EIT_IMPORT - Extensibility Template: Import

The following messages are stored in message class EIT_IMPORT: Extensibility Template: Import.
It is part of development package S_EIT_IMPORT in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-ET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Extensibility Template: Import related functionality".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Persist of Header for Template &1 (&2) failed.
002Status update &3, action &4 of Header for Template &1 (&2) failed.
003Persist of Items for Template &1 (&2) failed.
004Status update (&4) of Item for Template &1 (&2) failed. File name: &3
005Persist of Job for Template &1 (&2) failed.
006Status update (&3) of Job for Template &1 (&2) failed.
007Could not determine existence of ATO item &1 (&2).
008Could not determine status for template &1 (&2).
009Invalid item template &1 of template &2 (&3).
010Item template file &1 has not been prepared for execution.
011Failed to determine activation order for template &1 (&2) in operation &3
012Could not read template item file for template &1 (&2).
013ZIP file does not contain a valid extensibility template.
014Failed to save template &1(&2).
015Failed to read manifest file for template &1(&2).
016Import action &1 is invalid for template &2(&3).
017Import action &1 is not allowed in status &2 for template &3(&4).
018Action cannot be started in status &1 for template &2(&3).
019Action cannot be set to finished in status &1 for template &2(&3).
020Internal error in template &1(&2).
021Action &1 is not allowed for template &2(&3). Expected action is &4.
022Deletion of template &1(&2) is not allowed in status &3.
023Template &1(&2) does not exist.
024Deletion of template &1(&2) failed.
025Import function cannot be locked due to system failure.
026Template &1(&2) cannot be locked for editing due to system failure.
027Operation failed. Template &1(&2) could not be locked.
028Editing is not allowed in this system.
029Processing of step &1 failed.
030Locking of Template &1(&2) started.
031Locking of Template &1(&2) finished.
032Execution of step &1.
033Duration of step &1: &2 seconds.
034Import action &1 is not supported by import chain processing.
035Failed to create job for &1; return code &2.
036Failed to release job &1 for &2; return code &3.
037Failed to determine status of job &1 for &2; return code &3.
038Persist of upload Job &1 failed.
039Status update &1 of upload Job (&2) for &3 failed.
040Read of upload Job &1 for &2 failed.
041Read of upload Job for Template &1 (&2) failed.
042Action &1 initiated by user &2 and executed by user &3.
043No jobs found for template &1 (&2).
046Failed to cancel job &1 for &2.
047Failed to rectify job &1 for &2.
048Failed to delete job &1 for &2; return code &3.
049Template content already exists as Template &1 (&2).
050You're not authorized to schedule a job for report &1 with user &2.
051Processing action &1 finished.
052Processing action &1 failed.
053Item type &1 not contained in template.
054Not all items of item type &1 use the same service name and version.
055BOM determination failed.
056ATO Service not configured.
057Unlocking of items failed; responsible component &1.
058Operation only possible for current version &1 of Template &2.
059Processing of import chain stopped due to error in step execution.
060Could not determine whether generation lock is set.
061Template Ids are exhausted.
062Could not reserve new template id.
063Template with description &1&2 does not exists.
064Description &1&2 is not unique.
065Could not determine unique template description.
066Could not determine check action.
067Failed to set lock for ATO items
068Executed step &1 / &2.
069User &1 releases all locks of template &1(&2) via support transaction.
070Release of &1 failed.
071Release of &1 succeeded.
072Operation not permitted; missing authorization.
073Removed lock of Template &1(&2).
074Setting ATO lock (id &1) for all items started.
075Setting ATO lock (id &1) finished.
076Removed ATO lock (id &1).
077Locking of item types started.
078Locking of item types finished.
079Removed locks of item types.
080Cancelled job, as maximum waiting time exceeded.
081Synchronized persisted job status &1 with actual job status &2.
082Reusing existing ATO lock (id &1).
083Item &1(&2) is used in template &3. Complete action of template &3 first.
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