EDOCUMENT_SA - Messages for eDocument SA

The following messages are stored in message class EDOCUMENT_SA: Messages for eDocument SA.
It is part of development package GLO-EDO-SA in software component CA-GTF-CSC-EDO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "eDocument Saudi Arabia".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Field ID is empty
002Field InvoiceTypeCode is empty
003Attribute name of field InvoiceTypeCode &1 is empty
004Field DocumentCurrencyCode is empty
005Field TaxCurrencyCode is empty
006Field ID is empty in InvoiceDocumentReference of BillingReference
007Field UUID is empty for ID 'ICV' in AdditionalDocumentReference
008Field Attachment is empty for ID 'PIH' in AdditionalDocumentReference
009Field Attachment is empty for ID 'QR' in AdditionalDocumentReference
010Field StreetName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
011Field BuildingNumber is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
012Field PlotIdentification is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
013Field CityName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
014Field PostalZone is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
015Field CountrySubentity is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
016Field CitySubdivisionName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
017Attribute Country-IdentificationCode is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
018Field CompanyID is empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingSupplierParty
019Attribute TaxScheme-ID empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingSupplierParty
020Field RegistrationName is empty in AccountingSupplierParty
021Field StreetName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
022Field BuildingNumber is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
023Field PlotIdentification is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
024Field CityName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
025Field PostalZone is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
026Field CountrySubentity is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
027Field CitySubdivisionName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
028Attribute Country-IdentificationCode is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
029Field CompanyID is empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingCustomerParty
030Attribute TaxScheme-ID empty in PartyTaxScheme of AccountingCustomerParty
031Field RegistrationName is empty in AccountingCustomerParty
032Field PaymentMeansCode is empty in PaymentMeans
033Field InstructionNote is empty in PaymentMeans
034Field ID is empty in TaxCategory of AllowanceCharge
035Attribute TaxScheme-ID is empty in TaxCategory of AllowanceCharge
036Field TaxExemptionReasonCode is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal
037Field TaxExemptionReason is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal
038Field ID is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal
039Attribute TaxScheme-ID is empty in TaxCategory of TaxSubtotal
040No Tax Code found for item &1 of source document
041Field InvoicedQuantity is empty for item &1
042Attribute unitCode of field InvoicedQuantity is empty for item &1
043Field Name is empty for Item &1
044Field ID is empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1
045Attribute TaxScheme-ID is empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1
046Field TaxExemptionReasonCode empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1
047Field TaxExemptionReason is empty in ClassifiedTaxCategory for Item &1
048Conversion error from &1 to &2
049No ISO Code found for Country/Region &1
050No ISO UoM found for Base UoM &1
051Invoice Type Code not found for Document Type &1 in Value Mapping &2
052Payment Means Code not found for Payment Method &1 in Value Mapping &2
053Tax Category not found for Tax Code &1 in Value Mapping &2
054Tax Exempt Code not found for Tax Code &1 in Value Mapping &2
055Description not found for Tax Exempt Code &1 in Value Mapping &2
056Tax Period not found for Company Code &1 in Value Mapping &2
057XML cannot be generated; Check the eDocument application log
058XML generated and stored successfully
059Description not found for Order Reason &1 in Value Mapping &2
060Maintain either VAT Reg. No. or Group VAT Reg. No. for the Supplier
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