EHPRC_CP_IMDS_RES - Message Class for IMDS Results

The following messages are stored in message class EHPRC_CP_IMDS_RES: Message Class for IMDS Results.
It is part of development package EHPRC_CP_IMDS in software component EHS-MGM-PRC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IMDS Advanced Interface Communication".
Message Nr
Message Text
000IMDS Error code &1: &2&3&4
001User &1 is not authorized to enter upload
002Enter a valid mode; use insert, update or replace
003Tag 'Module' not found under �Datasheet�
004You can update, replace, delete, release, or change only your own MDSs
005Cannot replace a productive data sheet/module
006Cannot update/replace/change &1 by &2
007Material data sheet/module locked by another user
008Recipient company ID missing in chapter four data
009Recipient company ID must be an integer
010MDS/module &1 does not exist or is not visible to your company
011Cannot send, propose, or publish modules; release modules internally
012MDS/module is already internally released or published
013Material data sheet is in handshake mode and cannot be released
014No company in list for send/propose
015Cannot send MDS since list contains more than one company; propose MDS
016Cannot update/replace data sheet by module
017Missing a regular top node
018Root of your tree is a referenced node; top node cannot be a reference
019Material can be only referenced at this place
020Cannot create a new substance; creation is not allowed
022Node type cannot be used here
023Attribute 'InstName' missing
024Attribute 'NormCode' missing
025Norm institute name does not exist
026Enter a valid norm code
027Locally referenced material data sheet/module &1 not found
028Attribute �IMDS_ID� or �LocalKeyRef� missing
029Enter a valid �Change� task; use 'Owner Status' or 'Delete'
031Enter a positive integer value as the amount
032Measured weight/weight exceeds or nearly exceeds 1000 t.
033Enter a valid value for the 'Classified' attribute
034Positive integer value expected for �Contact_ID�
035Contact person with ID &1 does not exist
036Positive integer value expected for �OrgID�
037Org. ID &1 does not exist in your company
038Attribute �Contact_ID� missing
039Company does not exist or has been deleted or deactivated: &1
040You cannot enter your own company or org. unit as the recipient
041Enter a valid recipient supplier code for company &1
042Enter a valid part/item/material number for company &1
043&1 is not a valid material category
044Enter a valid supplier code; must be composed of four characters
045Cannot release; contact ID is missing
046Invalid date format; use MM/DD/YYYY or DD.MM.YYYY
047Year in date format has to be >= 1970
048Year in date format has to be <= 2099
049Incorrect month in date format
050Incorrect day in date format
051Incorrect day/month combination in date format
052Year &1 in date format is not a leap year
053Unknown tree node found
054Referenced node is not a &1
055Inserted node already references this module
056Inserted node already referenced in branch
057Inserted node is identical to the top node
059Enter a valid status; use 'Edit', 'Internal', 'Public', 'Send', 'Propose'
060Cannot find material data sheet with user's company as recipient
061Cannot change MDS; status is not 'In Process at Recipient'
062Cannot set required recipient status &1; previous status is kept
064Could not finish "CompleteDD" status upload process; old status remains
065Recipient status invalid; status must be set to 'Accepted' or 'Rejected'
075Substance does not exist: &1
076Value or text too large; expected format: <number or text format>
077Positive integer number expected for attribute: &1
080You are not authorized to enter status upload (CompleteDD)
081Cannot add company &1; company &1 or one of its org.units already in list
082Cannot delete recipient data; company &1 does not exist
083Enter a numeric positive value for the weight, tolerance, or percentage
084&1 is an invalid unit of weight; enter a valid unit of weight
085Enter a valid site code for company: &1
086Enter a valid combination of supplier code and site code for company: &1
087Entered measured weight/weight must be at least 0.001 mg.
088Enter a non-negative decimal or integer number between '0' and '100'
089Cannot mark substances as confidential
091Enter a valid percentage type:<TYPE>; use 'Fix', 'From-To', or 'Rest'
094MDS is in handshake mode; you cannot send or propose this MDS
095Cannot delete material data sheet because it is blocked by CompleteDD
096Enter a valid DGT level; DGT level must be composed of three digits
097Cannot add company: &1
098Cannot insert MDS into tree; MDS is a forwarded version of existing MDS
103Cannot replace; material data sheet already sent or proposed
104Enter a valid 'Type' in 'Chap4'; use 'Modify', 'Delete' or 'Add'(default)
105Illegal application code 'ApplCode� for substance 'SubstID�
106Enter a valid value for 'PolymericMark' attribute; Yes, No, NotApplicable
107You cannot specify more than one recyclate element per material
108Referenced node does not contain material 'MatID'
109Referenced node does not contain substance 'SubstID'
110Enter at least one percentage value for recyclate
112Enter a positive number or a local key for the material ID
113Sum of recyclate minimum values exceeds 100%
114Both recyclate maximum values are zero; ranges are not valid
115Attribute IMDS_ID missing
116Enter a valid request task
117Request with this ID does not exist
118MDS is already assigned to this request; unassign this MDS first
119Cannot assign MDS; request status is not set to 'Received'
120You cannot assign/unassign an MDS to/from your own request
121MDS does not exist or is not visible to your company: �IMDS_ID�
122You are not the owner of this MDS
124MDS type in request does not match the current MDS type
125No MDS assigned to this request
126Cannot unassign MDS; request status is not set to 'Working'
127Enter recipient data of requesting company
128Cannot assign material data sheet to this request
129Recipient data in MDS different to request or missing: &1
130You can send/modify/delete only your own requests
131Request can be sent only if its status is 'New' or 'Rejected'
132Cannot create/modify request; attribute value not found: &1
133Request can be changed only if its status is 'New' or 'Rejected'
134Request can be rejected only in status 'Received'
135Cannot change recipient data in current status
136You cannot change data; material data sheet is in handshake mode
137You cannot make changes; material data sheet is productive
138You cannot add or modify supplier data; MDS is in handshake mode
139Unicode character found in &1
140Cannot delete MDS since one of the recipient companies has accepted it
141Cannot delete recipient data of company; company already accepted MDS
142Referenced materials and substances are not allowed at the same level
143Attribute 'RecipPartNo' missing in recipient data
144Recipient co. ID must be from your own company or one of your org. IDs
145Enter a valid value for 'Type' attribute at 'CreateRequest'
146You cannot reject your own request
147Cannot delete request; status of request is &1
148Request cannot be processed; attribute value not found: &1
149MDS already sent or proposed to requestor
150Your company does not own the supplier org.; ID specified in the request
151Module cannot be assigned to a request; MDS expected
153Changed MDS is assigned to a request
156Cannot replace material data sheet since it is assigned to a request
157Change of supplier company root not allowed for request status 'Rejected'
158Supplier company ID in req. cannot be your own co. or one of its org. IDs
159You cannot send a request to your own company or one of its org. IDs
161Non-empty alphanumeric value expected for attribute <ATTRIBUTE>
162Enter valid value for 'ProcessChemType' attribute for substance
163This company organzation ID is not permitted to publish this MDS type
164Contact person with ID &1 is REACH-only
165Enter a valid specific weight type; use 'kgm', 'kgm2', or 'kgm3'
166Enter a specific weight type
168Enter a numeric positive value for the specific weight
666Error in &1; unexpected error occurred; contact system administrator
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