EDOCUMENT_BR - eDocument Brazil Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class EDOCUMENT_BR: eDocument Brazil Message Class.
It is part of development package GLO-EDO-BR in software component CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-BR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "eDocument Brazil - Nota Fiscal".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No internal UoM determined for ISO code &1.
001Invalid XML content.
002Process &1 is not implemented in process factory.
003Customizing for blind count can only be used through an unique CNPJ (&).
004Branch not found in your system. Verify the information inserted in.
005Address not found.
006Purchasing document number &1 could not be converted.
007Document not completely matched.
008An error occurred while processing step.
009ISO Code not found for &1 unit of measure.
010&1 unit of measure doesn�t have ISO Code assigned.
011Plant &1 is not associated to the &2 Company Code.
012XML item &1 already assigned.
013Purchase Order &1 item &2 completely assigned to this document.
014Source Item &1 is hasn't been assigned.
015PO &1, item &2, hasn�t been assigned to any item of the current XML.
016You have to select only one purchase Order item.
017You have to select at least one XML item.
018Your assignments have been saved.
019Please, enter a valid Purchase Order number.
020Quantity hasn't been saved.
021Quantity has been saved.
022Some selected XML items are already assigned and were not changed.
023Your invoice has not been created.
024An error has occurred. Check the log description for more information.
025Some selected items are not assigned and were not changed.
026You have to select at least one XML item.
027Your changes have been reset.
028You haven�t done any change.
029The XML doesnt belong to any NF-e or NF-e Event.
030Set OK option is not available due to incomplete XML items match.
031There is no message to display.
032Assignments saved with warnings. Check your logs for more information.
033Step completed with warnings. Check your logs for more information.
034Selected items are not assigned and were not changed.
035Selected items are already assigned and were not changed.
036This search hasn�t returned any results.
037You have errors in this search. Check your logs for more information.
038You have warnings in this search. Check your logs for more information.
039Invoice simulation ran successfully.
040Invoice simulation ran with errors. Check your logs for more information.
041You were not able to save it, the simulation process contains erros.
042Error in the database. If it persists, please contact your system admin.
043CFOP and Tax conditions have been saved.
044You have to fill at least one filter.
045You have already selected this line.
046Select a valid option.
047XML Item: & | XML Material: & - & | Purchase Order: &
048Invoice simulation ran with warnings, check the log for more information.
049You are not able to Set OK this step due to outdated simulation.
050Incorrect customizing process flow for process &1 step &2.
051Process for supplier &1, company code &2 and CFOP &3 were not found.
052Invalid run mode &1, for process &2, step &3.
053Invoice XML &1 hasn't been received for event &2.
054Fill Process Step, which is a mandatory parameter.
055Use a valid numbering format for CPF (000.000.000-00).
056Use a valid numbering format for CNPJ (00.000.000/0000-00).
057Enter a valid CNPJ or CPF numbering code.
058Only numbers are allowed for CNPJ or CPF.
059&1 is invalid. Please verify the check digit number for this CPF.
060&1 is invalid. Please verify the check digit number for this CNPJ.
061Invalid CPF. Please verify any missing or incorrect numbers.
062Only numbers are allowed for CPF.
063Invalid CNPJ. Please verify any missing or incorrect numbers.
064Only numbers are allowed for CNPJ.
065Use a valid format for CPF (000.000.000-00) or CNPJ (00.000.000/0000-00).
066Pricing calculation successfully completed.
067You had an error during the pricing calculation.
068File already received: &1
069Enter a valid ID in text the header.
070Invalid language in the text header.
071Enter a valid name in the text header.
072Invalid object in the text header.
073Error in SAVE_TEXT Function Module.
074Error in INIT_TEXT Function Module.
075Invalid reference check.
076Verify your archive access and use a valid one.
077Error in READ_TEXT Function Module.
078Text has not been found.
079Enter a reason for completing this procedure manually.
080XML cancellation error.
081Communication failure while completing step in a different environment.
082System failure while completing step in a different environment.
083An error occurred while completing step in a different environment.
084Error in HASH calculation for ID &1.
085Enter a valid signature.
086The first digit of the CFOP is invalid.
087Enter a valid CFOP.
088Unit of Measure was not found: &1
089Supplier was not found for this CNPJ: &1
090Company Code and Plant were not found for this CNPJ: &1
091Plant not found for this CNPJ: &1
092Invalid XML.
093CFOP number contains only 4 digits.
094eDocument created without errors.
095Invalid response from check status service.
096Difference in your XML Digest Value from Tax Authorities' one.
097You have to enter a valid Company Code before entering a Plant.
098The returned XML Digest Value is NULL.
099Unable to determine NF-e layout version.
100Process could not be determined, eDocument created as BASIC Process.
101Fill out the "Rejection" and "Rejection Text" fields.
102NF-e Inbound has to be active to enable eDocument creation.
103An error occurred when you tried to open the file in the browser.
104An error occurred while getting the TEMP file path to download the file.
105An error occurred while downloading the file.
106An error occurred while creating the container to show the file.
107An error occurred while loading the file data.
108An error occurred while displaying the file.
109An error occurred while generating the DANFE: &1
110An error occurred while displaying the DANFE: &1
111There's no NF-e document to be displayed.
112The NF-e XML was not found.
113Cannot assign &1 to XML item &2.
114Cannot assign automatically. Ensure the NF-e XML items have a PO number.
115The system didn't create the document. Enter company code in EDOINTTYPEV.
116Select at least one entry for deletion.
117Select only one entry for deletion.
118No CNPJ was found for company code and business place. Review your entry.
119Screen data was refreshed.
120Enter the last NSU number valid in SEFAZ.
