ECRM_CONTR - CRM Messages- Contract Download/Upload

The following messages are stored in message class ECRM_CONTR: CRM Messages- Contract Download/Upload.
It is part of development package EECRM_CONTRACT in software component IS-U-CS-CRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Integration of CRM Contract".
Message Nr
Message Text
000---------------------- 000 - 099 CRM - Misc (UP/Down)-------------------
001You cannot change the &2-&3 field with key &4 and product &1
002No default product for service type &1 maintained in table &2
003Error workflow active for transaction &1 &2: no changes possible
004No product change is active for contract &1
005The product change for contract &1 (&2) cannot be moved to &3
006You cannot change the contract start date
007You cannot change the contract end date
008You cannot request the change document number
100------------------------ 100 - 299 CRM - Upload ------------------------
101Transfer of CRM transaction &1 item &2 to IS-U unsuccessful
102Creation of product &1 for business partner &2 unsuccessful
103Generation of product &1 for contract &2 in period &3-&4 unsuccessful
104Move-in date for contract &1 could not be changed from &2 to &3
105Move-in for contract &1 could not be reversed
106Move-out for contract &1 could not be created on &2
107Move-out date for contract &1 could not be changed from &2 to &3
108Move-out for contract &1 could not be reversed
109Reverse billings for contract &1 between &2 and &3
110Reverse final billing for contract &1
111No default products allocated
112POD for transaction &1 already allocated to transaction &2 at &3
113You cannot switch the business partner agreement for transaction &1 &2
114CRM contracts/products without an MDT cannot be generated from CRM
115CRM transaction &1 item &2 start &3 does not match contract &4
116Internal error - CRM data incomplete: field &1 missing
117Contract changes from CRM noted for contract items &1 &2
118Allocated Outline Contract &1 &2 still not replicated
119According to table ECRMSETTINGS, product &1 has no master data template
120CRM transaction &1: Contract account &2 not yet replicated
121The system found multiple installations for service &1 and product &2
122Move-out for contract &1 (transaction &2) has still to be processed
123Could not save CRM transaction &1, item &2
300----------------------- 300 - 499 CRM - Download -----------------------
301Contract &1 does not have a utility installation
302Utility installation &1& does not exist
303Utilitey installation &1& does not have a premise
304Premise &1& does not have a connection object
305No history for contract &1 at date &2 (EVERH)
306More than one consumption history for contract &1 at date &2
307Insufficient import data to change the contract
600----------------------- 600 - 699 Mass product change ----------------
601Enter a date for the product change
602From contract number is greater than to contract number
603No entry for action ID in table EVER_PC_MAP
604More than 500 entries to change. Report must run in batch mode.
605System could not determine a new product for action ID &1
606System could not determine the new product for existing product &1
607System could not determine master data template for product &1
608Select a print form
609Missing configuration for mapping. Check EVER_PC_MAP table
610No contracts were selected for product change
611Product change successful for contract &1
612Product change not executed for contract &1
613System could not find valid time slice for contract &1
614EVERH - Error in contract &1: Check existing time slices
615Product change for contract &1 is not allowed after the billing period
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