EAM_MJOB - Maintenance Job Work Item Component

The following messages are stored in message class EAM_MJOB: Maintenance Job Work Item Component.
It is part of development package RAP_EAM_MAINTJOB_MANAGE in software component PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RAP for EAM: Perform Maintenance Jobs F5104A".
Message Nr
Message Text
000You have entered a post quantity that is higher than the planned quantity
001Work started
002Work paused
003Work resumed
004Work completed
005Please enter a quantity greater than zero
006Return quantity is higher than the issued quantity
007Returnable item found. Unable to create the component
009Material not available for the required quantity
010Selected Material is not valid for post request
011You are not authorized to perform the action
012Notification & created, document flow has been initiated.
013Failed to create Notification
014Material not found. Please verify and try again
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