EAMWS_RISK - Business Object Layer

The following messages are stored in message class EAMWS_RISK: Business Object Layer.
It is part of development package EAMWS_RISK in software component PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Risk relevance &1 &2 locked by another process
002Task list &1/&2/&3 does not exist
003Characteristic &1 does not exist
004Value &1 for characteristic &2 does not exist
005List of relevant risks already exists for &1
006Risk management system not yet specified in Customizing
007Safety plan approved
008Logical system of risk management system not specifed in Customizing
009Risk management system not identified in Customizing
010Logical system of EAM system not specified in Customizing
011List of relevant risks does not exist for &1
012Unknown error
013Data was not checked before saving
014Risk for response &1 missing
015Response for safety measure &1 &2 missing
016While searching for risks, the risk management system returned an error
017Folder in MIME Respository for safety symbols not maintained in Customiz.
018WCM requirement for &1 does not exist
019WCM requirement for &1 already exists
020You can pass only one object number in a call
021Risk &1 already added
022Data was not locked before saving
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