EDATEX - Nachrichten zu Datenaustauschprozessen

The following messages are stored in message class EDATEX: Nachrichten zu Datenaustauschprozessen.
It is part of development package EE_DATEX in software component IS-U-IDE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Exchange at Point of Delivery Level".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Impermissible change to data exchange def. ServProv. &1, Proc. &2, PoD &3
001Internal error in method &2 of class &1
002The last time slice may not be deleted
003Due date control transferred
004Due date control not transferred
005New due date control created
006Enter a description for the due date control
007Specify a valid due date type
008Specify a valid cyclical due date type
009Specify a start date for the generation
010Specify a factory calendar
011Define a delayed due date
012Specify a data exchange format
013Time slice expanded
014Time slice cannot be expanded
015Due date control transferred
016Changes have been saved
017No changes exist
018Specify a data exchange process
019Specify a service provider
020Specify a Date
021Data exchange task has been deleted
022Reference: Data exch. process &1 ServiceProv. &2 (own &3) does not exist
023Specify the length of the cycle
024No due dates could be determined
025No own service provider found for service type &1
026Own service provider for service type &1 is not unique
027No definition possible for point of delivery &1 for data exch. process &2
028For point of delivery &1 no service exists for service provider &3
029You cannot redefine the data exchange definition
030For point of delivery &1 no service exists for service provider &3
031Internal error: automatic data could not be processed
032Choose the "Delete Data Exchange Definition" function
033Save cancelled
034Data exchange definition for point of delivery &1 modified
035Internal error: parameter error in method &2 (class: &1)
036You cannot specify a data exchange format for this process
037Data exchange format &1 is not permitted for basic process &2
038Choose due date control with cyclical due dates
039Choose due date control with suitable type of reference period
040Choose due date control without specifying reference period
041Define a reference period
042Start of reference period must be before end of reference period
043Reference period not valid
044Data exchange definition already exists
045Data exchange definition for service providers &1 and &2 not possible
046Service provider &1 not permitted for data exchange process &2
047Could not find due date control
048Due date control copied to clipboard
049Data exchange process &2 not relevant to point of delivery &1
050Internal error: inconsistent process definition for data exch. process &1
051Cannot create data exchange definition for data exchange process &1
052Generation of due dates for point of delivery &1 cancelled
053Save terminated; reverse the generated tasks
054No communication type copied
055New communication type created
056Cannot find any communication types
057Communication type copied to temporary storage
058New communication type created
059There are no additional e-mail addresses
060Cannot find a corresponding data exchange definition
061Could not find a communication type for IDoc &1
062Communication type copied
063Enter a valid version of the communication format
064Segment error in IDoc &1
065Service provider &1 is not an own service provider
066Servive provider &1 is not an own service provider
067Message contains inquiries and responses
068Cannot determine data exchange basic process
069IDoc &1 from category &2 is formally correct
070IDoc &1 from category &2 was processed correctly
071IDoc &1 from category &2 was not processed
072IDoc &1 from category &2 was partially processed
073Data exchange task for PoD &1 executed successfully
074Data exchange task for PoD &1 executed with errors
075Cannot generate data exchange task
076An error occurred reading the data for IDoc &1
077No communication types were deleted
078Communication type deleted
079You cannot delete communication type &1
080You cannot delete communication type &1
081No due date control was deleted
082You cannot delete due date control &1
083Due date control deleted
084Deletion of data exchange definition was terminated
085Restrict the Selection Criteria
086Mass changes were cancelled
087DE def. changed in generated area; Synchronize tasks
088Redefinded definition for data exchange def. deleted; synchronize tasks
090Function module &1 does not support processing of &2 &3 &4
091Function module &1 does not support sending of reversed MR results
092&1 meter reading documents from &2 were reversed/archived
093Function module &1 does not support the processing of PAN category &2
094Function module &1 does not support changes to meter reading results
100No status change was made for the IDoc to be aggregated &1
101No status change was made for &1 IDocs to be aggregated
102IDoc &1 was generated with syntax error(s)
103DEx task assigned DEx status ERROR due to IDOC containing errors
106It is not possible to process all relevant points of delivery
107Information about previous error entry: Process class name: &1
110Due date control "&1" without type of cyclical due date (ID = '&2')
120Only data exchange tasks with a point of delivery can be checked.
