EBR - Message Class for Batch Records
The following messages are stored in message class EBR: Message Class for Batch Records.
It is part of development package VBP in software component PP-PI-PDO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Batch record".
It is part of development package VBP in software component PP-PI-PDO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Batch record".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Archive batch record for batch & first |
001 | Archive batch records first |
002 | No header records found or unable to display header records |
003 | Batch record for batch &1 &2 &3 already exists |
004 | No inspection lot of origin "03" (production) found for batch & |
005 | No inspection lot of origin "04" (goods receipt) found for batch & |
006 | No process order for batch & found |
007 | No header record for batch & found |
008 | No header records found that match the selection criteria |
009 | Position your cursor on an existing object |
010 | Archive batch record in process data documentation |
011 | Create batch record in process data documentation |
012 | You are not authorized to archive batch record or delete header record |
013 | Number of header records created: & |
014 | Number of deleted header records: & |
015 | Create and approve batch record first |
016 | Approve batch record first |
017 | Header records locked by user & |
018 | Change batch record in process data documentation |
019 | Process order for batch & has already been deleted |
020 | Unable to create all header records |
021 | Approve batch record in process data documentation |
022 | Batch record cannot be approved for the selected batches |
023 | System error while creating the new version |
024 | Error while deleting header records (see error log) |
025 | No entries in error log |
026 | No digital signature found for batch & |
027 | System error while displaying header record |
028 | No batch record found for changing/archiving |
029 | No batch record found for changing/archiving |
030 | Unable to find header record for deletion |
031 | &2 header records locked by user &1 |
032 | You cannot archive the batch record for the selected batches |
033 | Further processing not possible (contact system administrator) |
034 | You cannot change the header record for the selected batches |
035 | You are not authorized to generate the batch record for batch &1 &2 &3 |
036 | Process order &1 does not have status BRRQ (batch record required) |
037 | You cannot simulate the batch record for the selected batches |
038 | No process orders found for the selected batches |
039 | You cannot create header record for the batches you have selected |
040 | No signature strategy defined for material &1 in plant &2 |
041 | More than one signature strategy defined for material &1 in plant &2 |
042 | System error while locking batch record (notify system administrator) |
043 | System error while locking doc. info record (notify system administrator) |
044 | System error while locking batch record (notify system administrator) |
045 | System error while reading batch record |
046 | System error while saving batch record |
047 | System error while reading batch record for material & batch & |
048 | Maintain batch record in process data documentation |
049 | No PI sheet found for batch record you selected |
050 | You are not authorized to withdraw approval of batch record |
051 | Batch record version &4 for batch &1 &2 &3 &4 has already been approved |
052 | Error at OPEN_FORM SAPscript form & for batch & |
053 | The archiving parameters for batch & are invalid |
054 | Check batch record existence: |
055 | Check order status: |
056 | Error at WRITE_FORM element & SAPscript form &___________________________ |
057 | Batch record for batch &1 material &2 plant &3 version &4 was saved |
058 | Batch record does not comply with status selection profile |
059 | Documet profile "&1": select at least one document type |
060 | No batches found that match the selection criteria |
061 | Select a document type first |
062 | Standard settings of document type & have already been copied |
063 | Batch is order item of process order & |
064 | A comment was created for batch record version &2 for batch &1 |
065 | Enter a short text for the attachment |
066 | & batches selected. Runtime problems may occur |
067 | The comment for batch record version &2 for batch &1 was changed |
068 | Select the batches you want to process first |
069 | &4 is already processing the batch record for batch &1 &2 &3 |
070 | System error when locking |
071 | No movement type found |
072 | Only batches without orders found for your selection criteria |
073 | Batch record archiving was terminated but deviations were archived |
074 | Batch record approval was terminated but deviations were archived |
075 | System error while locking or batch records are already locked |
076 | Batch record(s) already exist(s) |
077 | System error while reading document classes for business object & |
078 | Select the batches you want to process first |
079 | The selection log contains no messages |
080 | The archiving log contains no messages |
081 | The generation log contains no messages |
082 | Select only one node to display the print preview |
083 | First select a document type |
084 | Define an output device in your user master record (&) |
