EDOCUMENT_SA - Messages for eDocument SA
The following messages are stored in message class EDOCUMENT_SA: Messages for eDocument SA.
It is part of development package GLO-EDO-SA in software component CA-GTF-CSC-EDO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "eDocument Saudi Arabia".
It is part of development package GLO-EDO-SA in software component CA-GTF-CSC-EDO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "eDocument Saudi Arabia".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | Field ID is empty |
002 | Field InvoiceTypeCode is empty |
003 | Attribute name of field InvoiceTypeCode &1 is empty |
004 | Field DocumentCurrencyCode is empty |
005 | Field TaxCurrencyCode is empty |
006 | Field ID is empty in InvoiceDocumentReference of BillingReference |
007 | Field UUID is empty for ID 'ICV' in AdditionalDocumentReference |
008 | Field Attachment is empty for ID 'PIH' in AdditionalDocumentReference |
009 | Field Attachment is empty for ID 'QR' in AdditionalDocumentReference |
010 | Field StreetName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
011 | Field BuildingNumber is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
012 | Field PlotIdentification is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
013 | Field CityName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
014 | Field PostalZone is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
015 | Field CountrySubentity is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
016 | Field CitySubdivisionName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
017 | Attribute Country-IdentificationCode is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
018 | Field CompanyID is empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingSupplierParty |
019 | Attribute TaxScheme-ID empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingSupplierParty |
020 | Field RegistrationName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty |
021 | Field StreetName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
022 | Field BuildingNumber is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
023 | Field PlotIdentification is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
024 | Field CityName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
025 | Field PostalZone is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
026 | Field CountrySubentity is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
027 | Field CitySubdivisionName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
028 | Attribute Country-IdentificationCode is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
029 | Field CompanyID is empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingCustomerParty |
030 | Attribute TaxScheme-ID empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingCustomerParty |
031 | Field RegistrationName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty |
032 | Field PaymentMeansCode is empty in PaymentMeans |
033 | Field InstructionNote is empty in PaymentMeans |
034 | Field ID is empty in TaxCategory of AllowanceCharge |
035 | Attribute TaxScheme-ID is empty in TaxCategory of AllowanceCharge |
036 | Field TaxExemptionReasonCode is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal |
037 | Field TaxExemptionReason is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal |
038 | Field ID is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal |
039 | Attribute TaxScheme-ID is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal |
040 | No Tax Code found for item &1 of source document |
041 | Field InvoicedQuantity is empty for item &1 |
042 | Attribute unitCode of field InvoicedQuantity is empty for item &1 |
043 | Field Name is empty for Item &1 |
044 | Field ID is empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1 |
045 | Attribute TaxScheme-ID is empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1 |
046 | Field TaxExemptionReasonCode empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1 |
047 | Field TaxExemptionReason is empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1 |
048 | Conversion error from &1 to &2 |
049 | No ISO Code found for Country/Region &1 |
050 | No ISO UoM found for Base UoM &1 |
051 | Invoice Type Code not found for Document Type &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
052 | Payment Means Code not found for Payment Method &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
053 | Tax Category not found for Tax Code &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
054 | Tax Exempt Code not found for Tax Code &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
055 | Description not found for Tax Exempt Code &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
056 | Tax Period not found for Company Code &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
057 | XML cannot be generated; Check the eDocument application log |
058 | XML generated and stored successfully |
059 | Description not found for Order Reason &1 in Value Mapping &2 |
060 | Maintain either VAT Reg. No. or Group VAT Reg. No. for the Supplier |