type &, object type & is incomplete |
314 | Structure of IDoc type &, object type & is unknown |
315 | Attributes for segment & is unknown |
316 | Field in segment & is unknown |
317 | Domain & for data element & is unknown |
318 | Error when reading IDoc record structures |
319 | Internal error in API for IDoc documentation tools |
320 | Export canceled by user |
321 | Error opening file '&' in directory '&' |
322 | Error while writing to file '&' in directory '&' |
323 | Error while creating file '&' in directory '&' |
324 | '&' is not an IDoc segment |
325 | Inconsistent data for IDoc type '&' |
326 | Export to directory '&', file(s) '&' completed successfully |
327 | Export to directory '&', file '&.h' completed successfully |
328 | Record type & unknown |
329 | Version & unknown |
330 | No IDoc types for SAP Release '&' found |
331 | Texts for IDoc types could not be read in language '&'. |
332 | Required format '&' is not supported |
333 | Some data not found |
334 | Invalid directory '&' |
335 | Presentation server error |
336 | Directory '&' could not be checked |
337 | No valid working directory found |
338 | No file name entered |
339 | List of IDoc types in HTML format created in directory '&', file '&' |
340 | Foreign key for structure '&1', field '&2' cannot be evaluated |
341 | Data element '&1' of field '&2' unknown |
342 | Extension &1 is not linked to any basic types |
343 | Extension &1 is not assigned to basic type &2 |
344 | Description for extension & not found |
345 | The format selected is not supported for the objects selected |
346 | Make a selection |
347 | Error occurred in Control Framework |
348 | Object name missing (enter a name) |
349 | Field &1 in segment &2 unknown |
350 | ----> Segments consistency check |
351 | Segment &1 has a repository structure in state &2 |
352 | Entries missing in table of &2 for segment &1 |
353 | Last changed by in repository &1; segment last changed by &2 |
354 | Time of last change in repository &1, time of last change to segment &2 |
355 | No. of fields in repository structure &1, no. of fields in segment &2 |
356 | Field name in repository '&1', field name in segment '&2', position &3 |
357 | Field &1: External length &2 less than &3 for appl. data element &4 |
358 | Field &1: External length &2 greater than &3 for appl. data element &4 |
359 | Segment version &1 contains more/less fields (&2) than structure (&3) |
360 | Inconsistent overall length in segment version &1 |
361 | Segment version & not released |
362 | Segment & has no short text |
363 | Repository structure missing for segment & |
364 | Segment & consistent |
365 | Check segment & |
366 | Segment & does not have an object directory entry |
367 | Object directory entry for segment & does not have a package |
368 | Field &1, data element &2 with length problem |
369 | Field &1, data element &2 with length problem |
370 | & is an SAP segment |
371 | Entries exist in table of &2 for segment &1 |
372 | Segment & consistent with warnings |
373 | Segment & is inconsistent |
374 | Inconsistency in segment structure table, segment '&1', field '&2' |
375 | Field &1 : SE11 length &2 smaller than &3 in segment (data element &4) |
380 | Could not write inbound IDoc queue |
381 | Queue &1 started. &2 IDoc(s) posted successfully. |
382 | Queue & started |
383 | Queue & not started. First IDoc had error status. |
384 | Queue &1 started. &2 of &3 IDoc(s) processed. |
385 | Incorrect interface of function module |
386 | IDocs are stored in the queue |
387 | &1 IDoc(s) in queue &2 given error status and deleted from queue |
388 | &1 IDoc(s) in queue &2 deleted from queue |
390 | Problem with SOAP class |
391 | No IDoc saved in target system (SOAP HTTP) |
392 | IDoc sent with SOAP HTTP |
393 | No XML fragment specified |
400 | >>> Messages for IDoc test tool <<< |
401 | IDoc type & does not exist |
402 | Internal error while selecting IDoc types |
403 | No IDoc selection possible (too many IDoc types); enter IDoc directly |
404 | IDoc tree could not be constructed (internal error) |
405 | No segments in clipboard |
406 | IDoc & was saved but cannot or should not be processed |
407 | Function modules up to Release 2.x are not supported |
408 | Interface for function & is incorrect |
409 | & is not a valid function module |
410 | IDoc & was saved and processed by function & |
411 | IDoc & contains errors. No hierarchies can be displayed. |
412 | Segment(s) were copied to the clipboard |
413 | Following IDoc type serves as template: & |
414 | Pattern IDoc written to database. Not defined for processing. |