121Duplicate data exch.tasks for &1, Data.exch.process &2 ref.period &3: &4
122No duplicate data exch.tasks for &1, data exch.proc. &2 ref.date &3 - &4
123Duplicate data exch.tasks for &1, data exch.process &2 already corrected.
124Duplicate data exch.tasks for &1, data exch.process &2 with status OK
125Mark duplicate data exchange tasks as "corrected".
126Mark duplicate data exchange tasks as "corrected".
127Display duplicate data exchange tasks: Set status manually
128Tasks set to corrected: &1, Status set to USER_CANC: &2
129Error occurred displaying &1 &2
130The check for duplicates did not return any results
150Specify a to-date for the generation
151Specify a from-date for the generation reversal
152Period from &1 is before generation start date &2
153Save canceled; Tasks generated after date of change
196You do not need to synchronize the data exchange tasks
197Synchronization executed: &1 tasks created; &2 tasks deleted
198Number of tasks that meet the selection criteria: &1
200Internal error; missing parameter when calling method &1
201This action not possible due to current status of object
202Internal error: IDOC for data exchange task has already been created
203Enter a valid data exchange task
204Internal error: Could not determine a unique data exchange task
205Enter a valid data exchange process
206Not all data exchange tasks could be deleted
207You cannot delete the data exchange task because of its status
208Data exchange tasks were changed successfully
209No references exist for the selected data exchange task
210No IDocs exist for the selected data exchange task
211Enter a valid data exchange status
212Enter at least one data exchange status
213&1 overdue data exchange tasks determined
214No overdue data exchange tasks determined
215Save data exchange task before executing
216You cannot execute the data exchange task because of its status
217No other tasks referenced for selected data exchange task
218Internal error: data exchange task already allocated
219You cannot import the data for the task because of its status
220You cannot import the data for the task because of its direction
221No data exists for the data exchange task
222Data from &1 incorrect data exchange task(s) will be reimported
223&1 event(s) triggered for overdue data exchange task(s)
224You cannot correct the data exchange task because of its status
225Select a data exchange task that has not been corrected
226Save the data exchange task
227Data for &1 data exchange task(s) will be exported
228You cannot export the data for the data exch. task because of its status
229The data exchange task has already been corrected
230You cannot export the data for the data exch. task due to its direction
231You cannot export the data for the data exch.task because of its due date
232The data for the data exchange task cannot be exported
233Data exchange tasks are consistent
234&1 IDOC(s) exported
235Data exchange process for service provider does not exist
236Select a data exchange task that has been corrected
237No points of delivery could be determined using this selection
238Could not determine a data exchange definition
239You are not authorized to &1 data exchange tasks
240&4 data exchange tasks generated for data exchange process &1
241&1 data exchange task(s) executed
242Data for data exchange task not yet exported
243You cannot resend IDoc &1 because of its status &2
244&4 tasks generated for process &1, ServProv(third) &2, ServProv(own) &3
245&1 data exchange tasks have been generated
246Start of data exchange generation: date: &1 time: &2
247End of data exchange generation: date: &1 time: &2
248&4 tasks for process &1, ServProv (third) &2, ServProv (own) &3 exported
249Start of export: Date: &1 time &2
250End of export: Date: &1 time: &2
251&4 tasks for process &1, ServProv (third) &2, ServProv (own) &3 executed
252Start of execution: Date: &1 time &2
253End of execution: Date: &1 time &2
254&1 data exchange tasks have been executed
255&1 data exchange tasks with errors have been executed
256No errors exist for the selected data exchange task
257No work items exist for the selected data exchange tasks
258No communication control exists for the selected data exchange task
259You cannot change the communication type of the data exchange task
260Communication type &1 does not exist
261Communication type &1 is not unique
262You cannot create the communication type due to the status of the DE task
