EDOGRFI - Messages for eDocuments Greece Type c

The following messages are stored in message class EDOGRFI: Messages for eDocuments Greece Type c.
It is part of development package LOC-EDO-GR-FI in software component FI-LOC-FI-GR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "eDocument Greece - FI Localization".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select relevant accounts to continue.
001The last period was from &1 to &2, continue from &3.
002You need authorization for company code &1
003There are no relevant documents for this period.
004New eDocument created successfully. ID: &1.
005Fill in the Posting Date field to continue
006There�s already eDocument for period &1 to &2. ID: &3.
007Specify income or expense category in Customizing LOC_GR_CUSTACC.
008Specify income or expense category in Customizing LOC_GR_CUSTACC.
009Do not fill Asset Transaction Type for this Invoice Type.
010Error while accessing fiscal year info
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