085 | System error while reading user data of user & |
086 | Standard settings have already been copied |
087 | Batch record(s) successfully generated |
088 | Batch record was successfully archived |
089 | Print preview not available for the entry you have selected |
090 | Further processing not possible (contact system administrator) |
091 | Choose the "current version &" node to display user data |
092 | System error while processing (contact your system administrator) |
093 | Choose the "batch &" node to display user data |
094 | Batch record was archived (log contains information/warning messages) |
095 | Signature process was terminated |
096 | Enter a comment on the version |
097 | No batch records found for approving (see log) |
098 | System error while displaying the comment |
099 | System error or missing authorization for status maintenance |
100 | ************************************************************************* |
101 | Messages on number assignment |
102 | ************************************************************************* |
103 | The batch record number you have assigned lies within the critical area |
104 | The last batch record number has been assigned |
105 | More batch record numbers required than available |
106 | Further processing not possible (contact system administrator) |
107 | Batch record for batch &1, material, &2 plant &3 already exists |
108 | The status selection profile does not exist. Enter a valid value |
109 | Not all batch records were generated (check log) |
110 | System error while saving the batch record (contact person responsible) |
111 | Unable to generate batch records (check log) |
112 | Unable to select batch records (check log) |
113 | Messages were created while selecting (check log) |
114 | Batch records do not comply with status selection profile & |
200 | Archive batch record first |
300 | Batch selection range: Upper limit must be greater than lower limit |
301 | Material selection range: upper limit must be greater than lower limit |
302 | Plant selection range: upper limit must be greater than lower limit |
303 | Specify lower limit |
304 | Selection area "date": enter an upper limit greater than lower limit |
310 | No deviations found for batch &1, material &2, plant &3 |
399 | System error while calling message logging |
400 | Error while accessing status management |
401 | Save current version first |
402 | Creation of new version terminated |
403 | Changes were reset |
404 | No history found for batch &1 &2 &3 |
405 | No version found for batch &1 &2 &3 |
406 | No process orders found for batch &1 &2 &3 |
407 | No signatures found for batch record version &1 of batch &2 |
408 | No PI sheet found for process order &1 |
409 | No inspection lot found for process order &1 |
410 | No inspection lots found for batch record &1 &2 &3, version &4 |
411 | No long texts found for batch record version &1 of batch &2 |
412 | Deviations occurred in batch &1 for material &2 in plant &3 |
413 | Output of "deviations" document was terminated |
414 | You are not authorized to display batch records (see selection log) |
415 | You are not authorized to display the batch record for batch &1 &2 &3 |
416 | Batch record &1 &2 &3, version &4 has not yet been archived |
417 | You are not authorized to change the batch record for batch &1 &2 &3 |
418 | No batches to be approved found for your selection (see log) |
419 | No archive files found for batch record version &1 of batch &2 |
420 | No process messages found for process order &1 |
421 | No document types defined for document profile &1 |
422 | Action was canceled |
423 | No table of contents for batch record &1 &2 &3 &4 found |
424 | "Deviations" document was archived |
425 | Process order &1 does not have status "&2" (&3) |
426 | Archiving of batch record &1 &2 &3 was terminated (see archiving log) |
427 | Inspection lot &1 does not have status "&2" (&3) |
428 | PI sheet &1 is not complete or technically complete |
429 | Error while locking inspection lot &1 |
430 | User &1 is already processing inspection lot &2 |
431 | Archiving of batch record &1 &2 &3, version &4 was terminated |
432 | No deviations occurred |
433 | Process order without status ECRA |
434 | Process order &1 does not have status BRRQ (batch record required) |
435 | Process order &1 does not have status APG (Approval granted) |
436 | System error while archiving process order &1 |
437 | System error while processing the comment |
438 | System error while generating batch record version |
439 | System error while locking process order &1 |
440 | You cannot set status "Batch record req." for process order &1 |
441 | You cannot set status "Batch record req." for inspection lot &1 |
442 | Successful archiving of batch record &1 &2 &3, version &4 |
450 | Error while setting "partially archived" status for batch record &1 &2 &3 |
451 | Non-archived objects found for batch record &1 &2 &3 |
452 | Updating could not be completed |
480 | Error when creating a new batch record version (document type &1) |
499 | System error while processing long texts |
500 | Starting archiving of batch record &1 &2 &3, version &4 |
501 | No document types assigned to document profile &1 of the batch record |
502 | Archiving was terminated (check log) |
503 | Process order &1 does not have status "&2" (&3) |
504 | Inspection lot &1 does not have status "&2" (&3) |
