EH - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Sperren und Wiederinbetriebnehmen
The following messages are stored in message class EH: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Sperren und Wiederinbetriebnehmen.
It is part of development package EE00 in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: General (Domains and General Objects)".
It is part of development package EE00 in software component IS-U. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: General (Domains and General Objects)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Processing canceled |
001 | Disconnection document cannot be created for discon. doc. &1 in status &2 |
002 | In discon. doc. &1, installation &2 is not included in the discon. order |
003 | In discon. doc. &1, device &2 is not included in the disconnection order |
004 | Reconnection order for discon. document &1 cannot be created in status &2 |
005 | Disconnection document is completed. Changes are no longer possible. |
006 | Status of disconnection document is not 99 and cannot be changed |
007 | Reference object must be installation for disc. documents with reason 02 |
008 | Action selected cannot be changed |
009 | No other disconnection documents are affected by this disonnection doc. |
010 | Incorrect entry &1 in parameter X_ORDACT |
011 | Incorrect entry &1 in parameter X_DISCTYPE |
012 | Incorrect entry &1 in parameter X_NEWORDER |
013 | Incorrect entry &1 in parameter X_ORDERSTAT |
014 | Reconnection on &1 at &2 is before disconnection on &3 at &4 |
015 | Device &1 is currently not installed |
016 | IDoc DISC_UPLOAD: Ended with exception &1 |
017 | IDoc DISC_UPLOAD: Field ORDERTYPE in structure E1ISU_DISC_HD is blank |
018 | IDoc DISC_UPLOAD: impermissible value in order type struc. E1_ISU_DISC_HD |
019 | No connection object could be determined for the data you entered |
020 | Error occurred during determination of permits |
021 | The confirmation status you entered does not exist |
022 | Confirmation status permissible only for compl. confirm. of reconnection |
023 | Confirmation status permissible only for compl. confirm. of disconnection |
024 | The objects selected were deselected |
025 | The object selection was adjusted |
026 | No new &2 can be created with this &1 |
027 | Technical completion of service order &1 not possible |
028 | Status "not processed" is not possible for service order &1 |
029 | No objects can be included with confirmation status &1 |
030 | Entry for service order completion missing in Customizing for status &1 |
031 | Entry for service order completion missing in Customizing for status &1 |
032 | Disconnection processing variant &1 cannot be determined |
033 | Permit determination not possible for service notifications |
034 | No contract account selected although charges schema &1 exists |
035 | Installation &1 has reason for guarantee of supply |
036 | Disconnection &1 does not exist |
037 | Disconnection type &1 does not exist |
038 | Disconnection activity &1 is not in disconnection document &2 |
039 | No objects included in disconnection activity &1 of disconnection doc. &2 |
040 | Functions for this category of disconnection activity not available |
041 | In processing without dialog you must specify a printer |
042 | Generation of instance for disc.doc. &1 and disc.activity &2 not possible |
043 | At least one object is already involved in another disconnection doc. |
044 | Creditworthiness change could not be executed for business partner &1 |
045 | Object data inconsistent |
046 | User exit returned invalid contract |
047 | Error during creation of budget billing stop |
048 | Error during determination of confirmation status &1 (charge not posted) |
049 | Mass activity &1 &2, started by &3 is already active |
050 | Mass activity type &1 unlocked |
051 | Installation belongs to an outline contract and cannot be disconnected |
052 | Meter Reading Cannot Be Entered for Device &1, Register &2 on &3 &4 |
053 | Disconnection and reconnection not possible on the same day |
054 | A meter reading result cannot be entered for this date |
055 | Reconnection on &1 at &2 is before removal on &3 at &4 |
056 | Document data is inconsistent. Processing is terminated. |
292 | Make a valid selection |
300 | Only one AMI device can be selected in a disconnection order |
301 | Only one AMI device can be selected in a reconnection order |
302 | AMI and non-AMI devices cannot be selected at the same time |
303 | AMI and non-AMI devices cannot be selected at the same time |
304 | Order code and PM plant entries not possible for remote disconnections |
305 | Order code and PM plant entries not possible for remote reconnections |
306 | Remote disconnection not possible for non-AMI devices |
307 | Remote reconnection not possible for non-AMI devices |
308 | Do you really want to trigger immediate disconnection? |
309 | Do you really want to trigger immediate reconnection? |
310 | Remote disconnection not possible for this device |
311 | Remote reconnection not possible for this device |
312 | At least one AMI device must be selected |
313 | Remote action failed |
314 | Action &1 has already ended with action &2 |
400 | ================ messages taken from message class EQ |
401 | Enter either a logic number or an equipment number for the selection |
402 | Disconn. doc. for disconn. reasons 01 and 02 cannot be created manually |
403 | Enter a valid reference object |
404 | Specify the key for the reference object |
405 | The data environment cannot be displayed for the reference object |
406 | The reference object cannot be displayed |
407 | No reference object exists |
408 | Specify the order to be confirmed |
409 | You have terminated entry of the disconnection |
410 | There is no current disconnection document for contract account &1 |
411 | Event "disconn. reason obsolete" cannot be generated for disconn. doc. &1 |
412 | Error during database change of disconnection document with the number &1 |
413 | Enter a future date as a planning date |
414 | Enter a date in the past |
415 | Enter a contract account as reference object for disconnection reason 03 |
416 | Enter a premise as reference object for disconnection reason 02 |
417 | Enter a reference object with a valid category |
418 | Enter a valid reference object |
419 | The system cannot display servic order |
420 | You are not authorized to process disconnection document & |
421 | General error processing disconnection document & |
422 | Disconnection document & is currently blocked |
423 | Installation &2 is not affected by a disconnection on &1 |
424 | Device &2 is not affected by a disconnection on &1 |
425 | No charge category for charge schema &1. Charge not posted |
426 | No objects can be disconnected in data environment of reference object |
427 | Status of disconnection document is not 99 and cannot be changed |
428 | Device &1 has a disconnection status, for which no removal is possible |
429 | The disconnection activity cannot be reveresed |
430 | Incorrect customer implementation in BAdI ISU_AMI_MANUAL_DISC_AMISTAT |
497 | Device action not possible, since device or installation is disconnected |
498 | Disconnection object &1 is not disconnected |
499 | Disconnection object &1 is already disconnected |
500 | Action not possible. Device/installation disconnected more than once |
501 | Device &4 is disconnected from &2 in disconnection document &1. |