415 | IDoc saved to file |
416 | IDoc saved to file and file forwarded for inbound IDoc processing |
417 | Error trying to write file (OPEN_DATASET) |
418 | Error while writing IDoc data to file |
419 | Entry for no. of IDocs is missing. IDoc written to file. |
420 | Entry for no. of IDocs is missing. IDoc written to file. |
421 | No authorization for writing to file & |
422 | IDoc & was saved but cannot or should not be sent |
423 | IDoc created using test tool by user & |
424 | IDoc no. & saved in database |
425 | No authorization to open file & |
426 | & is processed by altogether & IDocs. |
427 | Check time format |
428 | No IDoc was found in file &. |
429 | The IDoc syntax is correct. |
430 | Inbound IDoc: CCMS statistic update failed. |
431 | No file is generated as the status and IDoc numbers are empty. |
432 | Conversion error when reading from the file '&' |
433 | Use the IDoc test tool in production clients |
439 | Characters cannot be displayed in the requested code page. |
440 | --> Messages from API for IDoc types |
441 | Basic type & is locked by user & |
442 | Extension & is locked by user & |
443 | Lock failed (system error) |
444 | You have no authorization for basic types (activity &) |
445 | You have no authorization for extensions (activity &) |
446 | Extension & does not exist |
447 | Basic type & does not exist |
448 | Segments are not numbered sequentially |
449 | The basic type & does not contain any segments |
450 | The enhancement & does not contain any segments |
451 | Extension & is already released |
452 | Basic type & is already released |
453 | Predecessor & of extension & is not released |
454 | Predecessor & of basic type & is not released |
455 | Basic type & could not be changed |
456 | Basic type & could not be created |
457 | Extension & could not be changed |
458 | Extension & could not be created |
459 | Extension & has been released and cannot be deleted |
460 | Basic type & has been released and cannot be deleted |
461 | & already has successor & |
462 | & already has successor & |
463 | Extension & could not be deleted |
464 | Basic type & could not be deleted |
465 | Basic type & has successor & |
466 | Basic type & is not released |
467 | Extension & has successor & |
468 | Extension & is not released |
469 | Entry in EDBAS for basic type & is inconsistent |
470 | Entry in EDCIM for extension & is inconsistent |
471 | No basic types exist in system |
472 | No suitable basic types found for extension & |
473 | Enhancements exist for the basic type & |
474 | Check basic type & |
475 | Check extension & |
476 | Extension & exists |
477 | Basic type & exists |
478 | Segment & exists |
479 | Multiple basic types assigned to extension & (see long text) |
480 | Basic type & exists already |
481 | Extension & exists already |
482 | Segment type & is still used |
483 | & is an SAP basic type |
484 | Basic type & has been generated and cannot be deleted |
485 | Extension & has been generated and cannot be deleted |
486 | View & exists already |
487 | View & could not be created |
488 | View & does not exist |
489 | View & is locked by user & |
490 | View & could not be modified |
491 | View & could not be deleted |
492 | View & refers to basic type &, which has not been released |
493 | View & refers to extension &, which has not been released |
494 | Extension & is not linked to basic type & |
495 | Segment & cannot be included in view |
496 | View already contains this segment |
497 | View does not contain this segment |
498 | Segment & cannot be deleted from this view |
499 | You do not have authorization for views (activity &) |
500 | Consider the consequences of your changes to &, see long text |
501 | Enter a valid application |
502 | Combination of application and output type does not exist |
503 | Assignments of basic type & to views exist |
504 | Assignments of enhancement & to views exist |
505 | Basic type for a released extension is to be changed |
506 | Release of basic types cannot be undone |
507 | Release of the extension cannot be undone |
508 | Cannot modify extension &1; successor &2 exists |
510 | --> Additional messages from FuGr EDI8 (E0) |
511 | Extension & is already assigned to basic type & |
512 | Extension & is not assigned to any basic type |
513 | Enter extension |
514 | Object & is in the customer namespace |
515 | Object & is in the SAP namespace |
519 | The domain &3 is used in field &2 in IDoc type/segment &1 |
520 | Data element &3 used in field &2 in IDoc type/segment &1 |
521 | IDoc type &2 used in enhancement &1 |
