EE_AMI - Nachrichtenklasse f�r AMI-Anwendungen

The following messages are stored in message class EE_AMI: Nachrichtenklasse f�r AMI-Anwendungen.
It is part of development package EE_AMI_BASICS in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AMI developments".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter a valid AMS determination group
002Enter a valid AMCG determination group
003At least one device exists for device category &1
004At least one installed device exists for device category &1
005Enter a valid advanced metering system
006Enter a valid advanced meter function group
007AMS &1 is not from AMS determination group &2
008AMCG &1 is not from AMCG determination group &2
009AMS determination grp of new device cat. must match that of old dev. cat.
010AMCG determination grp of new dev. cat. must match that of old dev. cat.
011Enter a value for the AMS determination group
012Enter a value for the AMCG determination group
013Enter a value for the AMS and the AMCG determination group
014Only one AMS can be entered as default value in AMS determination group
015Only one AMCG can be entered as default value in AMCG determination group
016Maintain AMI data in device or device info record
017You cannot set default and obsolete at the same time for an AMCG
018See notes in long text regarding AMS-relevance of capability &1
019See notes in long text regarding AMCG-relevance of capability &1
020Changing AMI data has an effect on new devices
021Enter a value for advanced metering system (AMS)
022Enter a value for advanced meter capability group (AMCG)
023AMS &1 is not from AMS determination group &2
024AMCG &1 is not from AMCG determination group &2
025You cannot enter an AMS determination group or AMCG determination group
026Process AMI data
027Device &1 cannot be reconnected
028&2 of &1 readings uploaded successfully
029Device &1 cannot be disconnected
030Action &1 can only be called for an advanced meter
031Cannot execute transaction &1
032Highlighted AMI capabilities are available
033Enter a value for capability group of advanced metering system
034You cannot change the AMS
035You cannot execute transaction &1 for equipment &2
036Selected value for advanced meter only valid for gas and water divisions
037Breaker &1 material &2 already controls a meter in this time slice
041No operational state exists for equipment &1
043No operational state request exists for equipment &1
044No operational state request exists
045Operational state for equipment &1 has already been received
046Operational state for device &1/&2 has already been requested
047Select at least one device
048Operational state already requested for all devices
049Operational state request for too many devices (&1)
050Device &1 does not correspond to specifications given
051You cannot request the operational state for device &1/&2
052No device installed in connection object &1
053No suitable AMI device installed in connection object &1
054Equipment &1 and REFUUID &2 do not match
055Operational state request to device for equipment &1 not possible
056Operational state request not possible due to an error
060Number of replicated profile allocations in interval &1 - &2: &3
061Device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 ) has not been installed
062Different number of registers in device &1/&2 and register group &3
063Different register attributes in device &1/&2 and register group &3
064Device &1/&2 is not processed. VEE code is initial in register group &3
065Device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 ) has been disconnected
066Error during update: Device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 ) was not changed
067VEE code has already been converted for device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 )
068Device &1/&2 ( equipment &4 ) was successfully processed
069&1 devices were successfully processed
070Test run. No database changes were performed
071Live update: All changes are saved to the database
072EhP7 switch ISU_AMI_EHP7 is not active
073&1 device information records were successfully processed
074Delete the activation group for AMI capabilities
075Enter a valid activation group for AMI capabilities
076The AMI activation group cannot be initial
097All messages relevant for bulk were displayed
098Input help is not available for bulk messages
099Input help is not available for the device location
100Select "Output" or "Send" for all meter reading orders
101You can only enter a time frame if you enter a single day
102Specify &1 &2 &3 &4
103Only values &1, &2 or &3 are permitted for the transfer status
104Specify a transfer status
105Device &1 will be read remotely and cannot be entered or changed
106Devices will be read remotely on &1 and cannot be reversed
107Remote meter reading pending for some or all of the selected devices
108You cannot change the devices
109No new meter reading requests were sent
110Meter reading requests sent successfully for selected devices
111A meter reading request could not be sent for all devices
112No on-demand meter reading could be performed
113Selection intervals not permitted for transfer status
114No AMI devices were selected
115Error while retrieving device information
116No device matches your criteria
117You did not provide any selection values for devices
118AMS is mandatory
119&1 device(s) replicated
120&1 measurement task(s) replicated
121&1 measurement tasks(s) assigned to a PoD
122Conversion of internal status &1 is missing
123Equipment &1 not set up for on-demand meter reading
124The material you entered does not exist
125No serial numbers match your selection
126The value range of the data you entered is too large
127Select either device data (material and devices) or installation
128Enter a valid material
129Object type &1 &2 currently not supported for display
130Number of entries that match your selection: &1
131Archive already read
132No AMI communication found for the values you selected
133Forward navigation not supported for object type 00
134No AMI communication data available
135Selection updated
136No AMI communication data available
137Invalid transfer status
138Invalid AMS system
139Successful confirmations: &1; Confirmations with errors: &2
140Cannot determine a meter reading reason for meter reading document &1
141Measurement task &1 not available
142Display messages that meet selection criteria: &1 (without archive)
143Error calling the BAdI method: DETERMINE_OBJKEY_DESCRIPTION
144No messages exist
145No authorization to display messages
146Only the inbound message is displayed
147Sending again is not supported for 'bulk' messages.