263Save the data exchange task
264You cannot stop the data exchange task because of its status
265&1 data exchange task(s) have been stopped
266You cannot override the data exchange task because of its reason
267&1 data exchange task(s) have been redefined
268Change communication type terminated
269Message &1 in message class &2 does not exist
270Could not display messages
271The data exchange tasks for point of delivery &1 were not updated
272Internal error: Allocations result in an infinite loop
273Communication type &1 for business partner is not available
274URI type &1 for communication type &2 not available for business partner
275Consec. no. &1 for comm. type &2 does not exist for Business Partner &3
276Cannot determine an e-mail address for sender &1 (BP &2)
277PoD of data exchange task cannot be changed
278Save the communication type first
279First copy a communication type to the clipboard
280Select a different data exchange definition
281No communication type was copied to the clipboard
282Select a data exchange definition with a communication type
283&4 tasks for process &1, SP (thrd) &2, SP (own) &3 were canceled
284&1 data exchange tasks canceled
285Start of data exchange cancellation: Date &1, Time &2
286End of data exchange cancellation: Date &1, Time &2
287No IDocs were sent
288No cancelable data exchange tasks for process &1, SP (thrd) &2, SP &3
289Reversal date changed to &1
290Choose a data exchange process that can be executed directly
291Profile values have already been sent using a different data exch. proc.
292(Re-)Export of data exchange tasks not supported
293Reimport of data exchange tasks not supported
294You are not permitted to create/change communication type for services
295Data exchange definition &1, &2, &3 was selected
296Time slice of data exchange definition &1, &2, &3 was adjusted
297Cannot adjust data exchange definition &1, &2, &3
298Data exchange definitions selected: &1
299Data exchange definitions changed: &1
300Data exchange definitions with errors: &1
301No messages exist for the confirmation
302Data exchange definition &1, &2, &3 not active for eSOA processing
303Data exchange definition &1, &2, &3 not active for eSOA processing
304Proration date not within validity period of data exchange definition
305The selected message is not valid
306Reimport of outbound data exchange tasks not supported
307IDoc &1 is archived. Display not possible
308&4 tasks generated for process &1, ServProv(third) &2, ServProv(own) &3
309&1 data exchange tasks have been generated
310Values were already sent with a different data exchange process (&1)
311Not all data exchange tasks have been generated completely
312No own or third party service provider available
313No external point of delivery description available
314No profile found in validity period [&1] for data exchange tasks
315External number for service provider &1 is not available
316External number &1 of service provider &2 is too long (max 13 characters)
317Internal error in class/method &1: See message long text
318Internal status not available during validity period [&1, &2]
319&4 tasks for process &1,service provider (own/third party) &2, status &3
320Total interval: &1 tasks with status &2
321No tasks were processed
322Critical error occurred during sending: See message long text
323Data exchange tasks are defined as obsolete
324Meter reading period [&1] not found in reference validity period [&2]
325Data exchange task can only be created with reference
326Several time windows defined in conversion table for MR document &1
327Several entries with an identical conversion reason defined for MR doc.&1
328Point of delivery &1 is not valid in the reference period [&2]
329Additional points of delivery identified for selection: &1 &2 &3 &4
330***Overall statistics ***
331&4 tasks generated for process &1, ServProv(third) &2, ServProv(own) &3
332A total of &1 data exchange tasks were generated
333A total of &1 data exchange tasks were processed
334Total for mass run: &1 tasks with status &2
335&1 data exchange tasks were not processed
340The selection by errors is subject to restrictions.
341Reference category &2 is not defined for basic process &1.
342Selection by reference only possible for a data exchange process
343Selection by ref.only possible for a data exch.process with a basic proc.
344You can only enter a reference data element with a reference.
345The selection by references is subject to restrictions.
