EHPRC_CPM_EXP_IMDS - Messages Export - IMDS Integration

The following messages are stored in message class EHPRC_CPM_EXP_IMDS: Messages Export - IMDS Integration.
It is part of development package EHPRC_CP_CORE in software component EHS-MGM-PRC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Compliance for products".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Access denied
003Invalid username or password
004Company group access denied
005Company access denied
006Cannot logon; IMDS is currently unavailble because of maintenance
007Error while saving the source document; repeat the IMDS upload
010No data found for selection criteria
011Wrong compliance status for product &1 (status: &2)
020RFC system failure
021RFC communication failure
022RFC parameter error &2
023Error message from the IMDS Java client
024HTTP error in connection to IMDS
025Error in XML processing: &2&3&4
026IMDS did not provide the expected result file
027Error while processing IMDS result file
028Error while transferring the data to the system: &2&3&4
050Unknonw activity &1
051Activity &1 is not allowed in status &2
052Record &1 for specification &2 is currently locked by user &3
053Error while parsing XML result file &1 (record &2, specification &3)
054Error while reading export parameter for record &1 (specification &2)
055Export log record &1 is more recent than &2
056Exporting file &1 to IMDS
057Importing results file &1 from IMDS
058Orders have to have the status "Marked" or "Waiting" for export
059Creating a raw report for external specifications is not allowed (&1)
099Date error or file error
200XML generation ----------------------------------------------------------
201Error while reading the composition for substance &1 (RECN=&2)
202Error while reading the composition &1
203Error while reading substance data; (substance &1) (RECN=&2)
204Error while reading material logistics data
205Error while generating the XML structure for component &1 (RECN=&2)
206Error while generating the XML structure for semipart &1 (RECN=&2)
207Error while generating the XML structure for material &1 (RECN=&2)
208Error while generating the XML structure for substance &1 (RECN=&2)
220Environment parameter &1 is not defined or has an invalid value
221RFC destination for the IMDS batch client is not defined
222Internal error while looking for IMDS object type
223Specification type &3 is not assigned to an IMDS object type
224No material is assigned to the component &1
225Material &1 for the component &2 cannot be found
226Weight &1 &2 of the component &3 cannot be found or is wrong
227Internal error while reading the specification header
228Unknown IMDS identifier &1
229Internal error while reading SBGV
230Substance &1 does not contain an IMDS node ID
231Substance &1 does not contain % values
232Internal error while processing the substance &1
233Percentage value &1 &2 of the substance &3 is incorrect
234Declaration of weight &1 &2 for the material &3 is incorrect
235Basic material may only be referenced by a product or product part
236Percentage value of the material &1 is incorrect
237Internal error while processing the material &1
238Material &1 is not yet registered in IMDS
239Percentage value &1 &2 of the material &3 is incorrect
240Semicomponent may only be referenced from a product or product part
241Percentage value of the semicomponent &1 is incorrect
242Internal error while processing the semicomponent &1
243Weight declaration &1 &2 of the semicomponent &3 is incorrect
244Percentage value &1 &2 of the semicomponent &3 is incorrect
245Declaration of weight &1 &2 of the component &3 is incorrect
246Missing or invalid amount value for component &3
247Internal error while processing the component &1
248Composition does not contain 100% basic materials or pure substance
249Specification type &1 is assigned to multiple IMDS object categories
250Specification &1 has no prefered supplier for material &2
251Specification &1 has no preferred component for alternative item group &2
252Organizational unit &1 not defined
253Attempt to set up connection to &1 &2 failed
254Report not shipped (&1); cannot ship same report to same receiver twice
255Unit &1 does not correspond to dimension &2
256Invalid decimal format &1 for generation variant &2; use &3 instead
257Invalid date format &1 for generation variant &2; use &3 instead
258Rating for generation variant &1 not found; correct rating for &1
259No unique norm found for value &1. Check your data.
260No recycling information found for material &1
261Internal error while reading SCIP information for component "&1".
262Internal error while reading SCIP information for material "&1".
263No IMDS article category ID found for component "&1"(ECHA category ID &2)
264Material category ID is missing for material "&1".
436User already logged on; multiple sessions are not allowed
636Account suspended
637Password expired
639Password reset
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