148Successfully sent again
149Original and referenced entries are displayed
150Profile values of this category cannot be saved in the external system
151Allocation not possible; profile values of profile &1 in external system
152Allocation not poss.; Location of prof. vals of role and prof. different
153Location of profile values and profiles with TOU billing not yet selected
154Use not possible; profile/role &1: profiles in external system
155Action not possible; values for profile &1 in external system
156Transfer of data from external system failed for profile &1
157Status data (&2) transferred for profile &1 is inconsistent
158Incomplete external status data was transferred for profile &1
159Incomplete profile values were transferred for profile &1
160External profile values for profile &1 not read successfully
161Profile &1: Inconsistent data - currency or unit of measurement expected
162Profile value status data transferred for profile &1 is inconsistent
163Profile &1 and profile role &2 not consistent (prof. val. ext. system)
164Location of original profile values &1 is incorrect
165'TOU Billable' indicator &1 is incorrect
166Profile &1 is not allocated to any AMI device on &2
170Profile values cannot be cumulated; profile billable with TOU interface
171Repl. val. proc. grp not permitted; profile billable with TOU interface
172Consistency chk grp &1 not permitted; profile billable with TOU interface
173Day offset &1 not permitted; profile billable with TOU interface
174Interval length &1 not permitted; profile billable with TOU interface
175Profile value cat. &1 not permitted; profile billable with TOU interface
176Reference prof. &1 not permitted; profile &2 billable with TOU interface
180Consistency chck grp &1 not permitted as profile values stored externally
181Repl. value proc. grp &1 not permitted as profile vals stored externally
182Reference profile &1 not permitted as profile values stored externally
190Additional selection option &1 is not permitted
200Device &1: Changes to AMS and AMCG not permitted
201Device &1: Changes to AMS, AMCG, and AMICAG not permitted
202Switch ISU_AMI_4_CAB is not active
203Enter the material/serial number or an equipment
204You must enter the AMS and material/serial number or an equipment
205Enter a valid activation group for AMI capabilities (AMICAG)
206Device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 ) was successfully processed
207Activation group &4 was deleted from device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 )
208Device &1/&2 ( equipment &3 ) was not processed
210Number of entries in trigger table: Devices: &1, profiles: &2
211Device &1 sent
212Profile &1 sent
213Error service. Device &1 not sent. Trigger not deleted
214Error service. Profile &1 not sent. Trigger not deleted
215Number of devices sent: &1
216No device trigger found
217Number of profiles sent: &1
218No profile trigger found
219Trigger table TEAMI_SMDTRIGGER is locked by another user
220Error occurred locking the trigger table TEAMI_SMDTRIGGER
221Simplified master data synchronization is not active (Customizing)
222Specify a valid bulk size
230Object category &1, object &2: alternative entry for UUID_OUT &3
300REAMI_MANUAL_DISC_SEND: Transfer status of manually disconn.AMI devices
301Enter a block size greater or equal to 1
302Optimum block size is approximately 10 000
303No relevant disconnection objects found
304You are not authorized to change disconnection documents
305**** Test mode active: No DB updates and no service calls ********
306**** Error mode active: Only log errors *****************
307**** Repeat send mode active
309Switch ISU_AMI_4_DIS is not activated
310*** System error. Processing was terminated ***
311Processing block &1
312Doc/act/obj &1 (SNo/DC/Eq &2) is not an AMI device
313No device found (&3-&4) for doc/act/obj &1 (logical number &2)
314Doc/act/obj &1 does not contain a logical device number
315Doc/act/obj &1 disconnection transferred (SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3
316Doc/act/obj &1 reconnection transferred (SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3
317Doc/act/obj &1 disconnection cancellation transfr.(SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3
318Doc/act/obj &1 disconnection reconnection transfr.(SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3
320Doc/act/obj &1 disconnection transfr.(SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3 breaker (&4)
321Doc/act/obj &1 reconnection transfr.(SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3 breaker (&4)
322Doc/act/obj &1 cancel discon.transfr.(SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3 breaker (&4)
323Doc/act/obj &1 discon.reconn.transfr.(SNo/DC/Eq &2) from &3 breaker (&4)
325Doc/act/obj &1 does not correspond to the device parameters
326Doc/act/obj &1 is locked by user &2
327**** Test mode active: No DB updates
328**** Error mode active: Only log errors *****************
500Error saving logging data in database &1
501Error saving temporary data in database &1
502Error deleting temporary data in database &1
503Business transaction not correct
504Error reading &1 &2 in database &3
510Log entry for object &1/&2 cannot be set to completed
511Log entry for object &1/&2 was manually set from &3 to completed
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