522 | IDOCTYPE_COLLECT_ATC_INFOS not found in system (destination &1) |
530 | --> Messages from conversion of IDoc types and messages |
531 | Basic type & exists already |
532 | Short enhancement name & cannot exist as an enhancement |
533 | Short logical message type & cannot exist as a message type |
534 | & status process code(s) would be changed |
535 | & status process code(s) changed |
550 | --> Messages from fast entry for partner profiles |
551 | Invalid value '&' for execution mode PI_MODE |
552 | No templates exist for partner type & |
553 | Possible entries for partner number & exist already |
554 | No entries made |
555 | 1 entry made |
556 | & entries were made |
557 | ALE port '&' is already defined for logical destination '&' |
558 | No authorization for deleting file & |
559 | Determination of inbound queue name was not successful |
560 | One of the passed parameters was empty |
561 | Formed queue name is too long: &1 |
562 | Inbound destination &1 has too many prefixes |
570 | -> Messages from API for ports or from port editing |
571 | Port '&' of type '&' does not exist |
572 | Port '&' to be deleted of type '&' does not exist |
573 | Detailed data for port '&' of type '&' does not exist |
574 | Database error while deleting port '&' |
575 | Port '&' to be copied of type '&' does not exist |
576 | Port '&' already exists or a system error occurred when inserting |
577 | No port name entered for new port |
578 | Port '&' to be found does not exist |
579 | tRFC ports cannot be copied! |
580 | Logical destination '&' is not compatible with port version '&' |
581 | Function module '&' does not exist |
582 | Position the cursor on the appropriate field to access & |
583 | No test (RFC destination '&' is entered for start on '&') |
584 | Carry out test using 'Connection test' from RFC destination '&' |
585 | No test possible since directory '&' does not exist or cannot be read |
586 | RFC destination is not defined |
587 | Logical directory '&' has not been defined for operating system '&' |
588 | Function module '&' has not been defined for '&'. |
589 | Access to directory possible from current application server |
590 | ---> Additional messages from process code editing |
591 | Processing using function module -> ID remains blank |
592 | Processing type changed; enter the ID again |
593 | Processing without ALE using function modules is not possible |
594 | Enter a valid port version |
595 | Define the assignment of the process code to the logical message |
596 | Define the assignment of the process code to the logical message |
597 | Do not use old process technology |
598 | The ALE table is not yet defined for process code & |
599 | When saving, process code '&' is also deleted in the ALE table |
600 | --> IDoc API |
601 | EDI: Receiver port in control record is default |
602 | EDI: Receiver port in control record is invalid |
603 | EDI: Receiver partner type in control record is default |
604 | EDI: Receiver partner number in control record is default |
605 | EDI: Sender port in control record is invalid |
606 | EDI: Sender port in control record is default |
607 | EDI: Sender partner type in control record is default |
608 | EDI: Sender partner number in control record is default |
609 | EDI: Field MANDT in data record is invalid |
610 | EDI: Field DOCNUM in data record is invalid |
611 | EDI: Field SEGNAM in data record is default |
612 | EDI: Error during database insert in table EDIDC |
613 | EDI: Error during database update in table EDIDC |
614 | EDI: IDOCTP field in control record is invalid |
615 | EDI: CIMTYP field in control record is invalid |
616 | EDI: DOCTYP field in control record is invalid |
617 | EDI: Interval to be read does not exist in the data records |
618 | EDI: The IDoc & does not contain any segments |
619 | EDI: Next data record could not be read |
620 | EDI: No data records could be read |
621 | EDI: IDoc cannot be unlocked |
622 | Combination of DOCTYP and CIMTYP fields is invalid |
623 | Combination of IDOCTP and CIMTYP fields is invalid |
624 | DOCTYP and IDOCTP fields are empty |
630 | Internal error in DOM creation |
634 | &1 (&2), no further details available |
635 | &1 (NO_INITIAL_AL) |
636 | &1 (SEND_ENH_SEG) |
650 | Data records for this IDoc could not be edited |
651 | IDoc &1 Segment &2 |
660 | --> Messages from segment editor for 4.0 |
661 | A package must be specified |
662 | Segment & is locked by user & |
663 | Segment & exists already |
664 | Segment & does not exist yet |
665 | Current segment definition & can still be changed |
