EDEREG_TOOLS - Pr�f-Framework Deregulierung

The following messages are stored in message class EDEREG_TOOLS: Pr�f-Framework Deregulierung.
It is part of development package EE_IDE_TOOLS_FICA in software component IS-U-IDE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Analytics Deregulation FI-CA".
Message Nr
Message Text
000You do not have authorization to execute report '&1'
001You do not have authorization for check variants of category '&1'
002Selection parameter &1 will not be used
003&1 &2 &3 &4
020Selection criteria for business partner will be ignored
021No transfer lines without business partner found
022Transfer lines without business partner found
023Transfer data for document is without business partner (&1)
024Aggregated document with transfer lines without business partner (&1)
030Original document &1 was transferred and reversal &2 ended
031Reversal document &1 was transferred and original document &2 ended
032Same no. of orig. and reversal docs transferred but amount not balanced
033No corresponding original document found for reversal document &1
034Transfer data consistent f. original document &1 and reversal document &2
035Original document &1 and reversal document &2 were not transferred
036Original document &1 and reversal document &2 both in processing
037Original document &1 transferred, reversal document &2 in processing
038Original document &1 ended, reversal document &2 in processing
039Automatic analysis not possible for external bill number &3
040Reversal document &1 was transferred, original document &2 in processing
050During selection by payment document, other parameters are not considered
051No payment documents match your selection
052Document &1 is not a clearing document
053Clearing doc. &1 is reversed with &2. No further checks will take place
054No cleared documents were found for document &1
055Document &1 origin &2 not equal 'RP' (aggregated posting)
056Aggregated document &1 cleared by different documents: &2 &3
057Amount &2 from payment doc. &1 is consistent with aggr. docs, transfer
058Amount &2 from payment doc. &1 is inconsistent with aggr. docs, transfer
059No transfer data was found for your selection
060Non-aggregated transfer lines exist with amount &1
061Aggregated document &1 for transfer data reversed with document &2
062Aggregated document &1 is not cleared
063Aggregated document &1 only partially cleared by document &2
070No entry found for selection by external cross reference number
071Entry in DFKKTHI exists for origin &1
072An entry is missing in table DFKKTHI
073The entry does not match (DFKKOP <-> DFKKTHI)
074Transaction not relevant for communication but entry exists in DFKKTHI
075Entry in DFKKTHI with OPUPW or OPUPZ not equal to zero
076Entry in DFKKTHI exists for payment on account
077Budget billing request inconsistent (XAESP and AUGRS)
078Reversal document &1 has an entry in table DFKKTHI
079A reversal entry is missing in DFKKTHI for the reversed document
080Write-off documents do not add up to zero
120No print document exists
121Amount &2 print document &3 not equal to amount &1 from transfer lines
122Amount &2 print document &3 is equal to amount &1 from transfer lines
130DFKKTHI processed, but external cross reference number not found
131DFKKTHI reversed, but not ECROSSREFNO
132DFKKTHI reversed, but related reversal DFKKTHI missing (or vice versa)
133DFKKTHI aggregated but reference document number (BCBLN or AGGRF) empty
134External cross reference number &1 used more than once
135Check 1-4
301&2 of &1 is in multiple distribution lots (&3)
302Items of &1 not in multiple distribution lots
303Multiple unended payment advice notes exist for payment document
304Only ended payment advice notes exist for the payment document
305No payment advice note found
306&1 has no transfer-relevant lines
307&1 has &2
308&1 has different gross amounts (&2, &3)
309&1 does not have different gross amounts
310&1 has different &2 (&3, &4)
311In &1, &3 is entered in &2
312In &1, the &3 is allocated multiple times
314&1 has lines without allocation to a transfer table
315All lines in &1 are in the transfer table
316No lines in &1 contain an external document number
317No lines in &1 contain an internal document number
318Not relevant (supplier in third party system)
319External document number in &1, &2 not filled
320&1, &2 not allocated in transfer table
321Internal document number in &1 also in &2 items of other advice notes
322&3 also in &2 of &1
323External document number of &1 is in &2 items of other advice notes
324Termination of error list after &2 errors
325No errors in &2 for &1
326In &2, &1 does not yet have a distribution lot
327No distribution lot found for &1 with &2
328All items of &1 were copied to the distribution lot
329&3 of &1, &2 is not in any distribution lot
330Distribution lot(s) all posted
331At least one unposted document found
332Not all distribution lot items were posted
351All bill documents exist (reference in transfer table)
352Bill documents missing (reference in transfer table)
353&1, &2 missing
354All bill document lines exist (reference in transfer table)
355Bill document lines missing (reference in transfer table)
356No inconsistencies found
357In &1 , &2 the tax percentage rate is initial, &3
358Internal reference number entered in final amount line
359In &1 , &2 is &3, but &4
360&1, &2 is end amount line with dependent tax line, but &3
361&3 for &1 , &2 is not permitted
362Tax amount = 0 for &1 , &2 , but &3 and &4
363&1 , &2 is a dependent tax line with &3 (unequal to 0)
364&1 , &2 is a dependent tax line, no entry for internal reference number
365&1 , &2 is a dependent tax line, no entry for tax code, but &3
366&1 , &2 is a dependent tax line with &3 and &4
367&1 is missing
371Gross amounts are different for &1 ( &2 / &3 )
372Gross amounts match for &1 ( &2 / &3 )
373Transfer line without allocation of an aggregated document for &4
374No differences found
380Some reconciliation keys for G/L accounts not transferred to FI
381No output options selected
382You have no authorization for account with authorization group &1
383Fiscal year not in period <current year - 100, current year + 100>
384Posting date not in period <current year - 100, current year + 100>
385Posting date &1 not within specified fiscal years
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