ECRM_ISU - Messages for IS-U Contract
The following messages are stored in message class ECRM_ISU: Messages for IS-U Contract.
It is part of development package CRM_IU_IC_6X_SI_API in software component CRM-IU-IC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Utilities: IC WebClient Sales Integration - API Layer".
It is part of development package CRM_IU_IC_6X_SI_API in software component CRM-IU-IC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Utilities: IC WebClient Sales Integration - API Layer".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Deregulation Messages 001 - 029 |
001 | Create a switch message for contract &1 |
002 | Create a switch message for contract &1 |
003 | Table ISUEXT for transaction &1 is initial |
004 | A supply end will be created for contract &1 |
005 | Switch message contains errors |
006 | Future product changes will be rolled back |
007 | Product change rollback failed. Please cancel the entire transaction |
018 | More than &1 results found; refine search criteria or change settings |
022 | Item &1 was deleted |
030 | Download messages 031 - 050 |
031 | Attribute &1 not assigned to an extension (table CRMC_IU_FLDMAP) |
032 | Assigned point of delivery &1 not found in database |
033 | Assign product &1 to a point of delivery |
034 | The point of delivery is occupied from &2 to &3 |
035 | Division of product(&1/&2) differs from the division of POD(&3) |
036 | Enter a contract start date later than &1 |
037 | Enter a contract end date later than &1 |
038 | Replication structure is out of date |
039 | Replication failed; Check TA ECRMREPLM in system &1 (contract &2) |
040 | Point of delivery is occupied by an incomplete contract from &2 to &3 |
053 | You are not authorized to change object type &1 |
070 | No point of delivery exists for device number &1 |
071 | No point of delivery exists for &1 |
080 | Automatic product change process failed (&1-&2-&3) |
081 | Invalid active contract( &1 ); subprocess ( &2 ) cannot start |
100 | Process-specific messages |
101 | Product switch: start date of switch must be later than &1 |
102 | Contract end (&1) must be later than time slice start date (&2) |
103 | Condition &1 does not cover the entire time slice (&2-&3) |
104 | Price version &1 does not cover the entire time slice (&2-&3) |
105 | Enter at least one price condition for price version &1 |
106 | Price version &1 for the main item does not cover the entire time slice |
107 | Enter a planned contract end |
108 | Condition &1 is mandatory for product &2 |
109 | Assign individual prices |
110 | Product &1 is not valid |
111 | Configuration version has not yet been released |
112 | No configuration version found |
113 | Configuration version is still in process |
114 | Attribute &1 is mandatory |
115 | Invalid value &1 could not be assigned to attribute &2 ( &3 ) |
116 | Products at sub-item level are not the same as product &1 |
117 | Product &1 has no item category group |
118 | Maintain trans.type &1, item category group &2 in table CRMC_PACK_TYPES |
119 | Transferring quotation data; Unable to start process "&1" currently |
120 | Unable to determine previous time slice for reversing product change |
121 | Implicit product change occurred |
122 | Product change must be earlier than contract future end date &1 |
123 | Contract &1 already billed up to &2; requested end date &3 |
124 | Price document does not exist; attr. &1, condition &2, value &3 not set |
126 | Product is locked or designated for archiving |
140 | Contract end date was set to &1 |
150 | Industrial customer-related messages |
151 | Errors exist at sub-item level |
152 | Inconsistent sub-document &1 (process type &2): No main document |
153 | Inconsistent sub-document &1 (process type &2): No main item for item &3 |
154 | Sub process type &1 for main process type &2 is not valid |
155 | Configuration errors at (main) item level |
160 | No connection object exists for GUID &1 |
161 | No premise exists for GUID &1 |
162 | No point of delivery exists for GUID &1 |
163 | No technical object exists for GUID &1 |
164 | Object exists in the database; deletion not possible |
165 | Point of delivery &1 has not been replicated yet |
200 | - 200-249 Calculation Interface -------------------------------------- |
201 | No calculation message generated; no utilities document |
202 | No calculation message generated; not in "to be distributed" status |
203 | RFC mode active |
204 | Item with GUID &1 not part of document &2 |
205 | A calculation version exists that is newer than the one in the message |
206 | Not all order items found in calculation result |
207 | Status "In Calculation" will be kept; some items are still in calculation |
208 | Message contains two different calculation IDs |
209 | Item &1 was part of the request but is not found in response message |
210 | Simulation ID &1 does not exist in the DB |
211 | No unique POD could be identified by EXT_UI &1 |
300 | Simplified Configuration could not be copied |
301 | Dates could not be copied |
302 | Value key &1 was changed to value &2 (data element &3) |
303 | Value &1 (data element &2) is not a number |
304 | Value &1 (data element &2) is not a date |
305 | BRFplus function &1 (&2) is invalid for timestamp &3 |
306 | Consumption values could not be copied |
307 | Prices could not be copied |
308 | Item could not be created |
309 | Prices have changed |
310 | Product description could not be copied |
311 | Point of delivery could not be assigned |
312 | Please refine the search criteria. |
328 | Item '&1' of type '&2' created in service contract '&3' |