EAI-CONVERTER-SERVER - From Converters (for example CAT -> JT) written by EAI

The following messages are stored in message class EAI-CONVERTER-SERVER: From Converters (for example CAT -> JT) written by EAI.
It is part of development package CONV in software component LO-PDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Conversion of original application files".
Message Nr
Message Text
101The converter server function you requested is not available.
102The input file &1 was not found.
103The translator argument list is invalid.
104The translator server configuration file &1 has an error.
105An error occurred parsing the input specification.
106The output directory &1 is invalid or not accessible.
107Output file &1 could not be created
108The converter cannot be started
109Internal error: &1
110Input list error.
111The process could not be executed
112Process has been successfully executed
113No converter license available. Converter message: &1
114Assembly file &1&2&3&4 does not exist
115A file name is missing in the input list
116File name &1&2&3&4 in the input list is not valid
117The path name &1&3 for the converter in config. file &2&4 does not exist
118The path name &1&3 for jtToAscii in config. file &2&4 does not exist
119The ID &1&2 of a node in the input list is not valid
120File &1&2&3&4 does not exist
121Environment variable &1&2 (for configuring converter) is not set
122The config. file &1&3 does not exist in environment variable &2&4
123Error converting CAD file &1 to jt file &2: &3
124Error converting jt file &1 to ASCII file &2: &3
125Process name &1&2 already in use
126Option &2 in config. file &1&3 for conversion server is missing
127Configuration file &1 for the converter does not exist
128The name of configuration file &1 contains spaces and will be ignored
201An argument list length exceeds the system limit.
202The command interpreter or shell was not found or had an error
203Command interpreter(shell) file is an invalid format or is not executable
204The number of user processes exceeds the system limit
205There is not enough memory available to perform the requested function
301The EAI Catia declarations file &1 has an error or is not accessible
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