The following messages are stored in message class EE_QD: .
It is part of development package EE_QTY_DETERM_BASIC in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Quantity Determination".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No quantity determination procedure available
001No quantity determination procedure available for scenario &1
002No quantity determination procedure available for division &1
003Input parameter &1 or &2 required in method &3
004Input parameter &1 and &2 required in method &3
005No allocation of a QD procedure exists for logical register &1 on &2
006No assignments of a quantity determination procedure to logical registers
007You must make an entry in input field &1
008Function was started in session: &1 by user: &2
009The system determined data for division &1
010Installation selection: From &1 to &2 (&3, &4)
011Function was started in session: &1
012Number of selected installations &1
013Quantity determination procedure for installation &1 already exists
014Quantity determination procedure determined for installation &1
015Number of incorrect entries includes &1 installations
016No incorrect entries
017In session: &1 all incorrect entries (installations) are selected
018&1 incorrect installations were selected
019Quantity determination procedure determined for total of &1 installations
020Unable to determine quantity determination procedure for &1 installations
021Selection of meter reading unit: from &1 to &2 (&3, &4)
022Unable to determine quantity determination procedure for installation &1
023Quantity determination procedure already exists for &1 installations
024Could not determine register data for installation &1
025The specified division &1 does not exist
026Input parameter &1 required in method &2
027Reason &1 for quantity determination trigger does not exist
028No quantity determination trigger available
029&1 is not a valid reason for a quantity determination trigger
030&1 is not a valid meter reading unit
031No application log exists from last week
032One or more installations could not be converted due to device disconn.
033Function was started with reduced application log
034Meter reading order generated for inst. &1 or existing MR document used
035Meter reading order could not be generated for installation &1
036EhP6 switch ISU_QD_1 relevant for quantity determination is not active
037Device &1: Change to quantity determination procedure not possible
038Internal error: New meter reading result inconsistent
039Quantity determination procedure &1 not permitted for DPC rate categories
040No data found to match chosen selection
041&1 is not an installation
050Number of missing entries more than &1 installations - data not displayed
051Change during billed period
052BAdI ISU_QD_PROC has not been implemented
053Only one quantity determination procedure is admissible for each division
054Deleting or changing an entry can lead to inconsistencies
055Execute the changeover for the quantity determination procedure
056Internal error accessing table &1
057Only quantity determination procedure for a division allowed
059You cannot edit reg. relationship as qty determination has taken place
060You cannot change rate type, gas proc., fixed temp., vol. corr. factor...
061You are not permitted to change logical reg. no. for reg. &1, device &2
062Device allocation not possible for register &1 of device &2
063Entry will be deleted as division not specified
064Entry will be deleted as date not specfied
065Entry will be deleted as quantity determination procedure not specified
066Quantity determination procedure changed from &1 to &2
067Change is not within the billing-related installation
070Meter readings exist on or after conversion date &3 for equip. &1 reg. &2
099MR document &1, Date &2: Duplicate entry in EABLQDCONV
100Device &1 register &2: Estimation not poss. due to incorrect qty determ.
101Device &1 Reg. &2 MR Date &3: Quantity determination will restart
102Device &1 Reg. &2 MRDate &3: Quantity determination successful
103Quantity determination executed successfully for meter reading results
104Internal error: New quantity determination cannot be executed
105Quantity determination called for &1 triggers, &2 successful
106Device &1 Register &2 MR Date &3: Check meter reading type
107Dev. &1, reg. &2, change date &3: Change to gas procedure &4 => Long text
108Dev. &1, reg. &2, chge date &3: Chge to fixed temperature &4 => Long txt
109Dev. &1, reg. &2, chge date &3: Chge to GVCF of register &4 => Long text
118Inst. &4 Dev. &1 Reg. &2 MRDate &3: Current gas data not available
119Inst. &4 Dev. &1 Reg. &2 MRDate &3: No unique previous MR doc.
120Inst. &4 Dev. &1 Reg. &2 MRDate &3: Quantity determination not successful
121Inst. &4 Dev. &1 Reg. &2 MRDate &3: Quantity determination not necessary
122Inst. &4 Dev. &1 Reg. &2 MRDate &3: Qty det. not executed due to errors
123Device &1 Reg. &2 MR Date &3: Estimation of MR result was reset
124Device &1, Reg. &2, MR Date &3: Release of MR result not possible
125Dev. &1 MR Date &2: QD trigger with rsn 02; No indepndnt checks possible
126Device &1, Reg. &2, MR Date &3. Correction of MR result not possible
127Dev. &1 Reg. &2: The subsequent MR on &3 contains a correction quantity
128Dev. &1 Reg. &2: Correction quantity not poss. as function is not active
129Dev. &1 Reg. &2: Correction quantity not poss. without conversion steps
130Dev. &1 Reg. &2: Negative correction quantity is not permitted
131Dev. &1 Reg. &2: Negative total quantity is not permitted
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