666 | Current segment definition & can no longer be changed |
667 | Segment type & cannot be changed |
668 | & does not exist as active data element |
669 | Field name & appears more than once in segment |
670 | Segment definition not saved because user data was not entered |
671 | Segment & could not be read completely |
672 | Segment definition & was saved with transport request & |
673 | Segment definition & was saved as local object |
674 | Export length for field & was set to & |
675 | Segment type & is not used yet |
676 | Segment type & is not yet assigned to a package |
677 | Segment type & is not yet assigned to a package |
678 | Segment definition must contain at least one field. Data was not saved. |
679 | There is already a released segment definition of & for Release & |
690 | --> Additional messages from EDI8 |
691 | Basic type & could not be converted |
692 | Extension & could not be converted |
693 | Basic type & and extension & cannot be converted to IDoc type |
694 | Message type & could not be converted |
695 | Structure & already exists |
700 | >>> inbound IDoc processing |
701 | Process & could not be started for IDoc number & |
702 | IDoc: Event-event receiver coupling activated successfully |
703 | The passed IDoc data records are empty (internal error) |
704 | The passed IDoc control records are empty (internal error) |
705 | Status set to '50' during inbound IDoc processing |
706 | No authorization to send IDocs with message type & |
707 | Party to be notified from partner profile must be a user |
708 | Inbound IDocs: IDoc number & invalid |
709 | IDoc number & was passed to the application |
710 | IDoc received repeatedly. |
711 | IDoc received again (no further processing) |
713 | >>> XML inbound processing |
714 | Prolog & does not have the syntax <?xml version="..."?>. |
715 | Field & does not appear in segment &. |
716 | Instead of end day & the character string & was found. |
717 | Character string & cannot be interpreted as XML tag. |
718 | The character string & is not a valid XML tag for the IDoc type |
719 | The control record must begin with <EDI_DC40 segment="1"> instead of & |
720 | The segment & is not defined in the current IDoc type & |
721 | The segment & is not defined. |
722 | The character string & cannot be interpreted as a tag. |
723 | The start tag <IDOC begin="1"> or the end tag </IDOC> is missing. |
724 | The character string & is not the start tag of a segment field. |
725 | The XML data could not be processed completely |
726 | Error occurred when parsing XML document in row & column & |
727 | XML parser: Internal error |
728 | IDoc SOAP Namespace - Violation (&) |
729 | IDoc SOAP Namespace: EOIO-ID invalid |
730 | --> Messages from name conversion for IDoc types |
731 | Basic type & could not be converted |
732 | Extension & could not be converted |
733 | Field DOCTYP will not be able to be completed |
734 | Message type & could not be converted |
735 | The segment must start with <&1 SEGMENT="1"> |
749 | Structure of predecessor type different from passed structure |
750 | --> Messages from consistency check for IDoc types |
751 | Extension type & does not appear in EDCIM |
752 | Basic type & does not appear in EDBAS |
753 | Basic type & has no syntax entries |
754 | Extension & has no syntax entries |
755 | Segment type & does not exist |
756 | Basic type & is not released |
757 | Extension & is not released |
758 | Syntax entries are not numbered sequentially |
759 | Parent segment & has no children |
760 | Segment & has incorrect number for parent segment |
761 | Parent segment for segment & could not be found |
762 | Segment & has incorrect hierarchy level |
763 | Segment & does not exist |
764 | Predecessor of basic type & does not exist |
765 | Predecessor of basic type & is not released |
766 | Predecessor of extension & does not exist |
767 | Predecessor of extension & is not released |
768 | Basic type & has no short description |
769 | Extension & has no short description |
770 | Basic type & is linked to logical message & |
771 | Basic type & is not linked with any logical message |
772 | Extension & is linked with logical message & |
773 | Extension & is not linked with any logical message |
774 | Basic type & is released |
775 | Extension & is released |
776 | No predecessors exist |
777 | Predecessor & exists |
778 | Predecessor & is released |
779 | Syntax table for predecessor & is empty |
780 | Segment & appears only in predecessor |
781 | Segment & has other attributes in predecessor |