121Company code &1 and business place &2 are configured. Review your entry.
122Document not found for nine-digit document number &.
123Item & not found for document number &.
124Receiver Acknowledgement event &1 &2 is assigned to the rejection reason.
125Enter valid field values. Use the field help, if necessary.
126Error in EDOC_BR_POPUP_TEXT function module. Upgrade your Support Package
127Rejection error &1. For details, see History.
128SEFAZ validation error &1. For details, see History.
129An error occurred while modifying the object attribute.
130An error occurred while creating the object: &1.
131There are no active CNPJs; configure transaction EDOC_BR_MNG_DISTDFE.
132Document was successfully retrieved: &1
133Processing documents for CNPJ &1
134XML file &1 doesn't support the &2 event type.
135An error occurred while generating the DACTE: &1.
136An error occurred while displaying the DACTE: &1.
137Process not found for comp.code &1, plant &2, model &3, service taker &4.
138The CT-e XML file was not found.
140There are no values to be displayed in the search help.
141File not received.
142An error occurred while displaying the document: &1
143Cannot identify the reference document. Review the infDocRef field.
144Access key &1 is invalid. Review the access key value in field &2.
145Access key lenght &1 is invalid. Review the document XML file.
146Cannot find reference document type. Review the EDOBRREFDOCTYPEV view.
147There's no reference document to be displayed.
148An error occurred during data deletion from the database.
149Error uploading XML file for reference document type &1, number &2.
150Cannot find the class. Review the EDOBRREFDOCTYPEV view.
151Was not possible to display the documents list. Please try again.
152The access keys structure is incorrect. Review your reference document.
153Event &1 &2 is assigned to the rejection reason.
154Enter exactly 44 digits in the Access Key field.
155No eDocuments were found for this action.
156There's no DACTE document to be displayed.
157Upload XML file &1, or event &2 can�t be displayed.
158Received qty differs from XML qty. To adjust, choose "Enter Quantity".
159Document type &1 not supported. Review your entry.
160Couldn't find the XML file for eDocument GUID &1. Upload it and try again
161Could not determine an e-mail template.
162The &1 template type is not supported. Review your entry.
163The sender e-mail was not found (user: &1). Enter a valid e-mail.
164The e-mail was not found for partner &1. Enter a valid e-mail.
165The address was not found for partner &1. Enter a valid address.
166Couldn�t generate XML entity. Report an incident to CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-BR.
167Couldn�t generate e-mail. Report an incident to CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-BR.
168You cannot upload the xml due to wrong signature in cancellation document
169You cannot upload the xml due to wrong authorization in cancellation doc
170The partner e-mail was not found.
171The partner address was not found.
172An exception occurred while the message was sent.
173An exception occurred while building the e-mail document: &1
174An exception occurred while creating the e-mail mail request: &1
175An exception occurred while reading the e-mail address: &1
176The sending of e-mails was disabled by the BADI_EDOC_BR_MAIL_HANDLER.
177The supplier &1 was not found for CNPJ &2.
178Can�t resend the e-mail: it wasn�t sent at first, or it wasn't found.
179The resend operation was canceled.
180The e-mail was resent.
181You can only upload nota fiscal documents with model 55.
182eDocument was not created. Enter a valid access key.
183The XML file of the reference document hasn't been loaded yet on the &1.
184The reference document is not completed.
185The reference document is missing at the entry document.
186You are not authorized for this action. Contact the system administrator.
187Associate the &1 business place to the &2 company code.
188Associate the &1 company code to the &2 business place.
189The address was not found for business place &1 and company code &2.
190The &1 business place was not found for CNPJ &2.
191The e-mail was not found for business place &1 and company code &2.
192The document only contains returnable package items and can't be uploaded
193Plant not found for the CNPJ: &1, ACCESSKEY: &2
194Access key &1: enter the correct value, or contact technical support.
195Number of Documents (&1)
196Access key &1 already exists.
197Error retrieving document from access key &1. Enter the access key again.
198Total of &1 DF-es
199Total of &1 NF-es in CT-e number &2
200Total of &1 CT-es
201The access key must have only numbers and exactly 44 digits.
202CT-e with no referenced NF-es. Contact the responsible for inbound docs.
203You're not authorized to process documents for company code &1, plant &2.
204You can't delete an NF-e from a CT-e on this screen.
205The processing of all documents has been launched.
206The processing of all documents has been cancelled.
207Enter the documents first, then choose Next Step.
208The &1 entry wasn't found. Review your NFECLOUDCONFTMP view configuration
209The document was deleted from the system.
210The &1 entry exists in the NFECLOUDCONFTMP view.
212Authentication to SAP Document Compliance was successful.
213The access key was not informed.
214An error occurred, and the document couldn't be deleted. See long text.
215An error occurred, and the document couldn't be deleted. See long text.
216The document couldn't be deleted. The &1 access key was not found.
217You're not authorized to delete documents.
218An error occurred, and the document couldn't be deleted. See long text.
219The document couldn't be deleted. Unlock the &1 access key first.
220The access key structure is incorrect. See long text.
221Connection to SAP Document Compliance was successful.
222&1 not executed.
224The connection to SAP Document Compliance failed. See long text.
225Information about the deleted access key &1:
226&1 Process &2, status &3
227&1 Target document &2/&3 still exists in the system.
228Enter an access key that corresponds to an NF-e document.
229Authentication credentials &1 is incorrect. See long text.
230Authentication credentials &1 does not exist. See long text.
231Test authentication credentials was not executed.
232Test connection to SAP Document Compliance was not executed.
233There are no active CNPJs; configure transaction EDOC_BR_MNG_DIST_CTE.
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