EEDMRTP - Fehlermeldungen zum RTP-Interface

The following messages are stored in message class EEDMRTP: Fehlermeldungen zum RTP-Interface.
It is part of development package EE_EDM_RTP in software component IS-U-EDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Real-Time Pricing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Incorrect codes generated for component &1
001Codes for component &1 already exist
002Operand category &1 cannot be converted into a profile value
003Profile value category &1 cannot be converted into an operand category
004Profile value category of profile &1 does not match input parameter &2
005Operand categ. of result parameter &1 does not match output paarameter &2
006Interval length of profile &1 does not match RTP interface &3
007Error in RTP interface &2 (installation &1)
008Units of measurement do not match in input parameters &1 and &2
009Units of measurement of output parameters &1 and &2 do not match
010Units of meas. of input param. &1 and output param. &2 not identical
011Codes for RTP components generated without errors
012Definition of RTP component &1 changed
013Allocate a profile to logical register &1
014Error in formula &1: Unit of meas. &2, prof. &4 does not have dim. &3
015Unit of measure &1 of output parameter &2 does not have dimension &3
016Formula &1: Output parameter &3 has incorrect unit of measurement &4
017You cannot delete components at root level
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