EDESK_CORE - Engineering Desktop: Central Functions

The following messages are stored in message class EDESK_CORE: Engineering Desktop: Central Functions.
It is part of development package EDESK_CORE in software component PLM-WUI-APP-EDK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Engineering Desktop: Core Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error while instantiating BAdI &1 in system environment &2
002Error while calling BAdI &1 in system environment &2
003Error while reading Customizing
004Test for message from BAdI
100Function not possible; original for &1 not yet stored
101Function not possible; no materials assigned to &1
102Function not possible; original is missing for document &1
103For document &1, the following applies:
104For the original stored under &1, the following applies:
105Define the workstation application for &1 in Customizing
106Define the document type for &1 in Customizing
107Document &1 already exists for &2
108Document information record is missing for &1
109Original for &1 is already stored
110Original for &1 is checked out by another user
111Original for &1 has not been stored
112Status of &1 in SAP system is more current than your copy
113Define a storage category for &1
114Define a storage category in Customizing
115Original for &1 does not exist
116Original already exists locally and can be checked out
117Original already exists locally; transfer again or keep?
118Original already being processed
119Original overwritten; reset storage location
120Original overwritten by document &1; reset storage location
121Original cannot be found; reset storage location
122Original can be copied but not checked out
123No original stored yet for this version of document
124Original is copied
125Local original belongs to a different DIR and is loaded
126Original is modified but not checked out
127Document information record is missing
128Original is already stored
129Original being processed by user &1
130Data of CAD original is incomplete
131Original does not exist
132Original will be checked in
133Directory does not exist or cannot be created
134Original is obsolete and loaded; cannot be updated
135Original is obsolete; transfer again or keep?
136Original is obsolete and loaded; transfer again or keep?
137Original is modified and loaded; cannot be updated
138Original is modified and loaded; transfer again or keep?
139Original is modified; transfer again or keep?
140Local original will be overwritten
141&1 path of CAD original does not match current path
142Path of CAD original does not match current path
143No CAD original exists
144&1 no CAD original exists
145Local original (document &1) is overwritten
146Selected documents do not have to be checked in
147Selected document does not have to be checked in
148&1 no CAD-relevant application maintained
149No CAD-relevant original exists
150More than one CAD-relevant original exists
151Original is copied and checked out
152Reset check-in first (document &1)
153Specify a storage category in Customizing
154Cannot check in; not all conflicts could be solved
155Cannot check in &1; conflict could not be solved
156Original is not checked in; current processor &1
157More than one version with this file name exists
158Several documents with this file name exist
159File is created locally
160Only one material is assigned which is CAD-relevant
161Document does not exist
162Could not assign material &1
163New version created successfully
164New versions created successfully for &1 documents
165Document was checked in
166&1 documents were checked in
167Change number &1 assigned
168Change number &1 assigned to &2 documents
169Document was checked out
170&1 documents were checked out
171Material &1 assigned
172Material &1 assigned to &2 documents
173Material link was selected successfully
174Document was reset to checked in
175&1 documents were reset to checked in
176No Material BOM for material &1 available
177No variant assemblies assigned to variants
178You need to enter an owning context for material creation
179You are not authorized to perform action &1 on all objects
180Context &1 does not exist or cannot be opened
181Document type &1 is not PLM relevant; documents not assigned
182Material &1 already exists
183Material & already exists as a non-CAD item
184Item & is not unique
185Object link to document is missing in material &
186Material BOM &1/&2/&3/&4 does not need to be updated
187Error while converting for material &1
188Material BOM &1/&2/&3/&4 created
189Change number &1 does not exist
190Material BOM &1/&2/&3/&4 updated
191No material assigned to &1
192No items available
193Access control context &1 assigned
194Function not possible; no document structure available
195&1 document structure(s) created or updated
196Object is not saved yet; document cannot be created
197One or more files were not saved in CAD System
198One or more files do not contain any CAD date
199No material number specified
200Fatal error while converting; complete rollback executed
201Change number &1 is not permitted for BOM changes
202Cannot process &1 on &2 without change number
203Error while processing document instances on &1
204Assy &1: Hist. statuses more current than ECN &2 exist (such as ECN &3)
205Cannot process instance &1 between &2 and &3 without change number
206Historical statuses more current than ECN &1 exist (such as ECN &2)
207Cannot process structure without change number
208Cannot process instance &1 without change number
209Error while updating status of assembly &1
210Insufficient data to determine result
211Nonhistorical status of &1 was deleted to create historical status
212Delete nonhist. instance &1 between &2 and &3 to create with chg. no. &4
213Link of nonhistorical status &1 &2 to document &3 was deleted
214Link of change status &4 for &1 &2 to document &3 was deleted
215Link of nonhistorical status &1 &2 to document &3 was created
216Link of change status &4 of &1 &2 to document &3 was created
217Cannot process &1 without change number
218Nonhistorical status of &1 on &3 was deleted to create historical status
219Assembly &1 is up-to-date; no changes required
220More than one material found for document &1; &2 was selected
221Historical status &1 for &2 does not exist
222Nonhistorical status for &2 does not exist
223Specify a working directory
224More than one CAD document found for &1; &3 was selected
225More than one CAD document found for &1, ECN &2; &3 was selected
226Document is not contained in other document structures
227Document can only be created for a material variant
228Access control context &1 assigned to &2 documents
229Document creation only possible for material variants
230No further actions are possible with this document
231Document &1 already copied
232Document copied
233&1 &2 copied
234Documents were not changed and do not have to be checked in
235Document &1 deleted
236Document &1 is in use and cannot be deleted
237You are not allowed to delete the public folder
238You are not allowed to delete the private folder
239Document &1 is not marked for ACM use and cannot be deleted
240You are not authorized to delete document &1
241Document &1 cannot be deleted; error while deleting links
242Status updated for &1 &2
243Documents have not been changed and do not need to be checked in
244Select at least one document with indicator "modified"
245Function cannot be executed with &1; information is missing
246Error in Engineering Desktop Customizing due to characteristic &1
247&1 of &2 documents were successfully checked in
248No document exists for check-in
249Check-In by SAP Using ActiveX Control is not supported
250No product assembly created; no document structure exists for &1
251No variant assembly created; no document structure exists for &1
253You need to enter an owning context for document creation
254You are not authorized to perform action &1 on object &2
255No unique change number exists for material &1
256No change number found for BOM &1 &2 &3 &4
257Document(s) cannot be created due to missing ACM use
300Error while creating selection variant
301Error while creating selection variant object &1
302Assign a unique name to selection variant
303Error while posting selection variant
304Error while deleting selection variant
305Selection variant saved successfully
306Selection variant deleted
400Error while constructing output table
401Function not possible; associated field is empty
402Error while deleting output table
403Error while updating output table
404Error while replacing in output table
405Error while creating new object; object type is invalid
406Error while deleting child
407Error while deleting parent
408Error while building structure; incorrect sequence from Web service
409Error while creating structure; object type is not supported
410Error while building output table; no header document
411Error due to missing object
412Transfer incomplete original information from Web service to get_files()
413Error while writing data record to Edesk_monitor table
414No documents available in transfer list
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