505 | PI sheet &1 is not complete or technically complete |
506 | Archiving "process order" document for process order &1 |
507 | Archiving "material list" document for process order &1 |
508 | Archiving "process messages" document for process order &1 |
509 | Archiving "inspection lot" document for inspection lot &1 |
510 | Archiving "PI sheet" document for PI sheet &1 |
511 | Archiving "deviations" document for batch &1, material &2, plant &3 |
512 | Archiving "version data" document for batch record version & |
513 | Archiving "user-def. data" document for batch &1, material &2, plant &3 |
514 | Archiving table of contents for batch record version &4 |
515 | System error while archiving "process order" document (order &1) |
516 | System error while archiving "material list" document (process order &1) |
517 | System error while archiving "process messages" document (proc. order &) |
518 | System error while archiving "inspection lot" document (inspect. lot &1) |
519 | System error while archiving "PI sheet" document |
520 | System error while archiving "deviations" document (batch rec. &1 &2 &3) |
521 | System error while archiving "version data" doc.(BatchRec.&1 &2 vers. &3) |
522 | Error while archiving "user-defined data" document (batch rec. &1 &2 &3) |
523 | System error while archiving table of contents (BatchRec.&1 &2 &3 vers&4) |
524 | Error while setting "BatchRec. archived" status for batch record &1 &2 &3 |
525 | Define document types for attachments |
526 | No version found for batch &1 |
527 | Set next status for SAP objects |
528 | Process order &1 is already being processed by &2 |
529 | Unable to set status BRAR (batch record archived) for order &1 |
530 | Inspection lot &1 is already being processed by &2 |
531 | Unable to set status BRAR (Batch record archived) for inspection lot &1 |
532 | PI sheet &1 is already being processed by &2 |
533 | Unable to set "Archived" status for PI sheet &1 |
534 | You are not authorized to archive batch record &1 &2 &3 |
535 | You are not authorized to &1 batch records for material &2 |
536 | You are not authorized to &1 batch records in the selection range |
537 | Error while preparing the "process order" doc. for output (DocType &1) |
538 | Error while preparing "process messages" doc. for output (DocType &1) |
539 | Error while preparing "material list" document for output (DocType &1) |
540 | Error while preparing "PI sheet" document for output (document type &1) |
541 | Error while preparing "inspection lot" document for output (DocType &1) |
542 | User canceled archiving of batch record &1 &2 &3 |
543 | Error while preparing "version data" document for output (doc. type &) |
544 | Deviation analysis not allowed for batch record &1 &2 &3 |
545 | Error while preparing table of contents for output |
546 | System error when preparing a document (DocType &, mat. &, plant &) |
547 | System error when preparing a document (DocType &, mat. &, plant &) |
548 | System error when preparing a document (DocType &, mat. &, plant &) |
549 | Document profile & is still used in overall profiles |
550 | Deviation profile & is still used in overall profiles |
551 | User has canceled print screen preparation |
552 | No data found for document type & |
553 | System error while archiving PI sheet &1 |
554 | Archiving batch record for batch &1, mat. &2, plant &3 is not permitted |
555 | No data found for document type "material list" (order &2) |
556 | Error while archiving document & |
557 | Error while archiving the &1 document (process order &2) |
558 | Error while generating batch records |
559 | Overall profile for mat. &1, plant &2 already used. You cannot delete it. |
560 | There is no overall profile for material &1 in plant &2 |
561 | You cannot optically archive browser-based PI sheet & |
562 | You must choose just one form (See long text) |
563 | Archiving of document &1 for &2 |
564 | Material &1, Batch &2, Plant &3: DS Process Marked for Archive |
565 | Material &1, Batch &2, Plant &3: DS Process Not Marked for Archive |
600 | No production orders for batch &1 &2 &3 |
601 | No work instructions exist for production order &1 |
602 | No inspection lot exists for production order &1 |
603 | Production order &1 does not have the status 'Batch rec. required' (BRRQ) |
604 | System error when locking production order &1 |
605 | 'Batch record required' status not set for production order &1 |
606 | Production order &1 does not have the status '&2' (&3) |
607 | Work instruction &1 is not completed or technically completed |
608 | Production order &1: Archiving of document &2 |
609 | Work instruction &1: Archiving of document &2 |
610 | Production order &1: Archiving error (document &2) |
611 | Production order &1 is already being processed by &2 |
612 | Document &2 (document type &1): Formatting error |
613 | System error when archiving work instruction &1 |
614 | Production order &2: No data for document type 'material list' |
615 | Production order &2: Archiving error (document &1) |
616 | Work instruction &1: Archiving error (document &2) |
617 | Production order &1: 'Batch record archived' status not set |
618 | Work instruction '&1' has been flagged for archiving |
619 | Work instruction '&1' could not be found |
620 | Internal error when accessing work instruction '&1' |
705 | Make an entry in all required fields |
800 | Invalid order type & for material & |