400Instance of data exchange process &1 cannot be created
401No Customizing exists for data exchange process &1
402Cannot determine implementation for data exchange process &1
403Direct execution of basic process &1 not permitted
404Direct execution of data exchange process &1 not permitted
405Task data incomplete
406Internal error when calling methods from &1 (&2)
407Data exchange process for IDE-Event &1 is not unique
408No data exchange process defined for IDE Event &1
409Internal error: data for task &1 inconsistent
410Cannot allocate data exchange task &1 to a point of delivery
411Internal error: &1 not yet supported
412No task exists for data exchange process &1 &2
413Internal error: calling of method &1 &2 incorrect
414Status &1 not permitted for data exchange process &2
415Specify a data exchange task
416Could not determine format for data conversion
417Parameters missing for data exchange process &1
418Parameters incorrect for data exchange process &1
419Transfer incorrect object data &2 to method &1
420In Customizing define services for data exchange process &1
421Data exchange task &1 not scheduled
422Internal error: interface parameter &1 missing for method &2
423Check Customizing for data exchange process &1
424You are not permitted to execute data exchange process &1 directly
425Check Customizing for basic process &1
426Internal error: task &1 still in processing
427You are not permitted to execute import basic process &1 directly
428No suitable data exchange process exists for basic process &1
429You are not permitted to change this task from status &1 to status &2
430Function for data conversion is not unique
431Service &1 for point of delivery &2 cannot be determined for &3
432Deletion of a non-scheduled task not permitted
433Cannot determine function for data conversion
434Process &1 could not update data exchange tasks
435Reference for task: &1 (&2)
436Expected result &2 not provided by function &1
437Data exhchange direction not supported; check in Customizing
438Process &1 not relevant to point of delivery
439Parameters incorrect for data exchange process &1
440Critical errors in basic process &1
441No data exchange process matches selection criteria
442No data exchange process is relevant for service provider for PoD &1
443You are not permitted to delete a task that was not created manually
444&1 is not a valid reference name or BOR object type
445Maximum number &1 of possible references exceeded
446Data exchange is not active during migration
450You have not specified a message ID
451You have not specified an eSOA IDE class reference
452Proxy message &1 not allocated to data exchange task &2
453Cannot find data exchange task with &1 (ID) or &2 (UUID)
454Only one valid data exchange task expected - Check Customizing settings
455&1 is not a valid status for confirmation messages
456You have not specified a unique message UUID
457You have not specified a unique message reference UUID
458You have not specified a message ID for the confirmation message
459Multiple data exchange tasks found for &1 (ID) &2 (UUID)
460A confirmation/reply already exists for the data exchange task
461Internal error: Proxy call for IDoc-based data exchange process &1
462Bulk SOA class must implement interface &1
463No valid implementation available for BAdI ISU_IDE_DATEXCONN003
464Unable to generate any instance from bulk SOA class &1
500The communication format has been changed successfully
501The communication format has been created successfully
550BPEM: Cannot write business process start
551BPEM: Cannot write business process end
553BPEM: Error during execution of method &1 (BAdI ISU_IDE_DEX_BPEM)
601The reimport of successfully imported IDocs is not permitted
602Sending type &1 is not permitted for data exchange process &2
603Sending type &1 is not permitted for data exchange format &2
604Copying these data exchange tasks is not permitted
700Cannot find supply scenario for point of delivery &2 on &1
701Cannot find grid for point of delivery &2 on &1
702Cannot find load profile for point of delivery &2 on &1
703Cannot determine premise data for point of delivery &2 on &1
704Cannot determine measurement task data for point of delivery &2 on &1
705Cannot determine any data for point of delivery &2 on &1
706Data exchange process &1 requires you to specify a point of delivery
852Invalid IDocs were included in the aggregated IDoc
853Cannot find any suitable data exchange definitions
854Cannot find any suitable aggregated IDocs
855Cannot find any suitable switch documents
856Cannot find any suitable data exchange tasks
857Basic process &1 does not support aggregated IDocs
860Error using BPEM for BPEM areas &1 and &2
864Execute data exchange tasks: Objects are already locked
866Mass activity: Execute DEx tasks: Maximum no.of locks has been exceeded
867Mass activity: Execute data exchange tasks was terminated
868Mass activity: Invalid installation interval [&1 , &2]
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