782 | New segment & does not have to be a mandatory segment |
783 | Extension & is not assigned to any basic type |
784 | Extension & is assigned to basic type & |
785 | Extension & and basic type & are not compatible |
786 | Changes to & have an effect on multiple extensions |
787 | No package specified |
788 | Package & does not exist |
791 | Segment & is parent segment but parent flag is missing |
792 | Segment & has invalid frequency of use |
793 | No new segments have been added |
794 | View has no short description |
795 | Syntax error: Segment & must appear in view & |
796 | Syntax entry numbering contains errors. |
797 | Enter copy template |
798 | Attributes cannot be modified |
799 | Segment & is used multiple times in IDoc types |
800 | ---- Archiving of IDocs |
801 | Invalid access & to archive |
802 | Insert in table & with key & & failed |
803 | System format cannot be determined |
804 | IDoc & not found |
805 | IDoc & found |
806 | Data decompression for archiving class IDoc contains errors |
807 | Data compression for archiving class IDoc failed |
808 | IDoc data read contains errors |
809 | Failed to delete IDoc table & with key & |
810 | Character conversion from code page & to & for IDoc failed |
811 | IDoc has unknown status value & |
812 | Table specifying which status values can be archived is empty |
813 | Control record of IDoc with number & not found |
814 | Archiving object IDOC is unknown |
815 | Archiving class IDoc (internal error) |
816 | Update not possible |
817 | Archiving not possible due to missing classification |
823 | Internal error for IDoc & |
824 | IDoc '&' : '&' when reloading |
825 | IDoc '&': Inconsistent data in archive '&' |
826 | IDoc '&': Control record exists already |
827 | IDoc '&': Data records exist already |
828 | IDoc '&': Status records exist already |
829 | IDoc '&' does not exist |
830 | IDoc '&' locked |
831 | IDoc '&' cannot be deleted |
832 | Only part of IDoc & deleted |
833 | IDoc '&': Processing cannot be completed correctly |
834 | IDoc '&': Status records could not be read |
835 | IDoc '&': Data records could not be read |
836 | Archive information for archive & could not be read |
837 | IDoc '&' could not be opened for reading |
838 | IDoc '&' could not be opened to set status |
839 | IDoc '&' could not be closed after status was set |
840 | IDoc '&': Status could not be set |
841 | Number range & not found |
842 | IDoc number '&' is not suitable for current number level |
843 | IDoc '&' from system '&' not reloaded |
844 | IDoc & from Release & not reloaded |
860 | --> Additional messages (inbound status) |
861 | Invalid name '&' in status record & for version of port '&' |
862 | IDoc: Different table names in inbound status using IDoc |
863 | IDoc: Invalid table name '&' in inbound status using IDoc |
864 | IDoc: Status message in inbound status using IDoc is not complete |
865 | Error in status inbound from IDoc type SYSTAT01 |
866 | IDoc number & has been put down for deletion |
867 | IDoc number & already has status 31 |
868 | In status postprocessing the IDoc has been released for sending |
869 | The IDoc is currently now in status '&' |
870 | --> Error FuGr EDIPAKET |
871 | IDocs to be processed not found in database |
872 | Status of IDocs to be processed cannot be reset |
873 | IDocs could be processed as block |
874 | IDocs could not be processed successfully |
875 | Do not pass these IDocs to be processed |
876 | No more IDocs exist for post-processing |
877 | Status set by error handling for IDoc packet |
878 | IDocs set to status '30' successfully |
879 | IDocs could not be set to status '30' |
880 | Error in selection of MASS_RSEOUT00 |
881 | IDocs set to status '03' successfully |
882 | IDocs could not be set to status '03' |
883 | IDocs marked for deletion |
884 | Do not flag these IDocs for deletion |
885 | IDocs could not be marked for deletion |
886 | Command file could be started |
887 | Command file could not be started |
888 | Command file could be started, but IDocs still have old status |
889 | Restart not possible because port definition is missing |
890 | The IDoc number & does not exist in the database |
891 | The IDoc number & is not an outgoing IDoc |
892 | Deletion not possible, a status record must be written in control record. |
893 | The IDoc number must not be 0 or initial. |
894 | The entered status is not valid for the inbound status |
895 | The status record was stored in file &. |
896 | The port entered is not a file port. |
897 | No port entered. |
898 | No file entered. |
899 | No outbound IDoc exists in the system |